Conversions Tables
Now for the conversion table
As I am normally writing about food and cooking I am therefore giving you the Volumes and Weights
These conversions have been slightly rounded for easier measuring.
Let us start with the Volume
US = Metric
1/4 tsp = 1 ml
1/ 2 tsp = 2 ml
1 tsp = 5 ml
1 Tbsp = 15 ml
2 Tbsp = 30 ml
1/4 cup = 60 ml
1/3 cup = 80 ml
1/2 cup = 120 ml
2/3 cup = 160 ml
3/4 cup = 180 ml
1 cup = 240 ml
Now for the Weights
US = Metric
1 oz = 30 g
2 oz = 60 g
4 oz = 115 g (1/4 lb)
5 oz = 145 g (1/3 lb
6 oz = 170 g
7 oz = 200 g
8 oz = 230 g (1/2 lb)
10 oz = 280 g
12 oz = 340 g (2/3 lb)
14 oz = 400 g
16 oz = 455 g (1 lb)
2.2 lb = 1 Kg
Common Oven Temperatures
Deg F = Deg C = Gas mark
140 = 60 = -
325 = 160 = 3
350 = 180= 4
375 = 190 = 5
400 = 200 = 6
425 = 220 = 7
450 = 230 = 8
475 = 240 = 9
500 = 260 = -
In answer to several requests
This hub was written as a direct follow on from
The Vegetarian Two Pot Casserole
The above photo comprises of the following items,
Start at 12 o'clock, you will see a baby Patty Pan, which is known as Vegetable Marrows and part of the summer squash family. These can be recognised by there distinctive flying saucer shape and the fluted edges.
They do grow to large sizes, but with the advent of new style eating and cooking, it has become popular when small. Use also get the green skin variety but i find them a bit bitter.
Nutritional value, contains protein, calcium, vitamin C, plus other mineral and B vitamins. The Vitamin C is lost in cooking.
Making it an ideal summer salad vegetable eaten whole.
Baby Gem short for Baby Gem Squash, another summer squash, normally large as a tennis ball, but again picked very young, while the outer skin is tender, as the grew larger the skin becomes harder.
The same nutritional values as the petty pans.
At about six o'clock you have the sugar snap peas. Which are a slightly larger version of the mange tout, they are related and both need to be eaten very young,
The mange tout are thinner skinned and flatter bodies the peas iside are very tiny and sweet, best eaten whole.
The sugar snap or snow peas have a slightly thicker outside skin but toatally edible unlike the standard peas
Nutrinal value, contain Protion,Vitinan C Carotene B Complex excepy B12, iron and other essential minerals.
Baby marrows, commonly called Courgette. Zucchini, this is also a summer squash and has the same nutritional values.,
Again they can grow to very large sizes, best eaten young as they tend to get slightly bitter as they get older.
Choice of Rice
The Rice Story
My rice of choice is non polished or parboiled Basmati Rice for two reasons, there is more fiber in this rice as not all of the husk has been removed,and secondly as it is not parboiled, which means that most or all of the nutritional values is not lost.
If the have added vitamins and other nutrients, it means that they have in the processing of each grain being perfect. It really means that rice has been husked chemical vitamins and minerals put into the ground bleached rice flour then through an extruding machine to produce that "so that every grain is perfect" end product.
That is why it cooks so quickly and you do not have to soak it and pick out the bits of loose husk from the rice.