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Bring It: P90X Day 75

Updated on December 18, 2011

P90X is a workout consisting of some extreme exercises. It was created by Tony Horton and is the second workout after the orginal P90. The concept behind the DVD series is based off of muscle confusion. That roughly comes out as give it your all and keep switching it up.

After seeing the many informercials about P90X, this workout suggests it works. Then again, what workout advertised on TV doesn't promise success. This is my own personal journey to test the results. By 90 days, I hope to show you what a normal, average person can achieve by doing this workout.

If you would like to start from the beginning of this series, please click here. If you want to read about my previous day with P90X, click here.

Feel free to leave you comments below. With the holiday season upon us it is more important now to stay motivated. If you want to make it through the holidays and maintain your weight or even lose weight, stick around. Together I know that we can do it!

P90X is one of those workouts that is tough to get through, but one that is promising results not achieved by any other program.
P90X is one of those workouts that is tough to get through, but one that is promising results not achieved by any other program. | Source

Sing your heart out!

Christmas concerts are a good reason to postpone your morning workout!
Christmas concerts are a good reason to postpone your morning workout! | Source

A star... A star...

Singing some traditional Christmas music.
Singing some traditional Christmas music. | Source

Bring It

Today was one of those cases of "Life Happens." That means my normal routine was interrupted because of something else. If you have been following along so far, you know that always throws my entire day out of wack. It isn't that I mind the occasional interuption, it is just that my morning workout usually gets put off until sometime in the afternoon or later at night.

Personally, I would prefer to get my workout over and done with in the morning. This is a personal preference as I know many others that like to workout at night instead of getting up early. For me, I choose this because if I knock it out right away, I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the day. That is when the excuses start rolling in. I find I can easily run out of time or find stuff I need to do otherwise.

Today was my kids Christmas concerts at school. I had family stopping by the house at 8 a.m. so we can head over to the school together. This didn't bug me but this also meant I didn't have time to get my workout in. The concerts were lovely and I wouldn't have missed them for the world. In fact, I went twice since my oldest had a second choir concert in the afternoon. This meant I didn't get done with all my stuff until well after 2 p.m.

The afternoon workouts don't appeal to me because they are constantly interupted by my kids running around or fighting. I just don't get the workout in that I deserve. This left me with an after super workout. I hate these because I end up feeling sluggish from the day's activities. Yet I don't have an excuse tonight at least. My husband is working so there is no distractions. I can have the TV all to myself. So that is what I did.

I can't say it was my best workout. Like I said, I was already feeling tired from running all day long. But at least I did it and that is really what matters.

9 Reasons to Stay Motivated During the Holidays

The holidays might be the most difficult time of the year to continue your workout and to stay motivated. What can I say, we are all really busy getting ready for Christmas. We have concerts to go to, presents to shop for, Christmas cards to send out, and the house to decorate. Really - how can anybody expect to squeeze in that workout.

Yet, if you are thinking about slipping, staying in tune to the theme of Christmas with only 9 days left to shop... here are 9 reasons you should stay motivated during the holidays and continue pushing play.


If you know you are going to be drinking some of your calories, you better make it up by doing a few exercises first. This way you can maintain your weight instead of gaining the holiday weight.
If you know you are going to be drinking some of your calories, you better make it up by doing a few exercises first. This way you can maintain your weight instead of gaining the holiday weight. | Source

Want a cookie????

Well so do I, but that means I am going to have to workout for it!
Well so do I, but that means I am going to have to workout for it! | Source

Flex those motivational muscles

You know you can do it... so set your mind to it and just do it. That will give you bragging rights after the holiday has ended!
You know you can do it... so set your mind to it and just do it. That will give you bragging rights after the holiday has ended! | Source

Sick of the same old resolutions

If you are already watching what you eat, incorporating exercise in daily, you no longer need to add pounds lost as part of your resolution. So do yourself a favor and stick to your daily habit! Don't use the holidays as an excuse!
If you are already watching what you eat, incorporating exercise in daily, you no longer need to add pounds lost as part of your resolution. So do yourself a favor and stick to your daily habit! Don't use the holidays as an excuse! | Source

A present to yourself

You are the only one that can give yourself this present. So stick with your goals and don't let the excuses get in the way. You are important and most importantly, you need to love yourself.
You are the only one that can give yourself this present. So stick with your goals and don't let the excuses get in the way. You are important and most importantly, you need to love yourself. | Source
  1. Alcohol - While there are some people who don't drink out there, there are several of us that enjoy a cocktail every once in awhile. These alcoholic beverages are the perfect culprit to destroying your calorie intake for the day. Yet, so many of us forget how much they cost us. If you don't drink the alcohol, even one can of regular soda can start adding up fast. If you get that workout in, you can combat the extra calories you will be drinking.
  2. Christmas Cookies - Who doesn't like Christmas Cookies.... and frankly Santa can't eat them all. So if you know you are going to be tempted, do that workout and earn yourself one instead.
  3. Family - If you have been on this weight loss journey for awhile, your familiy might not have seen the results. Especially since the family we see over the holidays is usually family we only see once in a great while. So what better way to surprise people than to show up after losing a few pounds. The compliments will push you to stay motivated for days.
  4. The size too small present - While it is always fun to get clothes for presents, there is nothing worse then someone guessing your size and getting it way too small. Yet, if you stay motivated and on track for the holidays, what might have been the size too small present might be the present that fits just right.
  5. Bragging rights - Not many people can probably say they stuck to their workout consistently throughout the holidays. In fact, many people probably don't make it at all (hence why they need to set getting in shape as a New Year's Resolution!) So if you make it throughout the holidays without breaking routine... this is definately grounds for bragging rights.
  6. A Better Resolution - The Holiday season ends with all of us making our New Year's Resolution. Won't it be great if you don't actually need to put on there "Getting in the habit of exercising regularly," or "losing weight?" You can finally put other resolutions on there like finishing that book you have always wanted to write or learning how to play a musical instrument.
  7. Why not? - I mean why would you skip your workouts... you have come this far and it is already a habit. So you get a little busy. Doing your workout is no different than making an appointment you set. So set up your workouts like they are an appointment and you will be less likely to skp them.
  8. Maintain your weight - How many people do you hear complaining about the extra weight gained over the holidays? Even one person is one person too many. Yet this year, if you stay motivated and keep pushing play, you will be able to avoid the holiday weight gain. While the goal might be to just maintain, you might even be able to lose weight as well.
  9. Consider it a present to yourself - We all like presents, but frankly, the transformation to a healthier new you is something only you can give yourself. If you stay motivated, you will be able to enter into the new year a whole new person. Whether you have lost 5 pounds or 50 pounds, you have already started the journey to being healthier. Reward yourself with the present that only you can give.

Want More...

Click here to check out Day 76


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