Exercise Makes You Smarter Duh!
Most people exercise for weight loss or cardiovascular fitness. They seam like intelligent reasons to exercise, they must have come to that idea while exercising. Exercise is like Miracle Grow for the brain to quote Dr. John Medina, author of the book Brain Rules. Dr. Medina has 12 brain rules and exercise is rule number 1. He says the BDNF proteins created from exercise promote the growth. It is nice to have science back up what we can totally feel.
A brisk cardiovascular exercise session first thing in the morning not only boosts your metabolism but increases your mental alertness. Another proven fact is cardio workouts increased blood flow to the brain and more blood flow increases capillary growth. Increased capillaries mean more oxygen delivered to the brain. This is all great stuff but please finish reading this article before getting up to exercise.
John Ratey MD. Another smart man named John wrote a book called Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain. This book speaks to some of the same benefits as Brain Rules but adds more benefits. Spark talks about good effects of exercise on ADHD, anxiety, and depression. Wow it seams exercise can help about everything. Ok you can take a quick break from reading to do a couple of jumping jacks.
Done, great now here is what we need to do. If you do not work out now you need to join the intelligent revolution. Start slow if need be, just 15 to 30 minutes before your morning shower. It does not matter if it is a bike, treadmill, elliptical, or rower, find what you feel you can use. Please do not ask opinions on cardio equipment because everybody has a favorite. Listen to your body. Weather you need to loose weight or not start in the weight loss zone.220 - your age x 65% is your beginning weight loss zone. 220 - your age x 75% is your top weight loss zone, stay between those numbers to start.
Next make sure your school districts do not take away gym classes and recess. It would be great to push for a 5 minute cardio workout for the kids every 2 hours of class. I bet test scores would go up. That is another fact talked about in Spark; the Naperville,Illinois school district has a progressive Physical Education program and they test at the top of the U.S.
Good luck on raising your I.Q.
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