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Bring It: P90X Day 41

Updated on December 29, 2011

For the last month and a half I have been undergoing my own personal journey to see if the P90X is the workout to get me in the best shape of my life. P90X is an extreme workout created by Tony Horton. With all those success stories out there, it is hard not to believe this program won't work. Pure stubbornness has brought me this far, but the exercises have given me more energy and toned up my muscles. I am just short of being halfway there, and I plan on going all the way. I want to show you the truth behind this program. Once I hit my 90 days, you will be able to make the decision whether P90X is a good investment for your time and money.

If you would like to start from the beginning of this series, please click here. If you want to read about my previous day with P90X, click here.

Feel free to leave your comments below. Together we can achieve the motivation we have never seen before. I love to here your advice, tips and fitness stories. So let's work together. Even if you haven't been working out yet, today is the day to start Bringing It!

P90X is an extreme workout promising to get you in the best shape of your life. Are you ready to sweat those pounds off?
P90X is an extreme workout promising to get you in the best shape of your life. Are you ready to sweat those pounds off? | Source

Bring It

KenpoX - one of my favorite workouts in the entire P90X DVD series. Why? Because it is like kickboxing and kickboxing is a great way to burn calories and sweat without even realizing you are doing it! It's fun and it goes by quick. The only downside of KenpoX is my schedule throws it in on a Saturday. Saturday is my lowest motivation day. I get a chance to sleep in and when I don't get up early, getting that work out in seems to be a bit of a struggle.

Yet, I stick to my habit and I get up and I push play! That is the only way I know I will be successful. If I push play every morning, there will be no excuses.

Today was a great workout, but I have never once really complained about KenpoX. It goes by fast. The worst thing about it is the sweat that might be dripping in your eyes. But KenpoX made me realize something very important today. It made me realize for the rest of my life, I am going to be one of those people that have to fight for my health.

Give those brownies a punch!

Punching away those bad habits can be hard, but it is worth it in the end!
Punching away those bad habits can be hard, but it is worth it in the end! | Source

How about you...

When fighting for your health, what is your biggest struggle?

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Fighting for your Health

Do you know those people who are skinny as can be, eat a dozen bad things for them on a regular basis, yet never have to worry about gaining a single pound? Yep - I hate those people! Ok - so maybe hate is the wrong word for it. I envy these people. This is the kind of person I have always wished I could be. Sadly, that has never been the case.

I have always laughed at the thought that someone else could eat a brownie, and me, just looking at the thing would gain five pounds. It really wasn't that far from the truth. I have always been like that. I have always struggled to keep my weight in a healthy range. Some times I am successful - other times I am not even close. For as long as I can remember, my weight has jumped up and down and back up again. When I am wear I want to be, I constantly have to watch to make sure I don't rebound.

Unfortunately for me, after I had my last son I rebounded. Sure - it was a good reason. After all, I was pregnant and expected to gain a few pounds. The problem is, once I gain the weight, I struggle even harder to get it off.

But now I am back into fighting stance. I know what I have to do. I need to make good decisions nutritionally and I have to workout. There is just no getting around it. If I want to be healthy (mind you, I didn't say skinny!), this is just what I have to do.

So this is were I make a change. And today, as I am fighting to be fit, I am finally seeing the change take place. My jeans are getting loose, my appetite has decreased and frankly, I have more energy than I know what to do with. These are motivating factors. These are what keep me fighting everyday.

So, whether you are on day 1 or day 41 or maybe day 1001 - are you ready to start a fight. A fight against the unhealthy habits we tend to just live with; the fight against disease, the fight against being a couch potato; the fight against all those excuses we have piled up. Let's do this thing - together we can be successful!

Want More...

Want to hear about my big problem, don't miss out on Day 42 by clicking here!


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