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Popovers that Puff Up Magically

Updated on October 7, 2017
Athlyn Green profile image

Athlyn loves "all things bread" and shares her tips and recipes for homemade bread, quick breads, and all varieties in between.

A Puff Filled With Yummy Ingredients is Truly Special

Turkey and gravy can be slipped into a popover.
Turkey and gravy can be slipped into a popover. | Source

When you want a little something different to serve with dinner, Yorkshire puffs make a nice addition to the menu.

Yorkshire puffs or popovers are a great accompaniment to roast beef or turkey dinner. These puffy menu items are also known as Yorkshire puddings; although no actual pudding is involved. This is likely a reference to the beef gravy used to fill the centers of the puffs.

Popovers truly are completely unique. They do not have the texture of a biscuit, they do not have the texture of a cake. They are unlike anything that is commonly served at table. Slip these "puffies" into the oven and watch them magically expand. If you have young ones, they will love to watch the popovers "pop up" as they cook. Popovers have such a wow factor, your family will request them often.

Golden Brown Popovers

Children and adults alike enjoy watching how  popovers expand to impressive heights  as they cook.
Children and adults alike enjoy watching how popovers expand to impressive heights as they cook. | Source

What's the Secret?

When someone sees popovers for the first time, they usually marvel at how high they rise and wonder what makes them do this. The secret is in the air that is incorporated into the batter prior to cooking.

How to Make Yorkshire Puffs

Place into blender or food processor:

3 eggs

1 cup milk

1 cup sifted flour

1/2 tsp. salt

As can be seen, just a few simple ingredients are needed. Set your blender on high and mix until frothy, about 1-3 minutes. Spray muffin tins with cooking spray and pour in batter. Make sure you use cooking spray because puffs tend to stick.


Fill muffin tins half full. You need to leave enough room so that as batter expands as it cooks, it doesn't run over sides of the tin.

Cooking Tips

Bake in a hot oven (400 degrees) about 30-50 minutes, until puffs are golden brown. (Reduce heat, as needed, if you test middles and find they are still raw.) Popovers need to bake long enough to hold their shape.

Remove from oven. If puffs have to sit for any length of time, make a small slit in the side to let steam escape.

Never Made Popovers?

If you've never made them, the video below will give you a visual. As can be seen, they mix up in minutes and can also be made with a whisk. This video discusses why steam is important to high popovers.

Puffy Popovers

How to Serve Popovers

While traditionally served alongside of a meat dish, really, the sky is the limit, as far as what to put in your popovers.


  • The more commonly known Yorkshire Puffs are traditionally served with a roast beef dinner. Puffs are slit and roast gravy is poured into the hollow cavity.
  • Add turkey and gravy.
  • Add sliced chicken and gravy.
  • Add stuffing and gravy.
  • Add creamed peas.

Popovers are a perfect accompaniment with roast.
Popovers are a perfect accompaniment with roast. | Source


With eggs as an ingredient, popovers can be enjoyed for breakfast.

  • Puffs can also be enjoyed served warm from the oven with butter and jam.
  • A "kid favorite," fill centers with syrup.
  • Add scrambled eggs.
  • Add scrambled eggs mixed with cheese. Cut a piece of cooked bacon in half and place the two pieces on top of the eggs or top eggs with cooked, crumbled bacon.
  • Place a sunnyside up egg inside.

If you fill popovers and then put the "lids" on, kids will enjoy discovering what breakfast awaits inside.



  • Fill puffs with custard and fruit for popover trifle.
  • Popovers are delicious filled with strawberries and whipping cream.

Have You Ever Made Pop-Overs?

See results


For Perfect Results
Incorporate air
Make sure pan is room temperature
Use cooking spray

Have You Ever Eaten Yorkshire Puddings?

See results

Why Popovers?

I love how easy these are to whip up. Truly, it takes just minutes to prepare popover batter and these make a perfect and interesting-looking accompaniment to meals.

© 2008 Athlyn Green


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