Spiritual liberation is not about religion. It is about our daily life. Are we contented, peaceful and rejuvenated? If we are, we are simply spiritually liberated!
A spiritual journey of a father-son relationship until the very end. My son, Kenny Boy, came to this world to teach me life's profound mysteries. His mission is accomplished. He is free to return to where he came from. Thank you, Kenny Boy.
Have you heard of black wolfberries? The common wolfberries are red in color. So, what is so special about this black variety? Read about it here.
China has passed through a long history of social and political issues. Throughout its long history, three glaring habitudes seemed to be stamped in the psyche of the Chinese people. Fortunately they are now reminiscence of the past. Treat them as the past 3 curses of China.
We are nothing but energy. However this is everything. Harness your energy and create positive vibration is the key to your happiness.
The softest human organ and the most unique. The tongue. Even the spelling is unique. So, what's so special about it?
Francis, a spiritual extrovert, sharing his miraculous and marvelous stories of life-threatening event and unplanned family and business arrangement.
Should Buddhists be vegetarians? To find the answer, please read this article.
Dr Wu Lien-Teh, the Father of Modern Medicine in China. World-renown epidemiologist and plague fighter. Pioneer in research and control of plague and other related infectious diseases.
Forgiving is not for the benefit of the other party. It is for your personal peace and happiness. But you need to know the right method. This is the method.
What is spiritual happiness? It is different from worldly happiness. To be really at peace with yourself, you must experience spiritual happiness.
How to really free your life to be peaceful and happy. Expunge your bad vibrations. Build positive vibrations to attract goodness, happiness and experience inner peace. This is the method.
A personal spiritual journey of Good Guy with Tzu Chi. A pilgrimage to the Master's abode in Hualien, East Taiwan, to be confirmed as a Tzu Chi certified volunteer.
Vinegar egg mixture is a natural remedy for tenesmus (constant urge to pass stools).
My spiritual encounter with Sukyo Mahikari, the art of giving divine light.
My encounter with Sukyo Mahikari was somewhat fascinating. Sukyo Mahikari is about personal spiritual realization and cultivation through receiving of the divine light.
Why you should be a vegetarian. There are three main issues; health, environmental and spiritual.
My New Journey With Tzu Chi. Rejuvenating oneself with the stream of living Dharma. Immerse oneself amongst living beings with compassion.
15 Lessons To A Happy Life. Follow through these time-tested lessons with diligence and you will definitely be happy.
Only raw, unprocessed honey can claim to possess all the nutrients of honey. This article describes the benefits of raw, unprocessed tualang honey and how it is harvested.
Some Thoughts On Birthdays. Are they that special? After all, we were all born with them. This is about my thoughts on my birthday.
Who am I in reality? The simplest character "I" is most intriguing and mysterious. Do you have the answer? I don't but I have a proposition.
How To Chase Lizards Away Without Killing Them. I have lizard phobia. So this is a terrifying problem to me. This is how I solve my problem.
Read about this unique and effective way of operating recycling programs.
Health Benefits Of Ume (Japanese Plum). “An ume a day keeps 100 illnesses away”! Umeboshi and mumefural, two by-products from the ume fruit.
What is krill oil? A potent source of omega-3 EPA & DHA, vitamins A &E and the special antioxidant called astaxanthin.
Changing lifestyle may be exciting. There are many reasons for people to change lifestyle. As for me, this is part of my life story.
Health Benefits Of Bran. What is bran and why it is good for your health.
Fighting Cancer : The CT Chang's Way. What are you to do if given only 6 months to live? This was what C T Chang did.
Why People Commit Suicide? Don't ever think of it. "Hopeless" starts with "HOPE". There is light at the end of the tunnel. Live on.
How to protect your bones. As one advances in age, bone density becomes less, resulting in fragile bones. Here is how to take steps to strengthen your bones.
Are you killing yourself in the toilet? What is toilet+smartphone+wifi+charger+fb results to?
Is There Suffering In Life? Let’s face it. Although there is much happiness in life for some, there is much suffering in life for many others.
Mystery Of Dreams. Who never dreams? I dream therefore I am. Brain, consciousness, mind and dreams.
How To Choose A Home Air Purifier. Why do we need one? What to look for when choosing a home air purifier.
Grandpa Bai, The Great Philanthropist. Incredible, selfless, and most generous. His heart was as big as China itself.
Doggerel is a silly poem, sometimes not making any sense. Let's see whether you can understand anything out of "This Silly Old Flame"!
This handy lightweight cordless dustbuster can make life easier for you. Very versatile, keeps the place clean and tidy with minimum effort.
Yellow-Vented Bulbul Hatchling (A 16-Day Chronicle Of Growth). My close encounter with the growth progress of a hatchling right infront of my doorstep.
Little Flickering Light (A Doggerel In Simple English). "Doggerel" means “trivial or bad poetry”. This doggerel has intrigues, romance, mysteries and miseries. See how you can dig them out.
Keroncong music of Indonesia. The exotic rhythmic sounds of ukuleles and enchanting vocals. Soothes your nerves and relax your mind and body.
Feng Shui (Divination And Geomancy) : Facts Or Fantasies? All about perception and belief. Science or art or just fear and fantasies.
Charles Darwin and the theory of evolution and the origin of species. Was it something new, or was it something natural that we failed to observe?
Other uses of vinegar. Use vinegar for general cleaning and many other purposes. Also read about my favorite vinegar-dishwash combination.
Jack Ma of Alibaba. The entrepreneur maverick who conquered the e-commerce business world without having to sell anything! Just shout "Open sesame"!
A final act of kindness by me that I shall never forget for the rest of life. This is my story, when I was a young student in a faraway land.
The marvelous mulberry, the berries and leaves are packed with lots of nutrients. This article is about my experience with my mulberry plant.
Real friends are forever. "In good times and bad times, I'll be on your side forever more. That's what friends are for."
Best Way To Sharpen Kitchen Knives. Don't make an easy job difficult. Just do it!
Power of prayer? Is it true? It all depends on your interpretation. This is mine.
You may not heard of Dr. Hinohara, but this centenarian has some sage advice about how to live a long and happy life.
12 common misconceptions about Buddhism being explained here. This will help you understand Buddhism better.
Let me take you to ride the carousel of life. A journey you will have no control.
How to reduce cancer risk. Consider these three factors; lifestyle, environment and genes. Most important controllable factor is nutrition.
There are a number of world famous St. Anne's Churches in the western world. However there is one famous St. Anne's Church in Bukit Mertajam, Malaysia.
All good things must come to an end. With a heavy heart, I am selling my serene bungalow. Let me share with you the beauty and serenity of my beloved home and a virtual youtube tour.
The Pure Life Society. Truth Alone Triumphs. One God, One World, One Race. Unity In Diversity. The Legacy Of Swami Satyananda.
Essential health supplements to maintain good health. To be healthy is top priority. Three health supplements that I recommend.
Why elderly couples separate? Living together for most of their lives, what cause them to want to separate?
Let's face it. All of us are going to die one day. Hope we die peacefully. What if otherwise? Euthanasia?
How To Stop Stray Thoughts And Not Worry. Stay On The Present Moment. Be Master Of Your Mind. Don't Be Stuck In The Carousel.
Was it a decision out of desperation, or rational choice? A father's thought on the spiritual upliftment of his son.
The Floating Dimension Of The Mind. We float with aversion, guilt, fear, worry, anger, hatred, and illness. Stop floating and live a happy and healthy life.
Good advice to all seniors above fifty. Make your life become like the beautiful rainbow. Be wise and let go your burden, start living a happy and peaceful life. Here and now.
Drinking green tea is healthy for you and me. Not all teas are the same. Green tea is the premium tea, selected from a special tea plant, and processed with minimal oxidation.
Is happiness necessary for living a worthwhile life? I don't believe so, because we cannot be always happy, but we still can live a worthwhile life.
Health benefits of luo han guo (monk fruit or momordica fruit). This fruit is usually brewed into a health drink. No sugar is needed as it is sweeter than sugar.
Luo han guo (monk fruit) health drink recipe. The simplest health drink recipe that you will ever find. Simply add water, boil, and ready to drink!
The saga of flight MH370. From tragedy to mystery to fumbling circus with clowns of the highest degree. Why is this happening? One fact you don't know.
"Every cloud has a silver lining" : Real-Life Stories. When your chips are down, don't despair. Better things may come your way. Read 3 real-life stories here.
Multiple myeloma is a type of cancerous blood disorder. With proper diagnoses and treatments, patients will have a chance to survive longer.
Learn how to prevent contracting kidney disease. Be wary of the signs and symptoms. Are you in the high-risk category?
Your mind is the key to your life. Think right and you will live right. Watch two 6-minute powerful motivation videos that will change your life.
“Tuesdays With Morrie” is a dialogue about life and death between a dying old professor and his past student. If you want to learn the meaning of life, please read this book.
My son has Wegener's granulomatosis. It is a very rare and serious disease, with the body's immune system attacking itself, destroying vital organs, especially lungs and kidneys, if untreated.
Onions Have Lots Of Health Benefits. Apart From Providing Special Taste To Foods, Onions Have Many Minerals And Nutrients That Can Cure Many Illnesses.
12 Symptoms Of Kidney Disease. Kidney Disease Quite Often Is Detected Too Late. Take Heed Of These Symptoms And Consult Your Doctor Immediately. This Will Save Your Life.
Bird’s Nest Soup : An Expensive And Exquisite Delicacy. Worth It's Weight In Gold. This Special Nest Is Not Made From Straws And Twigs, But From The Special Saliva Of The Swiftlets.
9 Health Benefits Of Eggs. Eggs have cholesterol but they are nutritious and good for health. Our body, especially our brain, needs cholesterol to remain healthy.
9 Ways To Protect Your Kidneys. Follow these advices to maintain healthy kidneys. There is no cure for kidney failure. Take heed.
9 Health Symptoms We Should Never Ignore. These Symptoms May Be Life Threatening. Never Take Chances With Your Health. Seek Immediate Medical Attention If You Have These Symptoms.
How To Protect Your Bones To Prevent Osteoporosis. Nine Golden Rules To Protect Your Bones. This Will Save You From Becoming A Victim Of Osteoporosis.
Is High Cholesterol Really Bad? While this on-going cholesterol controversy continues, we need to make a decision for ourselves based on available information.
Aches About Eggs. Are They Really That Bad? As Far As I Am Concerned, Eggs Are Good For Me. Period.
Benefits Of Alkaline Water. Alkaline Water Neutralizes Body Acidity, Reduces Free Radicals, Improves Water Absorption, And Improves General Health.
English words from things Chinese. Unless you are a Chinese, you may not be aware that many English words came from China, or simply remind us of things Chinese. Some positive, others simply horrible reminders!
English words from things Chinese. Some are from Chinese terms, while others remind us of things Chinese. Take a nostalgic trip to the fascinating world of the Chinese.
English Words Derived From The Japanese. The Japanese are excellent exporters of quality products. They even managed to export their language to English-speakers.
Baddies From The Fiction Earning A Place In The English Language. Read About Their Interesting Origins.
Real Baddies Getting Into The English Vocabulary. Do They Deserve This Honor? Read About Their Awful Escapades.
Milk is not good for me, and you. The milk myth has been around for too long. Do you know, ancient Chinese never drink milk?
Colorful discus fishes never failed to fascinate anyone. Nature's perfection in shapes and colors and varieties. Beautiful photos and videos included.
How to lose weight using green coffee bean extract. No special diet, no extra exercise. Too good to believe, but wouldn't you want to try it?
Aishwarya Rai, the most beautiful Miss World. Her most striking feature is her captivating green-blue eyes. Read more about her other achievements.
Natural cure for piles using dried figs. Simple and safe method. You may be the lucky one to be successful using this treatment.
Hawthorn and its health benefits. Hawthorn berries, leaves and flowers can alleviate heart problems, improve blood circulation and lower bad LDL cholesterol.
Acidophilus is a probiotic and is a species of good bacteria. Acidophilus fights off bad bacteria in our digestive system, preventing infections and promoting proper digestion.
Inflammation is the cause of heart problems. Not cholesterol. Control your diet. Eat natural foods, fresh vegies and fruits. Avoid processed foods and trans fats.
Sea buckthorn is the superfruit for reducing modern ailments, such as radiation and artery inflammation. It contains large amount of Omega 7 which minimizes effects of radiation and inflammation.
The dragon boat race has a very long history in China. It has now become a highly competitive international water sport, while retaining the other traditional activities of the dragon boat festival.
The dragon dance is the most spectacular Chinese cultural performance in terms of size and movements. It takes a team of strong and energetic people to choreograph the dragon dance.
Lion dance makes a lot of noise to chase away bad luck and to welcome good luck and prosperity. Lion dances are usually performed during festivities especially during Chinese Lunar Year.
Poison in plastic cutting board! Scrape your plastic cutting board to ensure no plastic grains come out from the surface. Otherwise, you will be eating plastic grains for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Tired eyes? Here are two ways to soothe tired eyes. Eye wash and the latest favorite of mine, the eye pad, which provides a cold treatment to soothe my tired eyes.
The eternal elegant cheongsam, or qipao as it is called in Mandarin Chinese. The most elegant of all female attire in the world. Seeing is believing. Beautiful ladies in figure-hugging cheongsam.
Dizziness can be just a passing irritant. It may be chronic. It may be symptom of a health problem, serious or otherwise. Different types of dizziness, like light-headedness and vertigo.
Hypertension or high blood pressure may be a silent killer leading to heart attack, stroke and kidney problems. You can monitor your blood pressure yourself the easy way. Eat healthy, exercise, relax.
Two little birds sat on the wall. One named Jane, the other Paul. Then came the little one that changed it all. Happy misadventure of a baby bird.
Health benefits of chiku. All fruits have healthy nutritious elements. Chiku or sapota is not a very popular fruit in my location, so I have to plant one in my garden. Interesting facts about chiku.
How to be happy? I was not a particularly happy person in my younger years. How on earth do I have the courage and authority to tell my son how to be happy? But I am happy to try to tell my story.
Here are the world's weirdest and most exotic fruits in terms of appearance, flavor, and the ways in which they grow. Of course, what's weird to one person might be common (and delicious!) to someone else.
Health advancement in the form of smartphone. Wireless medicine with immediate diagnostic data and online consultation and applications.
Black bean soup with pork ribs recipe. Healthy and nutritious soup, Chinese style. Very easy and simple to prepare. Just follow the simple instructions.
How to choose photo frames. Sometimes a somewhat simple errand can become quite complicated. Given the wide selection of photo frames, to make a right decision takes a bit of thinking and reasoning.
Watercress soup, Oriental style, or to be more specific, Chinese style. Simple recipe with lots of healthy nutrients.
Health benefits of watercress. Watercress contains cancer fighting ingredients. It is one of the oldest leafy vegetables. One of the Chinese favorite soup dishes.
The Chinese lunar new year is the period where the largest human migration and the longest and greatest celebration takes place.
How to have healthy teeth and gum. You know the conventional methods. Now try this cheap, easy and effective method. It works for me.
The ego of I. Who am I? Do you know; this simplest of all characters is the cause of all our miseries and troubles? Just imagine if there is no "I".
Health benefits of eating vegetables. Adopt a healthy and wholesome eating lifestyle. Eating more vegetables will enhance one's health as well as physical appearance.
What is bamboo salt? It was invented by the Koreans using sea salt placed in bamboo stubs, undergoing a repeated burning process. Bamboo salt is supposed to have medicinal properties and is better than ordinary table salt.
Danger and benefits of salt. Too much salt intake will cause health problems. But use sparingly, it is beneficial. Also other helpful tips for use of salt.
How To Overcome Fear Permanently. Imaginative mental fear can be overcome. You need to dig deep into the root cause at the subconscious level of the mind.
Goenka Vipassana Meditation. Second and final part of my personal experience during the 10-day course of self-discovery of the intricacies of mind and body. A mind-boggling ordeal well spent.
Goenka Vipassana Meditation. Part 1 of my personal experience during the 10-day course of self-discovery of the intricacies of mind and body. A mind-boggling ordeal well spent.
What Is Goenka Vipassana Meditation? It is a universal meditation method that will give you peace and happiness through knowing your true self and the nature of the real world.
China’s New First Lady : Peng Liyuan. China will never be the same again with the ever popular, sensational and glamorous singing personality as the First Lady!
Bananas and breakfast. Bananas for your breakfast with toast and butter, and a fusion with kaya (coconut custard jam), complete with a glass of ginger tea. A healthy fusion breakfast.
Pearl S. Buck : Nobel Prize Author, Political Activist, Humanitarian. She spent half her life in China, experiencing intimate insights of the Chinese people. A social activist in the U.S. and Asia.
Han Suyin : Doctor, Author, Internationalist. She was most famous for her novel "A many-splendored thing" which was made into the film "Love is a many-splendored thing". Apart from being a well-known author, she was an "unoffical" ambassador for East and West.
How to stay healthy for people over 50. Sharing with you how I stay healthy with my practical and down-to-earth healthy activities. If I can, so can you!
Word origins from mythological gods. Many English words can be traced to have originated from these gods and goddesses.
Personal names with meanings. Many personal names are merely names without meaning. But many have meanings, some interesting and fascinating.
What’s in a special name? Would-be parents beware. Make sure you give your children appropriate names, and save them from being targets of ridicule just because they got horrible names.
Kaya : coconut milk egg custard jam recipe. Coconut jam or in various names srikaya or serikaya. Best with butter on toast, giving you the sweet taste of kaya and the saltiness of butter.
How to live a long and healthy life. In Bama, China, the locals live long and healthy lives. Never heard of walking sticks! What are the secrets?
Advantages of installing photocell sensor: Convenience, security, and economy.
Advantages of installing timer switch. Also: There are two versions of timer switches; one is more useful than the other.
Learn how to make lemongrass tea. In addition to being delicious, it's also good for your health.
Homemade cure for cough. Try this simple and easy remedy, using cucumber and salt.
How to cure coughs the natural way. Steam an orange with salt in it. Eat the flesh and drink the juice. Quite a nice taste, sweet and salty.
Kittens,pitiful little kittens. There are times when unexpected events strike an innocent person. This is a true personal most unexpected encounter with uninvited guests.
Melodious wind chimes. The wonderful world of wind chimes. Wind chimes exude melodious sounds that soothe body and mind. Stay relaxed and be at peace with the company of the therapeutic sound vibration of wind chimes.
How to do a simple head massage. My simple head massage effective in dissipating head pain and headache. Very easy and practical. Watch me on video.
Tzu Chi Foundation : Master Cheng Yen. Compassionate relief for those in need of help. Charity with a smile, with compassion, with sincerity and humility, and with great love.
This recipe for ginger tea with brown sugar is very easy to make, not to mention delicious. Ginger tea has been known to help with stomach gas, bloating, the common cold, and nausea. It can be a very good health tonic.
Here's how to make yourself a luscious and tangy orange marmalade.
Natural cure for loose stool by using pomegranate rind. This is an Ayurvedic treatment. Please note, loose stool is not the same as diarrhea. Loose stool syndrome is just a minor private irritant, not a major health problem.
This easy and simple method to stop diarrhea fast requires only two ingredients: boiling water and rice.
Fruit enzyme recipe with tomatoes. Easy to prepare, nutritious for the body. To maintain good health, we need to feed our bodies with good enzymes which help our cells to rejuvenate.
Fruit enzyme recipe, with aloe vera, apple and kiwifruit. Good for your health. Easy to prepare and convenient to drink. Delicious too.
Benefits of fruit enzyme. How to make fruit enzyme? Enzymes as catalysts for human cells to function healthily.
Tracy Huang is the premier, age-defying Asian diva. She is sultry, sophisticated, stylish, and elegant. What a beauty and what a voice!
Old lady rubbish collector saves abandoned babies. She has a heart of gold. Full of human compassion. She gives the abandoned babies a second chance to life.
Cure gout with green papaya and green tea leaves. Three simple and easy steps to prepare the drink.
How to live harmoniously with people of different beliefs. Respect for others. Being able to keep silent.
Tired eyes : Simple methods to soothe tired eyes. Simple methods to alleviate discomfort of tired eyes. Just use your palms. Read to find out how.
Bruno Groening and the “Healing Stream”. Have you heard of Bruno Groening? Have you heard of "Heilstrom", the "Healing Stream"? Do you believe in "miracle healing"? Can everyone get healed from sickness by tapping into this "Healing Stream"?
Knee-rub massage; fast, easy and simple. Reduce risk of knee problems come old age. Prevention is better than cure.
Dr Tom Wu and his smoothie diet. Have you heard of Dr Tom Wu's smoothies and his health protocol? Read this with an open mind. Then decide for yourself. I am sharing my personal opinion too.
Elvis Presley : The Cat King? Do you know Elvis Presley had a strange name in Chinese? His Chinese name is Mao Wang, meaning Cat King. How did it come about?
How to cure flu? There is no cure for flu. It has to run its full course. But you can hasten the recovery period by following these simple steps.
Reflexology is a type of pressure massage applied to target areas of the body that indirectly stimulates vital organs and glands. It is frequently applied on the soles of the feet and palms.
Benefits of using a tongue cleaner. It cleans away the accumulated bacteria from your tongue. No more bad breath. Best of all, you feel fresh in your mouth.
Electrostatic therapy : recharging our body cells to stay healthy through transmitting of high-voltage electric field by using the electrostatic equipment.
Interactive street art is street art which the public can "interact" with the art. Street artist Ernest Zacharevic has done a beautiful presentation in the heritage town of George Town, Penang, Malaysia
A UNESCO world heritage site, unique architecture, engineering marvels, melting-pot of cultures, traditions, festivals, foods and even a hybrid community of locals. Beautiful beaches too!
Benefits of goat’s milk. Goat's milk is more nutritious than cow's milk. Goat's milk is a good substitute for cow's milk, especially for those who are allergic to cow's milk or soy milk.
GNH : Happiness is more important than wealth in Bhutan. Is happiness more important than wealth? The King of Bhutan thought so. He put his thoughts into actions and came up with GNH or Gross National Happiness as the foundation for his people's well being.
Teresa Teng, the iconic Asian singer. Teresa Teng, the all-time greatest Asian singing icon and pop diva, with a voice so sweet that melts every heart. Read about her life and view her videos. Surprised "Climax" at the end of this article.
Savior from sex slavery, Anuradha Koirala. Sex slavery and girl trafficking in Nepal. Anuradha Koirala fights them all to save the girls. CNN Hero of the year 2010.
How to maintain soft and lustrous hair the natural way. No more dry hair problem.
Cure cancer with fever. The body develops fever to fight invading organisms. Hyperthermia therapy, HIFU and oncothermia therapy are based on administering heat to kill cancer cells.
Best exercise machine for the elderly is the recumbent exercise bike. Read on to know more.
What is digital graveyard? Are you prepared for this? Are your financial assets secured in cyber space? What will happen to all your financial data in the internet? Be prepared.
Right time to eat fruits. The right time to eat fruits is between meals, on an empty stomach. Don't eat fruits after a meal as the fruits will not have chance to digest.
Toothpaste : Other uses. Why not use the correct agents for the specific purposes, instead of using toothpaste?
Tennis elbow cure : Free, easy and practical exercises. Cure tennis elbow with these simple and easy stretch exercises. Best of all, it's free.
Moringa, the miracle tree that supplies all our nutritional needs and cures our illnesses.
How to live to 100 plus. How to live a long, healthy and happy life. Four keys to succeed in this .
Treatment and cure for posterior fistula. Avoid surgery. Try this oral method by using ghee and milk. My personal testimony. It worked for me.
Durian is the thorny king of fruits and the only one of its kind. There are different types of hybrids, but the best varieties are found in Penang, Malaysia.
Longevitology, the secret to live a long healthy life. Open your chakras and revitalize your inner energy. Heals body, mind and spirit.
War atrocities in China, committed by the Japanese. The terrible massacre in Nanking. Makes you sick in the stomach.
How to stop smoking effectively. Read the various methods to stop smoking. Smoking is bad for health.
Sabah snake grass : Herbal cancer treatment. Sabah Snake Grass can cure many illnesses, including cancer. Read testimonies of those being cured by Sabah Snake Grass.
Learn about the benefits of tibicos mushroom or water kefir and an easy fermentation method to prepare tibicos drink. There are proven vast health benefits
Stomach massage : Lose weight. Stomach massage for a shapely figure. Can reduce bulging tummy. Also good for blood circulation. Very easy and convenient.
Peeling potato the easy way. Save time too. Take a look at the videos.
Gandhi quotes. Ghandi, the universal icon of non-violence. His famous quotations are worth remembering and following.
Facts about cancer. It's good to know the facts, the myths, and hidden truths about cancer.
How to cure cancer. Alternative treatments for cancer. Many approaches to cure cancer.
Alternative cancer treatment : Gerson Therapy. Gerson therapy is one of the most efective alternative treatments for cancer. Read about personal testimonies of this effective Gerson therapy.
Natural cures for cancer. Try apricot seed kernels, papaya leaves and stalks, and lemon grass.
Self-healing : Lajin stretch and exercise by Xiao Hongchi. Self-healing using the Lajin method which is so simple to learn, and convenient to practise.
Benefits of ginger. Ginger in food, ginger confectionery, ginger as treatment of ailments.
Coconut water is a natural and nutritious thirst quencher. It also has medicinal values, such as helping relieve headaches and coughs. This article will detail some of those benefits and describe some of my experiences with this wonderful drink.
Unhealthy food : junk food. Junk food, as the name suggests, is unhealthy food. Full of poisonous additives and artificial coloring. Avoid junk food to stay healthy.
Benefits of noni juice : Personal Testimony. My personal testimony for curing my bowel movement problem.
Relaxing qigong for health and vitality. This relaxing qigong introduced by my friendly monk. Easy to learn and convenient to practice. Nice music too.