Dispelling the Myth that Cancer Strikes Randomly
The Prevalent View of Cancer
Mainstream medicine seems to equate cancer with just being unlucky. You either inherit a lousy set of genes that predispose you to malignancies. Or you develop a tumor out of the blue, for unknown reasons.
Little attention is given to the fact that cancer rates continue to hike upward. This disease has reached epidemic levels, now hitting 50 percent of men and 33 percent of women at some point in their lives.
If you happen to read the obituaries, you'll notice that we're not winning the war on cancer. It continues to take the lives of our family, friends and loved ones.
The American Cancer Society aggressively pushes screenings, such as mammograms, in hopes that early diagnosis will lead to a better outcome.
But why isn't there more emphasis on prevention?
It's Not Just a Roll of the Dice
A Different View of Cancer
Alternative medical experts see things much differently. They consider tumors as a sign that a body is overburdened with toxins and suffering from nutritional deficiencies. If you surgically remove a tumor, without correcting the underlying problems, there's a very good chance the cancer will return someplace else, which it often does.
Some practitioners even believe cancer is, in a strange way, our friend. This is the body's attempt to defend itself from toxins or an infection that would pose a more immediate health threat. What happens then, is that a tumor forms, and the body encapsulates it.
Consequently, the mainstay of any alternative cancer treatment is a healthy diet filled with a wide variety of organic foods. This is usually coupled with a detox regimen, such as drinking a lot of water and then sweating in a sauna, as well as taking supplements to rebuild a compromised immune system.
Can you reverse a malignancy this way? I'm not going to answer that question. Instead, I urge you to do an Internet search so you can read the many stories of people who've survived "terminal" cancer by adopting a holistic healing approach.
Please read an excellent book written by a cancer crusader known as Bill Henderson. He embarked upon his mission when his wife died of cancer, after undergoing conventional treatments.
Step Outside the Box - An Ounce of Prevention
It's generally believed that whatever can stop a tumor from growing, and cause it to recede, can also prevent one from forming in the first place.
There is another cancer crusader known as Ty Bollinger. Watching seven of his relatives succumb to cancer led him to explore the causes of cancer and uncover effective treatments. The results of his research are compiled into his book called Cancer: Step Outside the Box. The book includes explanations of some of the most successful alternative therapies.
In an interview, Bollinger said he used some of the techniques he describes in his book as prevention.
Approaching Cancer from Outside the Box
We All Have Cancer?
Some doctors believe that everyone who's alive has cancer. But a well-oiled immune system will kill the rogue cells and prevent a tumor from forming. Once immunity weakens, though, we could be diagnosed with the dread disease.
So it's never entirely accurate when someone has a medical scan and are then told they are cancer free. A truer statement would be "we can't see any sign of cancer." But this wouldn't change the fact cancer cells are probably lurking somewhere.
If this is true, then patients who are in "remission" will especially want to do all they can to prevent a recurrence.
Dr. Mercola on Preventing Prostate Cancer
How Do You Prevent Cancer?
A good holistic medicine practitioner would teach you how to adopt a healthier lifestyle. First and foremost would be eating organic foods and eliminating genetically modified foods. Although there's very limited research as to whether GMOs cause cancer, two teams of scientists - one in France and another in Sweden - have found evidence this could be the case.
Other general advice would be the avoid using microwave ovens, as this form of heating changes the composition of the nutrients, so the body won't assimilate them. Microwaving may also lead to the formation of toxic and carcinogenic chemicals in the food.
A few other simple ways to promote good health is to avoid sugar, white flour, reduce stress and to get adequate sunshine and exercise.
If you'd like to read more about staying healthy, a newly published book called Your Natural Medicine Cabinet, written by Burke Lennihan, noted homeopath and natural healer, contains more than 200 pages of health tips, as well as recommendations on the best supplements. Lennihan used to own a health food store, so she gleaned a lot of information from her customers.
An Imbalanced pH Level Can Lead to Cancer
A Revolutionary View of Cancer
In the later part of the 20th century, Dr. Emanuel Revici, who lived in New York City, had a busy practice treating cancer patients. He was wildly successful and, consequently, incurred the wrath of the mainstream medical establishment.
He approached cancer from a different vantage point, considering it a condition that thrives when the body cannot maintain a proper pH balance. The metabolism of every single one of his patients was either two alkaline or too acidic, he found. Correcting this, through dietary adjustments and lipid supplements, would cause the tumors to regress.
Cancer, according to Dr. Revici, can only grow under a certain set of conditions, and a healthy body is not fertile ground for malignancies.
You can read more about Dr. Revici's unique perspective of cancer in a book written by Kelley Eidem called The Doctor Who Cures Cancer. It is absolutely fascinating. I read this book cover to cover. It vividly describes the persecution of a brilliant physician who had great success treated "terminal" cancer patients.
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This article is written only for purposes of education and discussion. It is not to be viewed as medical advice. People with health concerns should discuss them with a medical professional. The author claims no responsibility for treatment decisions or outcome.