Food Freedom Manifesto
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed, by their creator, with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”
~Preamble to the Declaration of Independent of the United States of America
Food Freedom
Freedom. Our nation’s declaration of independence reflects our basic values as citizens of these United States of America. We believe firmly in liberty; hold fast to our freedom. Freedom of choice. Freedom to choose what you put into your body as fuel. FOOD FREEDOM!
Forget the food commandments handed down by a corrupt government influenced by lobbyists ... we need FOOD FREEDOM!
We are tired of being bombarded by celebrities, social media influencers, and food advertising executives. The messages are either repetitive or so conflicting that we do not know what to do or which way to turn. WE ARE NOT ALL THE SAME, save for our ability to choose. Our freedom.
I encourage you to forget all about the thousands of food campaigns begging for your food vote. Those talking heads shouting: Sugar is bad! Artificial sweeteners are bad! Carbohydrates are bad! Fat is bad! Meat is bad! Farmed fish eat human waste. Rice is poisoned with arsenic. Romaine is contaminated with e-Coli. Forget the food commandments handed down by a corrupt government influenced by lobbyists. What we need is FOOD FREEDOM!
Engage yourself in the food choices for you and your family based on the needs of you and your family. You know best what foods help you thrive, energize you for work, school, and play. You know how to shop without being brainwashed by propaganda, consumer psychology, and food advertisements.
How do you make food decisions?
How do you make food decisions when purchasing meals and/or groceries?
Exercise Your Freedom!
Exercise your freedom of choice: Choose fresh foods. Choose local foods, when possible. Try growing your own food, if you are so inclined. Choose a variety of foods to encourage a balanced diet. Educate yourself based on real data: micronutrient content, macronutrients, and your bodies reaction to the foods chosen. Choose ingredients that create meals that bring families together, whether that is at the table or in a park or wherever dinner needs to be for your busy family tonight. Last, but not least, be willing to take responsibility for bad food choices when you make them. We all want to enjoy life and share in sociocultural events, but it is up to you to take your health and nutrition seriously. No one else will.
Exercise your freedom of voice: Tell your grocers and area market retailers what foods you are looking for. Customer demand drives sales. If they do not have it, ask for it. If they will not get it, shop elsewhere. Ask friends, neighbors, and peers if they would consider bartering for farmed foods. Perhaps you can swap sundries or talents. Communicate within your community, letting those driving the food market know what is important for you and your family. This is YOUR health, your family’s health, no one else should dictate how and what you eat, least of all an advertising executive or celebrity!
Let Freedom Ring at the Register!
Food freedom:
Exercise your freedom of choice. Exercise your freedom of voice.
Let freedom ring at the register!
© 2019 Corinne Heymann