50 Ways to Keep Calm
Keep Calm...
When is the last time some one suggested you take a chill pill? How about asking you to keep calm? Chances are in your busy lifestyle, stress had the upper hand and you had to take back control of your life.
Whether your relaxation break is for 5 minutes or 5 hours, you've earned the right to kick back and do your thing.
So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and de-stress yourself.
We need to retrain our brain to keep calm. We need to remember that taking a break helps revitalize your state of mind.
Taking a breather from everyday routines could help restore your energy.
Some times you just have to walk away from what you are doing and take a deep breath. It doesn't matter if you work from home or at an office, we all need an occasional break.
Trust me when I say that not only will your health and mental state appreciate it, but so will your family.
Anxiety levels are reduced when you move from one task to a much needed breather.
A more relaxed you makes you a nicer person to be around.
No matter what you do on break, remember that it's your reward for being the awesome person you are.
I've listed 50 ways to take a break. All of these things could be done in less than 30 minutes.
Some ideas might require a wee bit of manual labor, but a bit of exercise never hurt no one.
I'm sure there are many, many more ways to relax, so please list your ways below in the comment section so that others could enjoy them also.
Keep shining!
Ways to chill out...
- Give or receive a hug. A hug a day keeps the blues at bay.
- Take a bubble bath and soak in the tub. Rubber duckies are optional.
- Stand up and stretch, bend and touch your toes. If you can't touch your toes...
- Drop and do 20 push ups. One of my favorite ways. Push ups are great for overall body conditioning and they also help reduce stress. Counter push ups are also beneficial.
- Drink a shot of your favorite whiskey.
- Smoke a cigarette or your smoke of choice.
- Phone a friend for a chat or use your iPhone and FaceTime.
- Play Words With Friends or Candy Crush.
- Visit an elderly neighbor who is alone.
- Watch a TV sitcom and laugh until your face hurts.
- Sip a cup of tea or coffee. Treat yourself to your favorite dessert.
- Pluck your eyebrows. This applies to men also and add nose and ear hairs.
- Buy yourself some flowers. Where is it written that you have to wait for someone to bring you flowers? Nowhere.
- Read the newspaper, a magazine or a book. Subscribe to the Sunshine Times and you'll receive a daily, virtual newspaper via email filled with entertaining articles.
- Look at family photos.
- Visit your favorite online retail website and shop until you drop.
- Take a chill pill of your choice. Just be sure it makes you chill.
- Take your dog for a walk. Breathe in the fresh air and be one with nature.
- Pet your cat. Have a purring contest. See who could purr the loudest or longest.
- File your fingernails, clip your toenails, use the clippings as target practice.
Facials are relaxing...
More ways to keep calm...
- Wash your car. Wax on, wax off. This helps with your patience level. I wax on, wax off almost daily.
- Have a healthy or unhealthy snack, the choice is yours.
- Check the sofa cushions for spare change. Pennies add up over time. As all hubbers know.
- Have a text-a-thon with a few friends. I text 3-4 friends at once and then try my best not to send the wrong message to the wrong person. So far, so good!
- Is something on your mind that's pestering your train of thought? Write a rant. Join HubPages and share your rants with the entire community.
- Take a siesta. 30 minutes of rest or a nap could reenergize you for the rest of the day.
- Play hide and seek with or without the kids.
- Go for a bike ride.
- Watch YouTube videos. You would be amazed what you could learn from YouTube videos.
- Listen to music and shake your money maker.
- Check your Twitter feed and pester a celebrity to follow you back. It worked for me. Three years ago I was a pest to Ellen DeGeneres until she followed me back. I kept tweeting her that all I wanted for Christmas was a follow from Ellen and I got it.
- Search on Ebay for a toy from your childhood. Go ahead and Buy It Now. You're never too old to play with toys. Many adults have "toys."
- Write the longest sentence ever without pausing or punctuation. It's a fun challenge!
- Respond to your emails that have accumulated in your inbox. Unsubscribe to spam emails.
- Sign onto Facebook and "poke" all your friends.
- Pamper yourself an egg white facial. This applies to men, women, kids and grandkids! Make it a family event.
When is the last time you slid down a slide?
Yet more ways to relax...
- Visit the neighborhood park. Swing, slide, climb. Just be careful of the children, you are on their turf so play nice.
- Play a prank on a friend or family member. Guaranteed laughs will follow.
- Forgive yourself or forgive someone else.
- Learn something new. Challenge yourself to start and finish a new project.
- Read poetry. Be dramatic with your reading. If you are alone, read in front of the mirror. Be a poet and know it!
- Pin some pictures on Pinterest.
- Do something kind for someone.
- Give yourself a neck massage.
- Color with crayons. Make homemade cards.
- De-clutter a room.
- Bake a cake and celebrate you!
- Clean out your closet. Place any clothing you haven't worn in one year in a bag and donate them to a charity.
- Light a candle. Meditate. Practice yoga.
- Eat chocolate. Slowly. Repeat as needed.
- Breathe. Just breathe. Then breathe again.
Have you taken your break today?
Faith Hill - Breathe
© 2012 Linda Bilyeu