
Jump to Last Post 1-5 of 5 discussions (5 posts)
  1. R.Edwards profile image62
    R.Edwardsposted 14 years ago

    I'm coming off of a MAJOR shoulder surgery (it's been since February), and I'm looking to gain strength back in my arm. I underwent extensive physical rehabilitation and still virtually have no strength. I'm an athlete at heart and during my time in the military I participated in many marathons, but the doctor told me I'd probably NEVER be able to do anything physical with my arm again. I have 3 screws in my right shoulder rotator cup/bone and as of now I can't even do a push up, much less lift over 15 lbs. It's crushing to know this, especially now that I want to partake in the '10 Ironman competition.

    I've dreamed of participating and winning the event since I left the military in '06 but now it seems it's a lost dream. I just need to hear if anyone has gone through the same thing/injury or know any remedies. I have some 'stretchy' bands that cause resistance, and I can run a little bit now (moving my arms back and forth during a run is painful still).

    Is anyone here a triathelete, run any triathelons or know any remedies or remedial physical training excersises?

    Any advise would be useful, thanks.

  2. Jery profile image60
    Jeryposted 14 years ago

    I'm 57 and tore to cartilage in my knee about 3 years ago. I went to a orthopedic doctor and he told me I would need surgery. I asked what my chance of healing the injury without an operation and he said at my age it would not heal and surgery was my only option. Well, he was wrong, I've healed it and haven't had any knee pain for a year or two, and I'm pretty active, no marathons, but I can go out and hike 10 or 15 miles with ease.
    I used MSM and DMSO and I ate a lot of cartilage, I'm not sure what was the most beneficial to my recovery, but recover I did!
    MSM is a supplement that is readily available at health food stores, and DMSO you have to get at a veterinarian(it's used on horses mostly I think.)
    My point in all of this is you should Google MSM and DMSO and see if it's something you would be interested in trying, I wouldn't be surprised if you could rehabilitate your shoulder (it'll take some time)and at some point in time participate in a marthon and/or possibly a triathlon.
    I used to run too, mostly shorter races, and could string together four or five 5 minute miles. I'm actually thinking about running again since it's been so long since I've experienced any knee pain.
    Anyway, hang in there, take your time and just maybe you can get back to your former athletic abilities.

  3. R.Edwards profile image62
    R.Edwardsposted 14 years ago

    thanks Jery, I will definately look those products up. I have a friend from the isles and he told me about herbal supplements, he doesn't take pills or anything you can find in stores unless it's strickly herbal or root stimulants.

    I'm probably not going to be ready by the 2010 season, but I'm working at it and hopefully those items can be beneficial in my recovery.

    thanks again.

  4. EYEAM4ANARCHY profile image73
    EYEAM4ANARCHYposted 14 years ago

    I don't enjoy running and I really don't enjoy what it does to your knees. I love swimming (I'm like a fish)and I really like biking. I've thought about trying to do a triathlon, but mostly for the swimming and biking. If they had a partial version without the running, I would definitely do it.

  5. R.Edwards profile image62
    R.Edwardsposted 14 years ago

    lol, I don't even know what that event would be called but it's a funny idea.

    hopefully I will eventually be able to get back to swimming as well. Not a very strong part of abilities but it's pretty fun. I enjoy biking the most too, definately therapeudic when done liesurely.

    I want to mountain bike too but I had a bad experience on a steep slope before. smile


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