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Faith Makes Things Possible

Updated on February 22, 2020
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Shaloo Walia is an astrologer and tarot reader. She is an Art of Living teacher and also an ardent Krishna devotee and a follower of ISKCON.

While growing up, I often heard my grandmother say that ‘faith’ can move mountains. I didn’t really understand what it meant at that time but I believed my grandmother simply because I loved her. I won’t be wrong if I say that my generation grew up (Gosh! This makes me feel so ancient!) listening to the old folklore narrated by the grandparents (It is true our dadi and nani did tell us bedtime stories) where the good always overcame the evil in the end whether these were the tales from Mahabharta or Ramayana or other ancient scriptures.

I also remember one particular story about an ordinary woman named ‘Sati’ who brought her husband back from dead by the sheer force of her ‘faith’ and belief (there that word came up again!) before which even Yama, the lord of Death had to bow down and accept defeat. There was another story about the young 'Prahlada' who was tortured by his father, Hiranyakashyapa, the King of demons because of Prahlada's faith in God. So true and pure was Prahlada's devotion and faith that God saved his life several times before finally appearing in Narsimha form to kill the cruel Hiranyakashyapa.

As a child, with no cable T.V. and not much of cinema to pollute your mind, you actually believed these stories to be true. In fact, you revered these characters that were larger than life. One tried to emulate them in one’s life. We tried to imbibe the values they stood for. Life was easy and simple then.

The function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.

— Søren Kierkegaard

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Now the question arises, what exactly is ‘faith’? Some say it is complete confidence or trust in a person or thing or any set of firmly held principles or beliefs. Others say it is a belief in God or in the doctrines or teachings of religion. I would say that it is the belief that we have in our parents and in that Supreme Power which is invisible to the naked eye.

I feel that in today’s difficult times, it is essential to have faith in some supreme power as it gives us the courage and mental strength to bear the hardships that the life at times doles out to us. Always remember we need to be grounded that is have strong roots to stand tall and proud in trying times.

Faith is not the belief that God will do what you want. It is the belief that God will do what is right.

— Max Lucado

These days, many movies are coming out which make fun of our beliefs and faith in God. But they fail to realize that India's USP has always been its spirituality. Our civilization has stood the tests of time because of its spiritual masters and the emotional strength people derive out of their faith in God.

The recently released Aamir Khan starrer 'PK' is much into news and controversy because of some controversial statements about God and religion. Earlier 'Oh my God' had stirred up a similar debate. Though both the movies have raised some valid points about superstitious beliefs but they also accept the fact that one needs to have faith in the Divine because without it, you are lost! Have faith in God but beware of the corrupt Godmen. You should be able to differentiate between a sincere Spiritual master and a corrupt saint.

So, do have faith in something good. I do not promise that with faith in your heart, life will be a ‘bed of roses’ but it surely will not be a ‘bed of thorns’ as faith will soften the blows of hardships and give you the vigour to bear them with a smile.

It may be the lack of ‘faith’ and the disbelief in the existence of a supreme power that makes us suffer or develop complexities of character or doubt ourselves in the face of adversities of life. When we have no faith, we are shaken at the slightest turbulences in life. But faith in God acts like an anchor in life. When we know that no matter what happens, God is there up above to take care of us- that 'faith', that 'surrender' fills our mind and life with a sense of peace. This faith in the divine brings a smile on our face which nobody can rob!

So, have faith and be a believer. Try it out as it has no side effects!

Gaura arti at Iskcon

© 2015 Shaloo Walia


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