A Few Avoidable Mistakes That Affect Weight Loss
Losing weight is rarely easy for most. It is always a lot easier and quicker to pack on the pounds, than it is to shed them. So if you are struggling to lose weight, you just might be making very simple mistakes that are hurting you. Read through these four common (and avoidable) weight loss mistakes and see if you are making any of them.
Mistake #1: Not drinking enough water.
A lot of people do not enjoy drinking plain water. However, it is important to stay hydrated, particularly if you are getting extra exercise or if you are trying to lose weight. The recommended daily intake of water is between 6-8 (8-oz.) glasses of water. While this might seem like an awful lot of water, your body needs it.
Mistake #2: Not getting enough exercise.
Very few people trying to lose weight want to exercise. If you are miserably overweight, it is uncomfortable to get up and start moving around more. But the truth of the matter is that inactivity only feeds obesity.
Sure, you can lose weight without exercising. But you could shed even more pounds if you would simply start following any exercise routine. It does not have to be anything strenuous. It could be as simple as walking a few times each week. The key is to get up and get moving.
Mistake #3: Eating too much.
How many helpings do you usually eat at each meal? How large are your portions? Overeating is a huge part of what prevents you from losing weight. If you skip breakfast and lunch, then overeat at dinner, you are only hurting yourself.
Start by taking smaller portions. When you serve yourself dinner, eat off a smaller plate or a saucer. Refuse seconds. Eat more vegetables than meat and watch your starches. All these little changes can add up to a lot of pounds over time.
Mistake #4: Eating too much junk food.
There are very few of us who do not crave junk food at some point. It is okay to have a little snack every now and then, but if you cannot control your junk food intake, then you might need to swear it off forever. Sometimes a few bites or nibbles lead to junk food binges that you can’t stop. Be cautious when eating junk food because it can create a reverse domino effect on your weight loss.
This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2008 Hope Wilbanks