Maven's Expert Tips 2: Author Bio

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  1. samanthacubbison profile image82
    samanthacubbisonposted 4 years ago

    In the second installment of "Maven's Expert Tips," we provide you info on how to write a professional author bio. If you're looking to craft an excellent bio, but don't know where to start, we've got you covered!

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image83
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thanks for the post. I need all the help I can get. I guess I missed the first installment while getting my PC updated to Windows 10. (I heard some guy named Bill needed a few more dollars...)

  2. samanthacubbison profile image82
    samanthacubbisonposted 4 years ago

    Ha! You can find the 1st video's post in the "Official Announcements" Forum!

    1. Wesman Todd Shaw profile image83
      Wesman Todd Shawposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      Thank you. Will do.

  3. profile image0
    RenataCbartonposted 4 years ago

    I'm glad I stumbled upon this discussion because I'm definitely interested in crafting a bio which is more detailed. I think the bio I'm currently using is vague and really doesn't explain my background, experience, and so on.

  4. Isivwe Muobo profile image73
    Isivwe Muoboposted 4 years ago


    I'm having the same problem. Need to update my bio as well to one that's more detailed.

    Will check out both updates.

  5. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
    PaulGoodman67posted 4 years ago

    The intro to the video is like some spooky sci-fi movie, with the spacey music, starry sky and then the deep voice. I was half expecting him to say "It is the year 3029 and our spacecraft has been shipwrecked on an unknown planet in the Andromeda section."

    Anyway, I have updated profile photo, and now about to work on the bio stuff. The video was pretty short and basic, to be brutally honest, but better than nothing. I would have been happy to have had the video go into more detail, even if that made the video much longer.

    Links to different examples of good bios would have been great too, rather just showing only the yoga one in the video. I've got a feeling it's like resumes, there are some general rules, but also different styles can be employed to suit specific situations.

    1. samanthacubbison profile image82
      samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

      @PaulGoodman97, thanks for your input! I'll pass this message along to the team. smile

      I agree that making videos longer in the future would be nice. And finding a way to embed links would make it easier for viewers to understand our references.

      1. Will Apse profile image87
        Will Apseposted 4 years agoin reply to this

        Adding the info as text below the vids would help me. Most vids present info too slowly, some too quickly. Text can be skimmed to extract the relevant stuff. Or chewed over for more difficult ideas/procedures.

        To be honest, I use vids for info as a last resort.

        1. samanthacubbison profile image82
          samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

          Well, you already know everything about HubPages. smile These videos are more for our junior Hubbers.

          I think that's a good idea as well!

          1. Will Apse profile image87
            Will Apseposted 4 years agoin reply to this

            That made me feel like the old guy in the mystery/horror/scifi movie who fills in the hero/audience on the first time the strange light appeared in the sky or the howling began on the moor, lol.

            Actually, I am flattered but now you must be nice to all the other old hands...

            1. samanthacubbison profile image82
              samanthacubbisonposted 4 years agoin reply to this

              I give credit where credit is due. You should add that tidbit to your author bio!

              1. PaulGoodman67 profile image94
                PaulGoodman67posted 4 years agoin reply to this

                I agree with Will about text and links below video, as typically happens in Youtube tutorials. It can be very useful.

                Tidying up the obviously amateur errors is clearly good and necessary for Hubpages. Unfortunately, I have an awful suspicion that most of the people who really need to see this video, won't even watch it. They will just happily continue with their lizard-faced profile pics, and one sentence declarations of how they've always wanted to be a writer, as their biography.

                My challenge with the bio is that I've led a varied life and write on varied topics. It would be so much easier if I was big on yoga and just wrote about yoga. Anyway, I've done my best to come across as a reliable source. One can also highlight particular biographical experience in the shortened bio section that features under author name on article page, I know.


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