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Boris Criticises Crowds For Gathering.

Updated on June 27, 2020

We have seen on our screens (of one sort or another) crowds gathering on beaches, protest gatherings, even football gatherings. People have gathered on Bournemouth beach in the south or on Cosby beach in the north. People have gathered in anti/pro-Black Lives Matter demonstrations and last night we saw Liverpool fans, gathering, celebrating their league victory, in the Premiership.

In line with bars, cafes, restaurants, hairdressers opening on 4 July, two-metre rules have been relaxed to 1 metre. The World Health Organisation (not universally respected in some parts of the world) have recommended the 1-metre distance replaces the 2 metres. Many business owners have welcomed the 1-metre distancing, but, from an economical point of view, they would.

Boris Johnson has gone on the attack condemning crowds gathering. Telling people, that the virus is still out there. Referring to countries, where having come out of lockdown, the 'R' rate has risen. For example, in the USA, it seems the Trump administration, is more interested in the economy than peoples health. Look at Brazil, the death toll has gone through the roof.

Boris continued that public crowd gathering (in whatever capacity) is risking life and spreading the infection. Johnson urged people to respect and abide by the social distancing rules.

Of course, Boris is correct, he should know, he has suffered with COVID-19. The disease nearly cost him his life. When he recovered and came back to work, he seemed humble. Publicly, thanking those NHS staff that nursed him back to health. Naming his new baby after the staff when the child was born.

It would seem the overall majority of people have respected the social distancing rules. The 'R' rate has gone down, because of the fantastic NHS and care professionals. We are with caution, (hopefully) coming out of lockdown with some hint of returning to normality (if life ever was normal before COVID-19). However, because of the thoughtless actions of people crowding on beaches, holding raves (I thought raves went out with the 90s), BLM anti/pro protests and Liverpool fans gathering to celebrate their team being champions, COVID-19 could return.

There is talk of localised spikes or indeed a national second wave, which would then undo the good works which have been achieved. It is understandable, many people would want to gather, after weeks and weeks of lockdown and isolation. It is natural, humans are herd or social creatures, we all like time on our own but, we also, like to interact.

However, it seems our animalistic instinct, seems to override our intelligence. In other words, all people should know (regardless of background) how bad COVID is. This disease has killed nearly 50,000 of us. Yet, our primitive urges, have overcome, our common sense, and all respect for social distancing went out of the window, in these gatherings. If a spike or a second wave comes, then I'm sorry to say, these people are to blame and not the government in this instance. However, the government could have acted faster, therefore then, perhaps, our death toll wouldn't have been so great.

Even countries, like New Zealand, have had very little death or infection, (because they sealed off their borders) have experienced a rise in COVID-19. Probably because, the virus, was also present, but, New Zealanders have returned home, thus bringing the infection into the country with them.

The example of New Zealand, a nation with little to no infection or death, should be an example for the UK. Even a nation, like New Zealand, with an impeccable record of keeping the virus at bay, is now experiencing a spike. So, we, with a huge death toll, would do well to learn from their example, but, are we?


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