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Foods That Help Burn Body Fat

Updated on January 14, 2021
BodystrongBen profile image

I have a masters degree in sports science and around 10 years experience in personal training and sports research.


Losing weight and burning fat is one of the most desired effects that people will seek when starting their fitness journey. Not to mention millions of people all over the world are suffering from obesity and excessive fat deposition related problems. Some of them are looking for expert treatment to burn body fat but many are looking for healthy diet options to achieve their fitness goals.

If you are interested in finding out about foods that burn fat while you sleep, the please read this article. Here we are going to talk about the best foods to promote weight loss in a healthy way.

Please check out this link for the health and fitness articles written by only professionals >> FITNESS MONARCHY

Fatty Fish

It may sound surprising but fatty fish is the best recommendation for all those who want to lose a few pounds fast. The oily fishes such as sardines, herring, salmon and mackerel are commonly preferred to decrease the risks of heart disease and inflammation. At the same time, the omega 3 fatty acid content available in these fishes promote fast fat burning. Being a rich source of proteins, fatty fish boosts metabolism rate by a considerable level. On top of all this, as a bonus the omega 3 found in the fish will help to promote strong joints in the body, which makes it some what of a super food.


Coffee is a widely known beverage worldwide but very few of you might know it can also improve your mental and physical health as well. The caffeine content can enhance mood while helping you burn fat faster. Studies reveal that coffee can boost metabolism rate by 3 to 13%, that ultimately leads to fast fat burning and weight loss. It's also worth noting that when relating to coffee for fat burning, that it's important to have black coffee with no sugar, for obvious reasons.


Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is famous for its wide range of health benefits. Studies reveal that it can boost the level of good HDL (high-density lipoproteins) levels while decreasing triglycerides. At the same time, this natural solution promotes weight loss by increasing metabolism rate. The MCT (medium chain triglyceride) fats available in the coconut oil are known for fat burning and appetite suppressing properties. Coconut oil is also great for burning belly fat and can be easily used in anybodies diet to improve the performance of the digestive system.

Please check out this link for the best health and fitness articles around >> FITNESS MONARCHY

Whey Protein

Whey protein is capable enough to promote muscle growth and weight loss when it is adequately combined with exercises. It basically works by releasing the fullness hormone such as GLP-1 (Glucagon-like peptide-1) and PYY (peptide tyrosine tyrosine) in the human body. Experts recommend this nature-inspired solution for fast fat burning to deal with obesity. Not to mention the benefits whey protein has for getting quick release protein into the muscles for recovery and growth. I would always recommend to consume whey protein directly after a workout and in the morning for optimal use.


Here is an extremely nutritional source that can promote fat burning in a healthy way. Greek yogurt is better known as an excellent source of calcium, potassium and protein. A regular intake gives you a feeling of fullness and you may have less cravings throughout the day. Furthermore, the probiotics presented in yogurt can help you maintain a healthy gut while reducing symptoms of bloating, constipation and irritable bowel syndrome.

Olive Oil

While talking about the fat-burning foods to eat at night, how can we forget to mention olive oil? It works by releasing some of the most important hormones, such as GLP-1 whilst regulating HDL cholesterol levels. At the same time olive oil also promotes fat loss by enhancing your metabolism rate. I would highly recommend it be incorporated into your routine diet to ensure fast results for the fat burning process.



Finally, lets look at a couple of supplements that are said to promote fat loss. First of all is the classic fat burner tablets. These are generally made up of 3 key components which is caffeine, green tea extract and glucomannan. If purchasing any fat burners i would only recommend pills that contain a dose of the 3 above. Essentially, caffeine stimulates the body and promotes fat burning, green tea extract increases the activity of norepinephine, which helps burn fat and glucomannan helps you feel full to aid you in eating less calories.

The other supplement i want to talk about is Glutamine or L-Glutamine. Glutamine is an amino acid that is produced in large quantities in your body, however if you wish to lose weight it could be useful providing your body with even more. The way in which it helps you burn fat and lose weight is buy massively aiding your body in protein synthesis. Protein synthesis is the way in which your body breaks down protein in the muscles for growth and recovery. There have also been experiments in America over recent years that have proven the weight loss benefits of Glutamine.

My Own Advice

I would just like to finish by saying i have consumed all the things i have mentioned above and would give the thumbs up for all of them promoting fat burning and weight loss. Please also remember that we are all different! I have given reasoning for all the different foods that can promote fat burning but as always each of them will have a different effect on people.

Thank you for reading and i hope you enjoyed this articles.

© 2019 Ben Smith


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