Posting previews and duplicate content

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  1. DDS profile image84
    DDSposted 11 years ago

    I want to link to some of my hubpage articles from my own site, but want to provide my readers a bit of a priview.  Is a paragraph or so leading into a link of the actual hub article all fine and dandy or will it make hubpages all grumbly and send me warnings etc.

    Just to be clear these are my own hubs eing linked to from my own site. They are being previwed on the other site but not posted as stand alone articles. (I think you all get the gist)

    so good or evil?

    1. Simone Smith profile image83
      Simone Smithposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Just a quick word from staff: A paragraph or so won't be bad, especially if the Hubs you're linking to contain a lot of content.
      That said, I recommend writing original summaries for the Hubs you link to. big_smile

      1. DDS profile image84
        DDSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Ok thanks Simone! (and everyone else who helped me on this one!)

  2. paiva25 profile image74
    paiva25posted 11 years ago

    So long as your preview isn't a paragraph copy pasted directly from your hub, you shouldn't have a problem.
    If you copy paste a chunk of your hub to use it in the preview, then your hub will show up as duplicate and copied content.
    Or another thing you can do is after copy pasting a piece of your hub, de-index either your hub or your webpage, either one by using webmaster tools.

    1. DDS profile image84
      DDSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      That was what I was afraid of.  Understandable that HP would want as much original content as possible, but I wonder if this is taking the concept to an extreme.
      As we know there is no actual 'penalty' from google, and surely book review sites etc. can rank sufficiently well..
      Oh well, at worse case you do suggest a work around which doesnt quite allow me to use the 'continue reading' link but does allow room for some sort of segue into the hubs..

      Thanks for getting back to me!

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        How do you define "no penalty from Google" for duplicate content?

        As long as it's just the first 1-2 sentences from your hub I don't see a big deal, but it'd want to be along with other, different content so you're not competing with yourself in the SERPs.

  3. DDS profile image84
    DDSposted 11 years ago

    google says there is no penalty. I am not saying that it doesnt hurt, but from what I was reading it has more to do with how google crawls sites than google making you stay late after class. (this is not of course to be confused with lifted/stolen content which is I would hope obviously wrong on all counts)

    No having said all that, whatever rules HP has are the rules that HP has and I'll do my best to stay on the good side of them.

    1-2 sentences may actually do the trick though...

    1. WryLilt profile image86
      WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      The only issue I see is that Google will pick one piece of content (usually whichever one it thinks is original) and rank that highest. So your other piece of content is essentially competing against itself. If you're going to repost something, you may as well change it enough so you can go for a completely different keyword. smile But yes, 1-2 sentences is good. Quite a few hubbers seem to have blogs that link to their hubs.

      1. DDS profile image84
        DDSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        OK, yes that was my understanding of it as well. I might be willing to take a little hit to get things to look/behave the way I want them too.

        I have dreams of a better user experience for the few readers I have.

  4. jlongrc profile image85
    jlongrcposted 11 years ago

    I know a lot of folks, especially people that do a lot of freelancing and the like, will have a blog where they frequently link to their content.  What I'm unclear about is whether they actually expect people to read their "John Doe writes stuff" blog or not.

    1. DDS profile image84
      DDSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

      Well sure why not?  I suppose it depends on whether it is actually any good and about something people want to read about. 
      At the end of the day though I think in the long term you are better off writing what you write about and worry less about gaming the system. 
      Did you have trouble getting people to read your 'john Doe writes stuff' blog?

      1. WryLilt profile image86
        WryLiltposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        I've never had one. I don't really promote my work - I write it, add an MFP and then leave it to do what it wants.

        I figure that if it sucks, any promotion I put in is wasted. If it's good enough to get traffic, my tiny amount of promotion won't help anyway. Either way, promotion is a waste of time big_smile

      2. jlongrc profile image85
        jlongrcposted 11 years agoin reply to this

        Haha, I haven't bothered creating such a blog because I couldn't imagine anyone would ever want to read it! big_smile It seems nice as an intellectual exercise, but I wasn't sure if people really got significant traffic on those blogs.

        1. DDS profile image84
          DDSposted 11 years agoin reply to this

          Well I think it likely helps if you write on a specific topic or range of topics. After that, it's all a matter of whether people like you, your writing and what you have to say. (or in some cases hating you might help as well)  when they come across you.

          I think very hard to build an audience though, but I am not basing that on anything..

  5. Writer Fox profile image42
    Writer Foxposted 11 years ago

    Post what HubPages calls the "summary" of your Hub. (This is actually the 'description meta tag' and what Google calls the 'snippet.')  That's going to be duplicated all over the Internet anyway.  Write your summary to encourage viewers to click-through to read the entire Hub.


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