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Instant Pot Taco Soup!

Updated on February 16, 2019
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Rebecca loves sharing what she knows about alternative medicine, health, frugal living, fun, animals, and how to live a better life!

Instant Pot Taco Soup

I'm pretty sure you'll love this soup!

We love Mexican food in our family and we love a thick hearty soup that eats like a meal. This Instant Pot Taco Soup tastes like a taco!

This soup was almost a total accident, I mean I started to panic thinking I couldn't make it become anything remotely edible. I needed to make something filling to feed a few people and was short on time and ingredients. There wasn't time for me to run to the store. So, I started thinking about what was in the pantry, what did I have on hand? I started to google search Instant Pot Soups. I wanted to make something thick and filling. So I located one recipe online and thought ok, I can make this. 10 minutes into making it, I realized I was missing most of the ingredients it called for, so I just threw caution to the wind and changed the entire thing. I'm not new to the Instant Pot world or making soups in it. So what was the worst that could happen? I did have a slight moment of panic though.

What resulted was a fantastic soup! Everyone scarfed it down. It easily made 8-10 servings of a cup each but I have a husband and two teens in the house, so everyone ate double! It also seems that since I haphazardly threw it together there is plenty of room for changes and modifications. Don't let the recipe intimidate you. It's easy, it's fast, it tastes great and it's filling.

Be sure to check out more of my Instant Pot recipes at the bottom of this article. Using a pressure cooker makes cooking so fast and so much more enjoyable. I'm not a cook. I don't like to spend hours slaving away in a kitchen unless it's something I'm dying to make. You can have this done and on the table in just over an hour. It's getting added to my comfort food montage of soup recipes. Is it healthy? Probably not. The dairy content and salt is a bit questionable, but who cares. Sometimes you can splurge!

Cook Time

Prep time: 15 min
Cook time: 1 hour
Ready in: 1 hour 15 min
Yields: 8-10


  • 1 lb Ground beef/or Meatless Crumbles
  • 1 medium White Onion, Diced
  • 1 pack Taco Seasoning
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1/2 tsp onion powder
  • 1 tsp ranch dressing dry mix
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tsp pepper
  • 4 cups chicken broth
  • 2 cups Pasta, cooked
  • 1 can diced tomatoes with green chili's, undrained
  • 1 can black beans, drained
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 tablespoons corn starch
  • 9.5 ouces Queso white cheese, melted
  • 1 can diced tomatos the kind used for chili


  1. Cook the pasta as directed. I use the Instant Pot Mini duo for this while using my large IP, but if you don't have two just do the pasta first. Cover with water, add about 1/2 tsp butter and cook on 3 minutes high pressure, do a quick release. Set the cooked pasta aside you will add this later. Set the Instant Pot to saute, and brown your meat. If you're using meatless meat cook it the same way (only you don't have to drain it). For regular meat drain the fat.
  2. Dice your onion. Add this and the taco seasoning to the IP with the meat and saute it for 5-7 minutes. Do not add any water to the taco seasoning, just dump the whole dry pack in.
  3. Now add all the spices to the IP, salt, pepper, garlic powder, ranch mix. Now add the canned chili's, diced tomatos, and drained beans. Also add the 4 cups of chicken broth. Give it a good stir.
  4. Set your Instant Pot to high pressure, and cook for 7-8 minutes. When the time is up, let it rest for 7 minutes then release the remaining pressure.
  5. In another container, mix your milk with the corn starch.
  6. Set the IP back to sautee mode, and add the milk/corn starch mixture and the cheese. Stir until well blended. Now add your noodles. Stir until well combined.
  7. Serve in bowls and top with your favorite toppings. We add crumbled corn chips, sour cream, avacado, cilantro, hot sauce, or whatever else your heart desires!

Substitutions, changes, or adjustments...

These are just my thoughts on this recipe for modifying it.

If you don't have chicken stock on hand, use 3-4 bouillon cubes per 4 cups of water.

If you don't have black beans, use garbanzo beans, or canned corn.

You can still use any type of cheese on hand, sharp cheddar would work, but the white queso really makes it pop.

The spices you can eyeball. I didn't use precise measuring, I just eyeballed the general amount and tossed it in.

Use any pasta you like. We used Penne because that's what I happened to have.

I made this recipe with meatless crumbles because I'm vegetarian not vegan. None of my carnivores noticed until I ate it! Ha!

Get creative with your toppings and enjoy this soup.

Almost gone!

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© 2019 Rebecca


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