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Runescape 3 1-99 Fishing Guide 2014 (EOC)

Updated on April 20, 2014

In this guide i will tell you the best,fastest and most profitable way to get 99 fishing (fish) on the online game Runescape.

Fishing is known to be as one of the easiest skills to master on Runescape. The reason for which it is believed to be one of the easiest is that it only takes a short amount of time to achieve 99 when in comparison to some of the harder skill-capes to get such as construction. To get 99 fishing from level 1 it takes around 5-7days playing time (depending on what you fish),when compared to other skills this is super easy and i recommend going for this skill-cape if you do not already own it. Now on with the guide :)

Method to 99 Fishing F2P

Levels 1-10 = Shrimp/Anchovies (Lumbridge or Draynor Village)

Levels 10-20 = Herring/Sardine (Draynor Village)

Levels 20-99 = Fly Fishing (Barbarian Village)

Total amount of time = 220hours +6.5m Profit if you choose to keep the fish

Using the fly fishing method to 99 is not as profitable as other methods but an advantage of using this method is that allot of the time you are fishing you can be away from your keyboard and doing something else for example: watching videos on Youtube or a movie etc.

Fastest and Profitable Method to 99 Fishing P2P

Levels 1-10 = Shrimp/Anchovies (Draynor Village)

Levels 10-20 = Herring/Sardines (Draynor Village)

Levels 20-48 = Trout and Salmon (Shillo Village) 50k xp P/H banking 60k P/H dropping

Levels 48-90 = Barbarian Fishing 50-90k xp P/H depending on Fishing level

Levels 90-99 = Rocktails (Living rock caverns) 50k xp P/H and 60m Profit when level 99.

Locations for P2P

Shrimp and Anchovies should be fished using a small fishing net at the fishing spot in Draynor Village near the willow trees.

Herring and Sardines should be fished using a fishing rod and bait at the fishing spot in Draynor Village near the willow trees.

Trout and Salmon should be fished using a fly-fishing rod and feathers at Shilo Village (if you have completed the quest) or at Barbarians village down by the river.

Barbarian fishing takes place at Otto's Grotto which is slightly south-east of the Barbarians outpost. In order for one to fish here they must have a barbarian fishing rod, if you do not have a barbarians fishing rod i will explain how to get one further on in this guide. As well as having a barbarians fishing rod you will also need fishing bait.

The living rock caverns can be accessed via the Dwarven mine which is north of Falador. I recommend that when fishing here you wear good armour just in case you are attacked by one of the creatures in the caverns and also log into world 84 as this will minimize the risk of being attacked due to the large volume of players that fish in that world. To fish here you will need living rock minerals.

The Barbarian Fishing Rod

Obtaining the rod is rather simple; all you have to do is speak to Otto Godblessed at his grotto about barbarian fishing, after you have done that search underneath his bed and you will find a barbarian fishing rod. Otto is found in his house slightly south west of the barbarian outpost and east of the gnome tree village. On the world map his house is named as Otto's Grotto.


The use of Urns when fishing are highly recommended as using them will increase your chance of catching fish. Using a decorated fishing urn will increase your xp rate of catching fish by 20 percent therefore making it really helpful to use. The decorated urn requires 76 crafting to make however this can be assisted by a player who has that level or higher.

I hope this guide helped you and gave you an insight into getting 99 Fishing, if it did please comment below as i really appreciate your comments and also remember to vote this page up, leave feed back via the quick action buttons thanks!!!

Need any advice or tips or if you just want some friendly banter join my CC: Bastow Boy

PS: I also have other guides that you may wanna check out: 1-99 Woodcutting guide, 1-99 Fletching guide 2012, 1-99 Smithing Guide 2012, 1-99 Firemaking Guide 2012, Runescape 1-99 Hunter Guide 2012, 1-99 Cooking Guide 2012, 1-99 Thieving Guide 2012, 1-99 Herblore Guide 2012, 1-99 Agility Guide 2012,Runescape 1-99 Fishing Guide 2012, 1-99 Ranging Guide 2012,Runescape 1-99 Magic Guide.

If any of the links do not work please check out my channel for a full list of all the 1-99 Runescape guides as well as other Runescape related guides Thanks!

If there are any guides you wish me to write about please leave a comment in the section below the advertisements and i will publish them within the next 7days usually, remember to follow me to make sure you do not miss out on any of my new guides, you can also follow me and contact me on twitter @JordanBastow


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