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3 Easy Ways To Skill Development

Updated on September 6, 2019

Skill is usually understood as an ability to do something well, either manually, mentally, or both. Therefore skill development is a process that is utilised for one to master something.

In contrast to terms that denote only potential for acquiring some ability (such as natural ability, talent, aptitude, or capacity), the term skill usually means actual competence that has been acquired by training, schooling, or practice, according to

A skill is what makes you an expert in any kind of profession you do or are interested in. Skill development is what most people forget about. They don’t pay attention at how they’ll acquire that skill. In an ever changing technologically advanced world, having some sort of skill will make you stand out and unique.

The skill doesn’t have to be all grand like being a surgeon, knowing how to operate your smartphone or create Facebook ads is a skill. But there is something that is universal no matter whichever skill you want and wish to have.

There are strategies to be aware of if you want that skill as part of your skill set or qualities.

Skills are easier to pick up as individual parts. If you want to learn the guitar, don’t think about performing all the parts at once.

Set smaller, more measurable goal of learning a few easy chords, how to strum correctly, and how to put those chords together. Over time, the accumulation of those tinier skills will add up to the whole ability to play guitar, according to Business Insider.

How to develop skills requires dedication and effort which are ideal and needed because it won’t be always rosy. You will probably dislike the process and feel like giving up a majority of the time.

A skill set you apart, for example having the body language skill, you’ll be able to communicate effectively and know when you are making someone comfortable or not.

So let’s check out these strategies or ways one by one.

  1. Unbelievable Patience

Patience is a virtue you have to emulate if that skill is to be developed into you. Having any kind of skill will test you on how patient you are. It won't happen overnight that by tomorrow you are a master at that skill.

According to Readers Digest, you should improve your patience and accomplish more. According to Schnitker, patient people can exert more effort to reach their goals, as they’re able to better regulate reactions, emotions and interactions.

For instance the skill of a good driver, you won't go to driving school and have that license immediately or by the same day. This is where skill development comes into play. It will of course take time because you will come there a total newbie. You don't know where the ignition is or the brake pedal is.

You won't be skilful now, but later.

Schnitker also notes that life’s best things-loving relationships, personal goals-don’t happen overnight. Building patience ultimately boosts emotional well-being, according to Reader’s Digest.

2. Learn from the best.

Finding a good teacher or mentor is the first task you have. A good teacher makes an even better student. This is easier said than done. Due to the internet age it is so easy to find a person claiming that he or she knows this skill.

But unfortunately most of them don't know what they are talking about.

Look and do research on the kind of teacher you want. You are eager to learn but you can't do this if your teacher or mentor doesn't know what he or she is talking about.

According to Entrepreneur, research and surveys prove that having a mentor is important to success. In a 2013 executive coaching survey, 80% of CEOs said they receive some form of mentor-ship.

In another research by Sage, 93% of startups admit that mentor-ship is instrumental to success. Your chances of success in life and in business can be amplified by having the right mentor.

3. Tremendous Practice.

You have learned that skill but that is not the end of the story. You do have the knowledge but you aren't applying it in any way.

You are allowing that skill to become dormant, if it's dormant; it isn't helping you or anyone else. It like you have no skill at all, you're no different from the same person who took initiative to develop a skill few months or weeks or years ago.

Practice makes perfect. You will to try out your new skill in the real world to know how good you are. This is meant to help you in terms of knowing what you're doing wrong. By practising you'll learn from your mistakes. What you are supposed to do and what not to do. Skill development cannot happen without practice.

According to Business Insider, in 2004 a study published in “Nature” found the acts of juggling produced more gray matter. When people stopped juggling, the gray matter disappeared. There wasn’t anything special in the juggling itself, just the repetition.

Neuroscience call this process “pruning.” It refers to the new pathways that are carved by doing an act over and over again, to the point where it sticks around for good. In other words, skills follow the use-it-or-lose-it principle.


Developing any kind of skill isn't as complicated as you thought. Just implementable strategies you have to learn that will make it much easier and faster to learn that skill.

On how to develop skills, no matter the time duration the skill requires if you omit any strategy then you are screwed.

Time and effort is all aligned with these strategies. Your skill won't magically appear with you being an expert or master. It requires patience, learning from the best and practice.

Do you agree that most if these are what enabled you to be masterful at your skill or craft? Do you have any other skill development strategies I haven't mentioned?

Then do tell and share in the comments section below. I would love to hear from you. Also share this with your friends and family, sharing is caring.

Until next time, do master a great skill.

-Michael Kamenya


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