Olympic Games in Delhi.

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  1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    The Commonwealth Games, to be held in Delhi has at last been confirmed and the participating countries have been convinced by the tireless efforts of the organizing committee and local authorities.

    The games start on October 3, 2010 and ends on 14th. Ever-since the  preparations began two months ago, Delhi experienced heavy rains and over-flooding in the Jamuna river. Added to these woes, Delhi saw a terrorist attack near the Jama mosque in old Delhi. There were reports that terrorist strikes are expected during the games, endangering the security of the sports-persons. Nothing deterred the organizing committee and work went on in the games village. The only hurdle was the rains, which slowed the transport of men and materials to the work site. 

    Knowing all these, some countries described India as "dirty" and several other objectionable words were showered. One said that a stray dog stayed on a bed in the room meant for the players. One said that some organizing committee people urinated in public. One said that the toilets, bathrooms, bedrooms were dirty and unfit for use. Almost the entire nation had to bow their heads in shame on these accusations. 

    Some explanations for the shortcomings are here. From the remotest village to the most affluent areas of India, dogs are used for security reasons.  No man can face a security threat like a dog... but NZ chose to describe them as stray-dogs. There were more than 100 dogs in the games village during construction, which provided security cover to the materials and workers. It would have taken more than 100 security personnel, if dogs were not there. The dogs have since been removed, as the construction has come to a close.

    During construction of any building anywhere in the world, no place will be clean. The workers may have spit or sprayed some dust, while working. For this, will they have to go out of the village and return after spitting or else? Then it will waste more time. Had any one urinated in public places, that cant be justified; but when a whole village is under construction, how will the workers and authorities attend to nature's calls? Should they travel a mile to go out and settle their worries.

    Even if the accusers are justified in their accusations, it is the worry of the organising committee only and the touring sports authorities need not interfere. Whenever an international event takes place anywhere in the world, do Indians go there and "inspect" their arrangements? Why should they come in advance and shower useless accusations when the games are more than a fortnight away?  India should not have allowed them to inspect the constructions and other places in advance. 

    India's prestige do not lay in conducting the commonwealth games. There are more to be proud in India for the Indians. We treat the Commonwealth games as just a game only and it does not reflect our national prestige.

    If the Olympic games are held in Delhi in future, it will be the fittest place for that.  One of the  Australian sports authorities have said that it is better in Delhi than in Beijing, which hosted the last Olympics.  He is said to have retracted later.

  2. SiddSingh profile image60
    SiddSinghposted 14 years ago

    Your rant adds insult to injury - it is like rubbing a heap of salt on festering open wounds - and then piss on it.

    I have no idea why you need to explain all this.

    "tireless efforts of the organizing committee"??

    If even they had known how to spell "tireless" correctly, the situation would not have been so pitiful as it is today. They are a bunch of useless nincompoops - who have not even an iota of regard for the nation's honor. I would use stronger, and appropriate language if forum rules permitted so.

    And to think they spent more than 11 billion dollars to give us such a royal screw!

    "Olympic Games in India"??

    Forget it.

    1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      We are at liberty to find fault with our government, with our authorities, and with our politicians.  But we should not let foreigners portray a bad picture about our country.  We should not have let the commonwealth authorities to pre-inspect the games village.

      1. SiddSingh profile image60
        SiddSinghposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        A better solution would be to bury our collective heads in sand. If no one sees anything, it will mean everything is OK. Meanwhile, we will sweep everything under the carpet - like we do every time.

        I am ashamed of this mentality.

        What were we (did you notice I am using a collective - WE) doing for the last 7 years? What were the powers that be were doing? Lining their pockets?

        I am ashamed when Lalit Bhanot has the temerity to say that hygiene standards differ in India from the Western standards - crap in bedroom must be his standard, not mine, not Indian.

      2. qeyler profile image66
        qeylerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Here's your mistake. Suppose there was no inspection and the story was broken by the media or the athletes.  This would make matters worse. The fact is those entrusted with monitoring the accomodations and venues fell down on the job.  You have had quite a long time to inspect and correct, you didn't.

  3. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Why they feel bad when Commonwealth  committee openly says india doesn't deserve it ? are you ignoring how cheap politicians & organizers we elected ? Why prestige of any country selectively adjusts itself to only good things ? It is same excuse when any religious person kicks a terrorist out of his religion saying - terrorists have no religion. You have to accept it when things are wrong. There is no need to pump up ego to defend this crap.


    1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Things may be wrong.. but how can we allow some others to describe India as "dirty", "do not deserve it....", etc.?

      Which Commonwealth country deserve it more than India? Are there no dogs in those countries? Do they not stray into places? 

      All these happen only because our own people bring disrepute by their bad work and bad comments.  First we must set our house in order, at the same time should not allow foreigners to portray us in bad light.

  4. TerryGl profile image59
    TerryGlposted 14 years ago

    Well if thats the case all the photographs we have seen on television are false. I saw a photograph of a toilet that was filthy, a hand basin that looked like it come from the back of a mechanics shop and a bed with dog foot prints on it. What did the dog pass through to leave those footprints.

    I also saw footage of a major footbridge collapse and roads that were cover with debris.

    I also saw security at an airport. Five women gaurds and about four men with one who had a machine gun.

    I am no psychic, but all I can see is bad times ahead. My personal view is Australia should not go, because how can you stop religious zealots on motor cycles driving past a bus stopped in traffic and shooting people. We all saw what happend to the cricket teams bus.

    You did not win me over at all with you starting this thread, sorry..

    1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Photographs seen in the media relate to initial and middle periods of construction. You can comment badly only when the place is handed over with all the shortcomings,  to you officially.  Why do you come in advance and cause embarrassment to the workers, organizing committee, government and Indians as  a whole?

      Will you not take into account the continuous rains that lashed the country for over a month just before the work started?  How can men and materials reach the work-site and how can construction go on during the rains?

      The name "commonwealth" indicates the dark periods in India's history. So, we should not have been a part of that group at the initial stages itself.  Imagine commonwealth without India.... you will feel the difference.

      1. SiddSingh profile image60
        SiddSinghposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Why do you need to defend the OC - even the Government of India is not defending it.

        Keep flogging the dead horse - it will not get up and start running.

        1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
          VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          There are more optimists and a handful of  pessimists in India.

    2. blondepoet profile image69
      blondepoetposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I must be blind I saw all this too, and terrorist attacks.

      1. Ultimate Hubber profile image70
        Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        I saw an Australian Journalist carrying explosives into the ground just to expose the security situation. I am sure there will be more security once the event begins but what if someone blows the place before the starting?

        1. skyfire profile image76
          skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Nah. You guys are thinking way too much.

          Terrorists will attack based on the decision of the ayodhya court case. If that decision gets postponed then i see no reason they'll attack any place in india. This stuff is way too calculated for any assumptions like "what if".

          1. Ultimate Hubber profile image70
            Ultimate Hubberposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Terrorist have attacked cities of India before also. The exercise of this journalist got me worried though.

            1. skyfire profile image76
              skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this

              I know. But there is no reason to worry about now.

    3. qeyler profile image66
      qeylerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Usain will not be there, as well as a number of important athletes

  5. Doug Hughes profile image60
    Doug Hughesposted 14 years ago

    NP was reporting yesterday that child labor was common and accepted in the construction. The whole thing is a disgrace.

    1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Child labour should be prevented. But we should not spray overall accusations without knowing the facts. Have we seen the birth certificates of those labourers?  Even if it is so, the c.w. organising committee is answerable to the authorities.

      1. skyfire profile image76
        skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        LOL. Don't argue for the sake of it. Do you want me to take pictures of nearby constructions in mumbai ? or you want me to ask their birth certificates ?

        1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
          VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Instead of taking pictures and assessing the ages of the labourers, we can do something useful.  Just to shower accusations on other countries, dont blame anything and everything.  You are to expect the games. But you are expecting how everything else is going on here.

          1. skyfire profile image76
            skyfireposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            Wrong. It's not just about the game. If it is then why there is problem to host this game in pakistan or near laden's backyard ?
            It's not just about the game. You are arguing for the sake of it. We have a problem here in our country and rest of the countries are not going to sit still to focus only on games.

  6. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Why not ? Don't you think we have some cities too dirty that even we can't defend ? I found old town in spain just like old parts in pune and mumbai and for that reason i even say there are lot of dirty and worst places in spain. I do have a right to say that irrespective of any borders & citizenship. But just because any American or Britain points me to those dirty places from my country then i'm not going to defend myself by showing them sector 16 or IT parks to pump up ego for the sake of it.

    I am not one of those who live in denial for the sake of patriotism.

    Plenty of countries in Europe can host instead of india. Even south Africans did good job with fifa world cup. India is too corrupted and lost it's path to host any international events.

    They do. But refuting with such point is naive especially when commonwealth screwed up because of cheap politicians.

    You sound like those RSS activist who talk about fake pride and ego in the name patriotism. Does it hurts badly if someone shows dirt and cheap politics in our country ? I'm always open for criticism be it constructive or destructive - because former gives me chance to improve while later entertains me during boredom.

    1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I think there is no Commonwealth country in Europe except UK.  The games may have been held in London itself.

      We in India dont want any games or other entertainment by foreigners. But everyone should understand that a country with a thick population of 1.1 billion in a limited area is bound to have several negatives. You foreigners should limit yourself to good places only.  Why do you stand by the toilet and take unnecessary photos.  Because you are bound to be questioned by authorities in good places, you go to filthy places and take dirty  photos.  In future, take the photos of Taj Mahal, Parliament house, Rashtrapathy Bhavan, Brindavan gardens of Mysore, beautiful beaches of Kerala and Goa, and tourist destinations in Ooty, Kodaikanal, Mysore, Bangalore, forts around Pune, temples in Konark, Puri, Varanasi, Mathura, etc,.

      For a billion people of India, there a million beautiful places to see. But  foreigners come and roam around in dirty and filthy places with a camera where police will not question them. 

      The RSS is not the only organisation which preaches patriotism.  Every educated person, who know about foreign invasions, how Indians were tortured during foreign rule, how Indians' wealth were drained for over several centuries, will be a patriot. 

      I am not a member or activiist of RSS.

      1. lrohner profile image67
        lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        Um, I don't think the athletes are expected to stay at the Taj Mahal or the other places you mentioned. So maybe that's why people are concerned?

        1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
          VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

          The athlets are here to participate in the games only and not to take filthy and dirty photos where construction work was going on, and exhibiting them in their own media.

          If you want to take photos, then go to those places. 

          Even an inexperienced photographer asks us to stand straight, dress up, smile, and then click.  He never takes a photo where things are  in a bad shape.

          1. lrohner profile image67
            lrohnerposted 14 years agoin reply to this

            LOL! You obviously don't keep up with TMZ. smile

            These photogs did not go to India to take pretty pictures. They went to see the athlete's accommodations and all of the other stuff revolving around these games. And that is what they took pictures of.

  7. ngureco profile image78
    ngurecoposted 14 years ago

    India is capable of resolving the problems in the games’ and the games would turn out to be a success. They had seven years to prepare but they did not do much until now. Why?

    People of different countries have different cultures. What may seem normal to Indians may not be workable with visitors from outside India, and seriously, the organizing committee of the games should address that urgently.

    If South Africa succeeded in hosting the football world cup, why should the huge India not succeed with hosting commonwealth games?

    1. sofs profile image77
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Without going into the specifics the whole world knows that the corruption that is rife in India is killing everything that is good.  Unless this is stemmed out, it the will bring the country down to its knees.
      It is a sad statement on a country and its people. The world is not interested in specifics, they are watching to see if India can ever do any thing well.....At the end of the day the want the Games to go on without  glitches, the athletes well looked after  everything in its place...will it happen??

      Wishing is not enough what are the ground realities???

    2. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In South Africa there will be no one to get a "same side goal".  So they succeeded in hosting the football world cup games.

      Only those who have not given a paisa as bribe will say there is corruption.  If you had to pay any bribe anywhere, why did you pay it? Is not paying bribe a crime? Is taking bribe only a crime?  If you had to pay bribe, why did you not report it to the concerned authorities? In every state, there is the Directorate of Vigilance and Anti-corruption.  You should report it (if you or anyone else have to pay a bribe) to the above authorities.

      Showering overall accusations will invite defamation case.

  8. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    I know that but my point was about holding such events in places where these games will not be compromised by the politicians.

    Speak for yourself. I want EPL,Fifa to organize events here. Cricket, Soccer and some popular games in india are from outside. Hockey and some other games have origins in india.I don't want to limit myself to those games only.

    WOW. At one point you talk about prestige and other things about our country and on second you try to defend with this point. My point is why are you defending these politicians ?

    Why is that ?

    People who take such photos are showing the reality of our country. There is huge difference between definition of hygiene in developed countries and 3rd world country.

    Wrong. Police are not going to limit any foreigner to take pictures in any places. Unless that place is religious. Your point about limiting people to good place is moot. You  talk about optimism in one side and show cognitive dissonance on the other side.

    Foreign rule ? Be specific. India was ruled by British, dutch and french kingdom for a specific period. Just because we were under rule by some another country doesn't mean we should keep on hating foreigners. You have hatred inside you because of the history. Those things are gone. If you are educated then you know where to draw the line. Are you one of those type who keep on hating people based on events in past ? You are not in slavery anymore. They are not draining money from you. Grow up. Admit where things are wrong and deal with it.

    I'm sorry about that.

    1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      In any field, there are good men as well as bad men.  In politics also, there are Dr.Manmohan Singh and Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam on one side and Lollu Prasad Yadav and Mayawathi on the other side. For that should we brand everyone as corrupt?  Why take corrupt only. As a whole, we should concentrate on the development of the country and nothing else. By saying repeatedly about corrupt politicians, what can we get? Will they turn innocent overnight?  For them, do the foreigners have any right to accuse India in petty matters? Sports are just a form of entertainment. That is all. That should not overstep its limits.

      Dont you know about foreign rule? In 1091, Md.Ghori invaded India; from then onwards, India was under  foreign rule and everyone drained the wealth.  Have not you heard about camel loads of gems going out of India from Somnathpur to Kabul? Arabs, Turks, Persians and Afgans all ruled India at one time or other till British came to India.

      The main defect in Indian polity is most people are innocent, ignorant and motivated.  No one seems to have India in their hearts. 

      Politicians are also common people,  Politicians did not compromise the games. It is the continuous rains, floods and lack of coordination among various administrative units that compromised it. However, have not all the shortcomings set right in a short period.?   

      Any   work should not be evaluated mid-way. It should be evaluated only at the end of the work and just before the games begin.

      1. SiddSingh profile image60
        SiddSinghposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        That is the whole point - due to the shit-headedness of a few people, the whole country is being tarred with the same brush. That include you too - whether you like the fact or not. Even if you chose to be nonchalant and ostrich-inspired.

        What do you mean? Rs 60,000 crores (13 billion dollars) were spent on these games. Where do you think the money is coming from? I do not give away 30% of my income as taxes to blow away in this manner.


        Mid way? The games were awarded in 2003. They are going to start in 10 days time. Is this MID WAY???

  9. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    Commonwealth games... it is not the main issue before the Indian people. We all are preoccupied with other serious things. Terrorist menace, Kashmir separatists, Change of climate resulting in heavy rains and melting of Himalayan glaciers, (which will one day prove to be the gravest) Chinese soldiers in Gilgit, Pakistan donating portion of Kashmir territory to China, and several other things are biting the bones of every Indian. Amidst all these, the so-called commonwealth is going to hold games from 3rd of October.

    Citing some shortcomings mid-way during the construction of the games village, some foreigners came unnecessarily to "inspect" the site and poured a lot of accusations about Indian preparations. They even strayed into Indian internal affairs that politicians were corrupt in India. Then how did 72 countries receive 36 crores of Rupees as bribe for playing in India? Are they not corrupt?

    The Americans (USA) are wiser as they stayed away from Commonwealth. Had it joined it, it would also be subjected to accusations by smaller and smallest countries. The Commonwealth entity is an unnecessary organization, having no purpose, only reminding British rule. It should wrap up its existence with the closing of the Commonwealth games in Delhi. Or at least India should quit it.

  10. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Yes. We should brand those politicians as corrupt. 9 out of 10 Indian politicians are corrupt. If you are living in denial then you'll refute my point just for the sake of it. Mr kalam, Mr manmohan singh are one of those rare political species in india. Go to the nearest municipal corporation or any other government office and see if you can manage to do any work done without bribe or without any references. Go to any politicians and tell them about the problem in your area and see if they can help you with that without any financial interest. I doubt that. That's corruption for you, so don't try to think about issues from that side of fence.

    Because we are breathing and trying to survive among corrupt and cunning people. We're not among those optimists anymore. This country is on the verge on anarchy - be it political or religious.

    Yes foreigners do have a right. Because india is still safe for foreigners despite the fact that there are plenty of cases of rape, stealing and misguiding that is going on. Do you want to declare this nation as not suitable for tourism ? Then i can perfectly understand your refutation. You can then analyze the amount of burden it takes on foreign currency.Do you want me to point you towards incidents that are happening against foreigners even in good cities or metro cities ? You are biased with your views and want to cover faults by limiting other nations for their right of expression for shortcomings of this nation.

    I have gone through history of this country.

    So that gives you official reason from history book to hate foreigners ? And you are going to teach other indians to hate foreigners because this country has past of slavery ? I wonder what african countries need to teach to their next generation about slavery if indians are still burning in despair because of foreign rule.

    That aside you want to hate every foreigner ? be it german, greeks, south africans, portugalis ? Just because they are also in the foreigners category ?

    That applies to every person outside this country as well. Even afghani females are innocent but still they are raped by UN troop. You want to deny that ? Every human is innocent and they don't deserve to live their life corrupted with patriotism,politics and religion just to make difference among same species of this planet.

    They did. I don't have to tell you how cheap  Mr kalmadi is because i'm from the same city as he is. I don't need to tell you about boforce weapons and many other cases in which almost every political party shown it's colors.

    To whom you are misguiding ? I'm also citizen of this country. More than 2 tons of food is wasted in storage facility still it is not distributed among people under poverty ratio.  India is still one of those countries where there is lot of power cut every day. We have one dedicated day for the power cut which varies per city/state. Do you think such things will change next 20 years ? Hell NO. All these shortcoming set right in short period ? NO.
    We have a habit of not correcting our own mistakes but we take pride in correcting foreigners and their views towards this country.

    Really ? You know what ? even south-africans never made such statement and their construction report and related stuff was in media. But india must be the first country to have citizens who are cross questioning media knowing that they are screwing up the games at first place. This must be the height of dissonance.

  11. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    So accepted the hosting at first place ?

    Ever heard of super bowl in US ?

    Whoa. So much hatred ?

    Yes. If that is how you think then this country should drop itself from tourism as well because people like you who are going to dictate them on where to go and how to take pictures.

  12. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    There is no wrong in following the activities of foreigners. They should be shown where to go and where not to go., like any other country. No country will allow free movement of foreigners as you expect.

    Corruption.. There is corruption in almost every place. But that corruption cant be attributed to the entire officials of an office. I am now 62 and I was in Govt. service for nearly 40 years and retired from a respectable position. I never expected anything from anyone. I have seen some of my colleagues going corrupt. If I could, I tried to stop it. But it brought enmity and danger to myself. I had to keep quiet. Blaming the entire official machinery as corrupt harms those who are innocent and clean.

    In one corruption case, an official was caught red-handed (10 years before) by vigilance authorities. To take him to the District Magistrate, the arrested man was made to pay more than 2000 Rupees to the vigilance officials as "conveyance". In such a situation, how can we expect things to improve to our expectations? We have to live with it.

    The voters cant be blamed for electing bad politicians. The corrupt politicians and officials should be punished severely like in China or Saudi Arabia. Then the matter will set right. And the election commission should arrange for new laws that those charged with crimes or corruption should not be let to contest. After coming to power, if a serious allegation arises, the politician should be sent away from his post.

    Some politicians are contesting elections even after they are charged in more than one corruption case. Some even lead  political parties. How can we  set it right, unless another emergency comes?

    I am not a man to support corruption. But I should defend my country's honour, which deserves more than other commonwealth countries.

  13. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Really ? how many countries you have traveled so far ? Just because india failed in hosting commonwealth properly and has lot of hygiene issues and despair of slavery, you want to dictate where people should go and not ? WOW. Welcome to sharia law.

    Are you defending corruption or ignoring it ? Let me ask you clearly.

    You've changed yourself as per environment when you wanted to survive and now you want the world to change because you are no longer in fear of survival as you are practically settled ? I see big hypocrisy here.

    I kicked the BSNL JTO position when i found out the mess inside it. I practice what i preach. 

    If you live with such things then you have to take the burden of criticism from the  foreigners.

    Basically as indian you tolerate:

    2-4 hours power cut daily
    1 full-day power cut at random day in week
    Irregular water supply
    So-called clean roads
    dogs/buffaloes are allowed to shit on road(which are rarely clean anyway)
    and list goes on..

    So we are in country where we see hygiene only in places like big restaurants, IT or corporate parks and club,parks,museums and hill stations... so such hygiene is rare in regular lives of people...If you can't even change that then why expect others to stop criticizing you ?

    Sheep-herd mentality will never let that happen.

    This is not possible because there should be atleast one politician to put this point in loksabha/rajyasbha. Is there any non-corrupt politician ? So keep wishing.

    As i said in my earlier post. This country is in political anarchy. Don't expect any party to rule fairly in this country.

    Greece also faced the criticism but they rectified it. Instead of showing dissonance you have a chance to change 0.001% of this country. Find your way to do just that instead of defending OUR country for which we shouldn't(because it is constructive criticism).

  14. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    Mr.Skyfire, please come to the ground. Be practical. One need not go to foreign countries to know about them. The whole world has become a small place. I dont know where you are. But I have found out that you are a pessismist. Everything is like that... 

    When a South African man came to meet me, I took him around Chennai and showed him some places. Then I asked him about the difference between his place and my place. He pathetically said that such clean places cannot be found in his country. He hails from Johannesburg.

    Please read the history of London in the 12th century. The banks of river Thames was so dirty and filthy that the King found it unbearable, while going on a chariot ride. He called his men and ordered them to remove the filth. Then the beautification of the riverbank began which took several decades to get rid of the foul smell on the river bank.

    I am not supporting or ignoring corruption. No one can root out corruption in the present circumstances. But if everyone becomes alert, there will be no corruption.  Corruption grows when undue advantages are expected from government. There are rules and regulation for everything. Then why do you pressurise the official to do the favour early? If a contractor takes a contract for one crore, he does the work for only half of it, and gobbles up the remaining 50%. Then if he official goes to inspect his work, he either corrupts him or threatens him with consequences. How can the officials work safely in such a situation? You miss the other side of the coin. Recently, a Tahsildar, who went to prevent illegal quarrying on a river-bed, was killed by the sand-filled lorry. So, several officials keep quiet while seeing an illegal thing. That is not supporting it.

    1. sofs profile image77
      sofsposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Argument for arguments sake; lets call a spade a spade , corruption and inefficiency is called by the same name else where!

  15. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    I'm more practical than you which you choose to ignore. You want to fly with me in go and patriotism clouds ? Admit it, i pressed RIGHT buttons in your head to show your dissonance.

    Really ? so how you make opinion about any place without going ? by watching tv and internet ? And you accuse foreigners for the same issue by saying one need to go to that place to make opinion about it ? Height of hypocrisy.

    A person who accepts corruption in his own country and then pumps up false ego by relating success in another domain to dump failure in another is not pessimist ? Person who teaches patriotism to other who failed to rise over corruption when he was in government is telling me that i'm pessimist ? Thanks for ad-hominem attack uncle.

    Because that person was from south africa and not from new jersy. Still your point is moot because south africa proved their efficiency by hosting FIFA world cup which is considered as more powerful when it comes to revenue by all the world.

    You need to wake up from 12th century uncle. This is 2010. Show me the same dirt now. Still hating others by showing fault of foreign countries to hide your own ? Keep it up. This is the height of dissonance.

    YAWN. Really ?

    I doubt that looking at the way you think about the world. I wonder how many others are like you.

    I thought you call me pessimist and now you're complaining by showing us no solution ? Let's talk like optimist. roll

    I didn't missed the other side of fence. I quit that side to prove it. But you didn't when you had chance. Now accept it and fight against it or fly with me for false pride and patriotism. Choice is yours.

  16. profile image0
    Uma07posted 14 years ago

    There is no dearth of Indian patriots and nor are we living under any false pride.There are lots of things to be proud of.Just because the media shows only one side of the coin it is wrong to place a pessimistic viewpoint.Try helping out in your own way and you will realize how hard it can be to satisfy the needs of millions.have you ever tried that?

    Agreed.Corruption is widespread but you are looking at only the political and religious side. 

    Talking of New Jersey...Where were you when the incidents of attacks on Indians took place?God I can't believe this.Are you really unaware of things going on around the globe or are you deliberately trying to ignore it?

  17. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Then don't defend the crap. Admit it. Things are screwed on our part. No need to have ego boost from success in another domain to hide the fact of failure.

    One side of the coin,uma ? You mean i need to point you towards how much corruption kalmadi did to prove my point ? And what one side you are talking about ?

    Yes. Not millions though.

    Really ? So from which angle am i supposed to look at this corruption ?

    I was in mumbai when 26/11 happened. I was few kilometers away when rahul raj did stunt in bus. My birth place pune got attacked few months earlier(german bakery case). There are even worst chances after ayodhya case. So do i need to know things about attacks in india,Uma ?

  18. profile image0
    Uma07posted 14 years ago

    I'm not defending any crap but please don't hurt the sentiments of those who are genuinely involved in helping the humankind.I wanted you to look at the hundreds of Indians who lost their lives saving the common people.

    Was it India's fault when The Taj,German Bakery,CST and Nariman House were attacked on 26/11?You know very well who was behind all that. 

    The Ayodhya case verdict is due tomorrow and I'm sure that won't affect the normal life.At least I have strong faith in Indian Judiciary.

  19. SiddSingh profile image60
    SiddSinghposted 14 years ago

    Why equate patriotism with saying "Aye" to everything which is done in the name of the country. Mind you, I am not saying - for the country. I am just saying - in the name of the country.

    Mr Kalmadi says - let's be patriots, and let the games go on smoothly. Do you really believe he is above board? Don't you think he is using patriotism as a last refuge?

    As an Indian, I have a lot of things to be proud of. CWG 2010 will never be one of them. Period.

    "Helping out millions".

    I don't think the 13 billion dollars that these Games cost is going to do any good for the common citizens. We all know who will be the greatest beneficiaries.

    What if those 13 billion dollars (Rs 60,000 crores - to put it in perspective, let me put all the zeroes - Rs. 6,00,00,00,00,000) were spent on the upliftment of sports in India? Do you know what the Government of India budgets out for Sports every year? This year (2010) the GOI allocated Rs 3500 crores, of which Rs 2000 crores were earmarked for, you guessed it right, the CWG mess.

    Don't appeal to my patriotism. You cannot get away with it.

  20. profile image0
    Uma07posted 14 years ago

    As for CWG games,only time can tell.OK...Leave the higher authorities alone including M. Kalmadi.Why don't you think of thousands who are working there as labours?is it always necessary to look at the people on higher posts?

    Give a thought to people who suffer at the hands of corrupt people.Are they nothing to you?Don't you feel for them.

    Yes. I have lots of questions and only when you answer them  can you feel the desperation of common people.

  21. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    How i'm hurting the sentiments of those who are helping the humankind ? You mean i should stop my inquiries to these corrupted politicians when even foreigners are pointing out and just for the sake of defending my country i should sing pride verses of chandrayan and clean roads in chandigarh when they object but purposefully ignore the dhobi ghat and commonwealth failure ? See the Dissonance ? I prefer not to live in denial and i want indians to wake up from that. If that makes you think i'm hurting other indians then i guess i don't mind being a venomous critique(if this is what you think of me).

    If you have some grip on international politics then you'll understand that these attacks are two fold. They are targeting places in india where foreigners flock. It is affecting our tourism and hence the revenue plus it proves their point of attack against this country.  It's not just pakistan but there are many other things involved in it.

    If that's make you comfortable then i don't raise opinion on that.

  22. SiddSingh profile image60
    SiddSinghposted 14 years ago

    Yes, time heals all wounds, I just hope in our case it does not wound our heels!

    In the long term, eventually, everyone is dead! So let's wait some more.

    Those workers were forced to crap there, because they could not be provided decent toilets. Apparently, no part of 60,000 crores was earmarked for sanitation for those poor workers. Anyway, they are the scum of earth, Biharis that are persona non grata in Delhi.

    People in higher posts - why shouldn't one look at them. The other day, Mr Bhanot was lecturing on the difference of Indian and Western standards of hygiene. I would have liked to hear what he had to say, only I could not concentrate - his Omega wristwatch kept flashing as he held up his hand to make a solemn point!

    1. profile image0
      Uma07posted 14 years agoin reply to this

      You shouldn't be looking at them because YOU are not doing anything to lessen it.All you want it just talk about it.

      1. SiddSingh profile image60
        SiddSinghposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        You don't even know my name, how do you know what I do or what I don't?

        Yes, talk is cheap - everyone does it.

        Why should I be always called to go beyond my call of duty, and do something? I am a law abiding citizen, I pay all my taxes - in full. What about those whom I elect with my precious votes? What about the bureaucracy - who like to see themselves as the steel framework of the country?

        You are missing the point - they are all answerable to me. To you, as well.

        But they know that you won't ask questions. They know that they will say "patriotism' any day, and get away with murder. They are counting on it.

        1. profile image0
          Uma07posted 14 years agoin reply to this

          Sidd Singh,
          Glad to know you are a law abiding citizen and what's in a name?I don't need to know that,in fact ,I don't even know whether you are a male or a female.... but the point is we are talking about corruption and as long there are people to offer bribe (which you know is illegal),there will always be ones on the receiving end(that's illegal too) .So aren't we guilty of the same crime as those who stuff their bank accounts with OUR money?

  23. skyfire profile image76
    skyfireposted 14 years ago

    Yes it is necessary. Simple chairs were priced at 8k/day for this event. 8K ? You don't see the objectionable issue here ? You think this much level of cheap corruption from higher stature should be ignored for the sake of country ? This guy Kalmadi owns Sai-service chain in india and has lots of money in bank already still he persists with corruption. If you choose to ignore this don't expect me to do that.

    We suffer in that wave as well. That's why i don't join this patriotism party when these cheap politicians call for it.

  24. profile image0
    Uma07posted 14 years ago

    I'm not asking you to ignore corruption.You missed me.I take it you want a corruption free nation.Well!So do I.But someone has to make a start somewhere.Then leave the comfort of your home and make the "Shubharambh".Good luck!

    1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
      VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I wont leave the comfort of my home;  better, I have the privilege to dream to make every home comfortable.

  25. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    Thanks to Uma07. If providence likes it, I will fully eradicate corruption and I can.

    Everyone shouts that corruption is only in government offices and with politicians. Are people not corrupt?  How does prices rise? Do the politicians and govt. staff raise them? People want more money and they sell their products for an uncomfortable and unbelievable prices. Some horde the products. Some move the goods to other places for better prices, and several things.

    During the first month of Gen.Zia-ul-Haq's Presidency in Pakistan, newspapers carried photos of criminals being punished in open places were coming. They were lashed... they were hanged and jailed. If that terror sensation comes here, everyone, be it civilian, traders, politician, or govt. staff will set themselves right.

    During Hitler's rule of Germany, a train came late by more than an hour. Hitler asked who was responsible. The driver showed the signal-man, he showed the station master and he showed someone else. No one accepted responsibility. Hitler's order was: "If the train comes late tomorrow, all the concerned men will be shot dead.." The next day...? No delay. For the present mess of things in India, that approach will fit the most.

    1. SiddSingh profile image60
      SiddSinghposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      Zia Ul Haq and Hitler are your role models?

      Why am I not surprised?

      Here is what the Honorable Supreme Court thinks.
      http://www.hindustantimes.com/specials/ … 06121.aspx

      1. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
        VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years agoin reply to this

        If I mention two famous leaders, does that mean I take them as role models?  I have my own role model, in Mahatma Gandhi, Indira Gandhi and SC Bose.  Achievements, if they are extraordinary, should not be ignored.  For this disease, that medicine it well suited... that was my contention.  Everyone is slamming the govt. and politicians as if they are innocent.  How many cheats, how many thiefs how many pretenders, how many hoarders, how many sinners, how many criminals, how many smugglers live among our own people? Are they immune from laws?  Why not we deal with them firmly?

        My original intention was to slam the foreigners for unfair coverage of the games village while it was half way under construction. We never care for our national prestige. But we join the anti-Indian tirade by worthless people coming and taking photos of dogs, lavatories, beggars, etc.  Before dealing with local law-breakers, we should set the foreign attitude right towards India.

        On the corruption side, it was stated that the fallen bridge was handed over to army for re-construction and army's estimates were far below (one third) the estimates of Mr.Kalmadi & Co.  Like this, I wonder how many crores would have gone hiding into the pockets of contractors and others? Why not govt. set up an enquiry commission?

  26. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    Commonwealth Games opens today (Oct.3, 2010) at 7 pm Delhi time. All the countries are participating.

  27. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    The commonwealth games were declared open by His Highness Prince Charles and the President of India jointly at about 8 pm.  The stadium consumed 7000 tons of steel for erection. A balloon took 20000 cubic tonnes of helium gas. The balloon provided lighting for the entire stadium from above. 71 commonwealth countries and British territories attended the opening ceremony. No where can such a grand opening be witnessed. It portrayed all he Indian culture and civilization.

    To crown it all, everyone was glad to see the Pakistani contingent arriving at the stadium. And I think this may be the first time a British monarch paying respect to another country's national anthem.

  28. VENUGOPAL SIVAGNA profile image60
    VENUGOPAL SIVAGNAposted 14 years ago

    Taking all the blame in its own stride, India has successfully held the commonwealth games from 3 to 14-10-2010. On the grounds also, India has come second after Australia in the prize-list. It would have been better if the athletes performed well and come first. It would have been better if they have avoided "pre-inspection" by the sporting teams, who wantonly performed mud-slinging on Indian "ability" to host the games. We have proved that it is more than Athens, Barcelona and Beijing olympics.

    The next attempt should be to host the olympic games in Delhi or anywhere else in India.

    1. Greek One profile image64
      Greek Oneposted 14 years agoin reply to this

      I heard that Islamabad was a shoe in for getting the next Olympics. Would that be upsetting to my Indian friends?


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