9 Health Symptoms We Should Never Ignore
Prevention Is Better Than Cure
It is one of those articles that I wish I could just “copy&paste” to share with all my readers. If this is my personal blog, I will surely do that. This is because I see no good reason to re-write in my own words, when what matters is the message, not the literary style. Since this site does not permit “copy&paste”, I shall present it in my own words on the 9 health symptoms that we should never ignore. At the end of this article I shall provide the link to the source of this information.
If you are over 50 years old, this information is critically useful for you. When one is young, the body is strong enough to withstand most onslaughts on one’s health. But when one is over 50, one needs to take special care to protect one’s health. Aging is inevitable, and it will be a tragedy if one ignores this fact. As one ages, one has to be extra careful to take the cues of the signs and symptoms of health hazards.
The 9 Health Symptoms You Should Take Note
If you have any one of these 9 health symptoms, you should seek immediate medical assistance. The irony is that if your doctor found nothing serious in your complaint, he might just advise you not to be too worried over “trivial” discomforts the next time. This often happened in my case. My doctor seemed to send me the wrong message of assurance, each time I told him of my fear of certain symptoms.
Below is the 9 health symptoms:
1. Sudden Intense Headache. Common sense would have alerted us that headache means something is not right in our health. I personally have experienced a bad bout of headache which I have written an article about this nasty experience.
If there is a sudden intense head pain that you have never experienced before, there is cause for concern. The pain may peak in seconds in any part of the head. This may signal one of the following problems:
i. Cardiac cephalgia, a rare disorder when blood supply to the heart is reduced.
ii. Meningitis, triggering headache, stiff neck, confusion or other changes in mental states.
iii. Temporal arteritis, a rare disorder where the immune cells invade the walls of the arteries which transport blood to the head. This may result in blindness.
iv. Shingles, the dreaded skin disease.
2. Chest Pain. To me, this symptom is perhaps the most urgent as it may turn out to be an impending heart attack. Intense pain or discomfort in the chest may be accompanied with pain radiating down the arm, sweating, nausea, vomiting and shortness of breath.
3. Unexplained Weight Loss. If you lose weight for no apparent reason, you need to consult your doctor immediately. It may mean one of these four health problems.
i. It may be endocrine disorders like hyperthyroidism causing restlessness, sweating, increased appetite and difficulty in concentration.
ii. It may be gastrointestinal problems like inflammatory bowel disease coupled with diarrhea and abdominal pain.
iii. If weight loss is accompanied with extreme thirst, frequent urination and fatigue, it may be diabetes.
iv. If you lose more than 5% of your body weight without any reason, over a period of 6 months, this may mean something very serious; cancer!
4. Unusual Bleeding. This sign is the most traumatic and frightening. I also have a nasty experience with blood in urine which I wrote in another article. I am sure anyone will be in panic mode if he or she noticed blood coming out from any part of the body. Blood in urine may indicate bladder or kidney problems. Black stools is a sign of bleeding along the digestive track especially nearer the ending along the colon. It may be haemorrhoids or something more serious. Vaginal bleeding may mean gynaecologic cancers. Vomiting blood is a terrifying experience. It can mean a tear in the blood vessels or an ulcer in the stomach or esophagus. And coughing out blood may be an indication of bronchitis, pneumonia or even tuberculosis.
5. High Or Persistent Fever. When we have high fever, it is an indication that the body is fighting infection. But if the fever is persistent or over 103 degrees, we should consult the doctor immediately. Possible problems are urinary tract infection, pneumonia, endocarditis (inflammation of the lining of the heart chambers and valves) or meningitis. A persistent low-grade fever over a few weeks may mean hidden infections or even cancers like lymphoma and leukemia.
6. Shortness Of Breath. Under normal circumstances, we should be able to breathe in a relaxed manner. When we experience shortness of breath, say, after climbing a few steps or getting tired easily, then there is cause for concern. It may be a pulmonary embolism, meaning some blockage in the veins. Or it may be asthma, bronchitis or pneumonia.
7. Sudden Confusion. This symptom may be critical to save a life. In the worst scenario, a stroke may be imminent, or a brain tumor or bleeding in the brain. Other possibilities may be an infection, blood pressure or blood sugar problems, or simply dehydration. You should take note of the following symptoms : unusual personality changes like aggression, slurred speech or inability to find the right words, numbness or weakness on parts of the face, hand or leg, or generally feeling confused. These are serious warning signs and you should seek immediate medical attention within 2 or 3 hours. Any further delay may result in permanent brain damage!
8. Swelling In The Legs. If both legs are persistently swollen, accompanied with fatigue and chest tightness, there may be heart problem. The heart may be weak and blood circulation is hindered resulting in fluid accumulation in both the legs causing them to swell, a condition called edema.
9. Sudden Or Severe Abdominal Pain. With this symptom you will surely seek medical assistance without any prompting, for the pain is unbearable. Possible causes may be some ruptures in the stomach/intestinal areas, lack of blood flow in the intestine, or gall bladder stones.
Disclaimer And Link
The information provided in this article is sourced from the internet, from friends and contacts, and from personal experience. The purpose of this article is merely to inform readers of useful health tips. You are therefore advised to consult your registered medical physicians as a matter of due diligence, if needed.
The link to the website which this article is derived from is HERE.
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