Are you excited for the Wii U price and release date announcement?

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  1. Der Meister profile image60
    Der Meisterposted 12 years ago

    Are you excited for the Wii U price and release date announcement?

    Nintendo is going to announce the details tomorrow. Are you pumped?

  2. M. T. Dremer profile image84
    M. T. Dremerposted 12 years ago

    I don't think I'll get excited for the Wii U until I hear some concrete details about the next smash bros. There are other games on the system that I'm sure I will enjoy, but I'm content to wait a while after launch before I think about getting one.

    1. Mama Kim 8 profile image85
      Mama Kim 8posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      Your recommendation has been added to my Amazon for later purchase ^_^  I hope I get to play it sometime.

  3. Mama Kim 8 profile image85
    Mama Kim 8posted 12 years ago

    No not really. I was disappointed with the first wii and I think I'll be content sticking with the 360 and waiting for their next generation console. Nintendo is falling behind, even the 3DS isn't that great. I only use if for netflix these days... I can see how the wii and ds would be fun as a family console for children and casual gamers. My 3 year old likes to play some games on the wii, but I haven't touched it since Okami.

    I'm sure we'll buy it, but certainly not at launch.

    1. M. T. Dremer profile image84
      M. T. Dremerposted 12 years agoin reply to this

      If you liked Okami, you should seriously consider playing Skyward Sword. It's arguably the best game on the Wii.

    2. Mama Kim 8 profile image85
      Mama Kim 8posted 12 years agoin reply to this

      I'll look into that, thanks. It will have to wait until after I play borderlands 2, black ops 2, resident evil 6, tomb raider reboot... oh and bioshock infinite... maybe I'll be able to squeeze it in but prob not because of kids ^_^ not enough time.

  4. TheKatsMeow profile image88
    TheKatsMeowposted 12 years ago

    Since I have a Wii and play it a lot i am definitely curious about the Wii U, but I know I won't be buying it for a while until it comes down in price, so I won't be getting excited about it just yet... I will wait to see what it offers first.

  5. manthy profile image60
    manthyposted 12 years ago

    I am excited but the price has already been released it will be $300 wo harddrive and $350 with it USA dollars, that is a little disappointing because I was expecting it to be $259
    Anyway - I get Game informer magazine and the reviews say this system is HD and should put Nintendo back into the console wars again, it is that good of a system.
    Plus the new MARIO is amazing, will be an instant classic and best MARIO ever.
    Thanks for the question, I hope this answer is THE BEST.

  6. mikejhca profile image82
    mikejhcaposted 12 years ago

    I am excited that there is a Wii U.  However I don't plan on rushing out to get one.  I will continue to use my Wii until the Wii U has been out for a while and has some good games.  I would also like to see commercials and videos that show how it works compared to the Wii I have now.  Personally I want to use the Wii to get some exercise while having fun.  I am not sure if the changes they made will make it better or worse for what I want to use it for.

    Monster Hunter Tri is the best game on the Wii that I have tried even though it involves pressing buttons rather than motion control.  They have videos of it on YouTube.

  7. JohnGreasyGamer profile image75
    JohnGreasyGamerposted 12 years ago

    Right now I'm satisified with the 3DS and original DS games, as platform games still thrive. While Nintendo have made some big mistakes, they're obviously making up for it in their latest releases.

    But the reason why I won't get a Wii U anytime soon is because the 3DS has caught up with console gaming in terms of features like the gyro controls, visuals and sounds. I don't have any reason to part with an overpriced home console that will only satisfy me for a few weeks.


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