Complimentary Comments: A Hubbers View of Commenting
Thanks for the Compliment
I don't know a writer here on Hubpages who doesn't appreciate a well constructed or well intended comment. I know I do! How does one really know how their audience received their latest work? Does it touch anyone, (if that was the intent) does the hub reach anyone the way the author intended? There are a thousand reasons why an author wants feedback. Heck, an appropriately placed at-a-boy or girl is enough to keep you writing, right?
There are also well constructed comments that are constructively critical and I enjoy those just as much. Why? Because I want to know how to improve what I do and there are people out there that still care about the quality of the writing as well as the content. But, I have to admit that when another writer, especially the ones you admire and respect for the quality of their work bestows a complimentary comment on a hub you've worked hard to's dynamite! For me, it's an encouragement to continue because I know I've touched someone. People offer compliments for all kinds of reasons and all of them in their own way are valid. The connection between the commenter and and the author is special, it creates a bond that can feed both author and commenter!
All that being said, there a more reasons than you can shake a stick at to leave a comment on another authors work and 99.9 percent of the ones I have seen have been, at the very least, a pick-me-up and at best a moving experience that impacts the author and their work for a long, long time.
I don't want to belabor this point as most of you reading this hub have experienced the validity of this statement from both aspects, author and commenter. So, without further adieu, I'd like to start this parade off with a few of my favorite comments. If you are new to Hubpages you will soon learn and experience this magical element and hopefully you will come to appreciate it as much as I do. To BillyBuc who has agreed to be my accomplice in getting this idea off the ground I can only say, on behalf of myself and all of the other hubbers who have enjoyed your work and your comments...thank you my friend! You've come a long way from the place you once were and there is a long way to go to achieve all you are preparing yourself for, but I am deeply grateful for your comments. I cherish them, I look forward to them and I am encouraged and inspired to continue this craft in no small way by them! Thank you and to all of the other hubbers out there who are participating in this site carry on your writing...someone's waiting to read and comment on your work!
Peace be with you!
An Encouraging Comment
On One Grateful Expression, a hub I wrote about 10 months ago the following comment came from Dee aka Nonna, a gifted writer and one who appreciates the work of other authors as well. She has supported my writing with uplifting comments like the one below. Thanks Dee, I cannot tell you what your words of encouragement have meant to me!
Dee aka Nonna 10 months ago Level 6 Commenter
I love the way you began this "What comes out is what's inside". I grew up with my mother saying to us "garbage in, garbage out". Anytime we would say something negative or "unlady like" she would remind us that we should not act in such a matter. Joy, peace, connection, innermost passion, gratefulness, lift and have brought all of this to me with this awesome hub. Voted up, awesome, beautiful and again inspiring, if there were such a button.
Thank you for sharing.
Always Grateful
Comments Are Connections Around The World
Another amazing writer, this time found half way around the world, Fennelseed offered her comments on Using Gratitude & The Bluebirds of Happiness: Why not fly with them? and I was so humbled that I had touched someone so far away. Granted, I know we live in a global society now and have for some time but, it hit home when Fennelseed responded because it seemed like my back yard was her back yard...incredible! Little things become big things!
Fennelseed 8 months ago from Australia Level 7 Commenter
Finding gratitude in what we have and what our world presents to us every day to marvel at, enjoy and be grateful for, opens our eyes to more and more wonders.
Amazing cloud formations that change in the sky every split second, the beauty and intricacy of a bud bursting into bloom, a butterfly with delicate patterned wings, two perfect, warm, baby blue eggs lovely tendered to by adoring bluebird parents, so much to admire and be grateful for.
I get it Born2care and I am so very humbly grateful and so very much alive. Thank you for this amazing hub.
Your writing comes from a very warm heart and a very intuitive mind.
A Complimentary Comment From One of the Best
I have never met Bill Holland, except here on Hubpages, yet I consider him my friend! He is a professional in every sense, in his writing and in his commenting regarding the work of so many HubPage authors. He is a gentleman, a man of wisdom and character and one heck of a writer too! I am indebted to him for his complimentary style (evidenced on the hub) If You Love Me? Let me go! as a hubber and as a man of conviction! Thank you it's your turn!
billybuc 7 months ago from Olympia, WA Level 8 Commenter
Hey my friend, you just hit a homerun! This, in my opinion, is your best work so far. You are growing as a writer, finding your voice and allowing your story to be released without restraint, like Stuart. Tough choices, ones I had to make thirty years ago....but necessary. Bravo on an excellent hub.
An Unscientific Top Ten Commenters
First the Honorable Mention: 50 Caliber, Mr. Happy, Perspycacious, suzettenaples, ImKarn23, tsmog, DFiduccia, stessily, Dexter Yarbrough, mary615.
And now, those hubbers who are, in my opinion the Top 10 commenter's based on my experience of reading their comments on my hubs and the hubs to which I am connected. I recognize this list is by no means exhaustive, but these writers have contributed tremendously to the entire Hubpages family. Thanks and blessings to all of you!
10. izettl
9 xstatic
7 phdast7
2 billybuc
1 fpherj48