Buy Bakugan Linehalt Online
Linehalt has Forbidden Power
is a powerful new bakugan with a specialty called the “forbidden power”. It is
believed to turn Linehalt into an infinitely powerful creature that could
defeat anyone. Knowing this, Linehalt has become a very popular bakugan. In
ball form, Linehalt has a human appearance similar to Aqwimos and Aranaut. He
has a pop-up body with arms at the side and a demon like head with fangs.
Colors Available for Linehalt
He usually comes in Darkus, but there are colors like Pyrus, Ventus, Sub-terra; translucent green Ventus and BakuBlue are also available. Among all the colors, Darkus Linehalt by now is the most desirable version while Subterra one is probably least desirable (relatively). Linehalt also comes in BakuMorph (comes in ball, but parts are extended to look like action-figure). He comes with a DNA code as well.
Linehalt In Anime Shows
In the anime, Linehalt looks like a devil human with dark armor and large dragon wings. In episode 7, he battled against digital bakugan: Akwimos and Gigarth. He managed to win the first round, but after that he lost the battle. Overall, Linehalt is a generally active bakugan that battles frequently and is victorious most of the time. In episode 25, Linehalt finally released his “forbidden power”, and turned into what looked like a dragon creature. He was stopped by Dragonoid Colossus, but he had already damaged many Gundalian ships, therefore proving Linehalt was a strong opponent.
Boomix is Linehalt's Battle Gear
Unlike other bakugan, Linehalt’s main battle gear is non-symmetrical, either on the left or right of him. Boomix belongs to Linehalt and is only a one-peg battle gear that has a single hole in it to be put on a Bakugan’s side. It is a long blaster that gives Linehalt a lot of advantage in battle. Other non-symmetrical battle gear fit Linehalt are Rock Hammer, Vicer, and Lansor. However, Linehalt has both pegs so that he can fit other battle gear such as Swayther. But because he is a vertical bakugan, his stableness is low, and is not capable of holding large battle gear unless you put it on a gate card. Linehalt has two feet that pop out for support, and two horns on his head. In the Gundalian Invaders series, Linehalt is 900G, which is a moderate G-power. In real life, Linehalt is a very high level bakugan with powerful abilities and high G-power, possibly over 900G's. Overall, Linehalt is a bakugan I would definitely recommend to buy.