Gluten Free Diet Tips
Last time I discussed the curious but life-long ailments that led to my gluten-free lifestyle. After over 20 years of general malaise, my osteopath suggested that I try going off all gluten products to see if I might find some relief from my chronic low-grade stomach pains, random flare-ups of severe stomach pain that caused my husband to ask if I needed to go to the emergency room, and joint pain so severe I could no longer grasp my morning coffee mug.
Okay, sure! I was willing to try ANYthing by this point. So, how does one eliminate gluten from his or her diet? This was a new adventure for me as I had never had food allergies (or any other allergies more lethal than hay fever.) Here are some tips to help you get started:
- Focus on what you CAN eat.
- Accept that it will take longer to shop for groceries until you get the hang of this new lifestyle. Check out my blog on gluten-free grocery shopping for guidance.
- Read labels when you shop for groceries. Gluten is found in a vast array of prepared foods including spice mixes, frozen prepared meals, sauces, many soups and other canned foods.
- Realize that some brands of food items contain gluten while others do not. One brand of ketchup may be gluten-free while another contains gluten. Thus, it is not a given that ketchup is gluten-free.
- Concentrate your time and effort on whole, real, unprocessed food: Organic eggs, lean cuts of beef, chicken, and seafood, fresh whole vegetables and fruits.
- Prepare and pack your own lunches. You will save money, eat healthier, and guarantee that your meals are gluten-free. Try my gluten free asian lettuce wraps. These can be transformed into a savory salad for easy transport and easy eating right from the container!
- Ask questions when you are dining out. Better yet, ask for gluten-free options so more restaurants will get on board and offer them regularly.
- Enjoy a grain-free lifestyle. Do we really need grains of any kind? More on this in a later post.
- Take vitamins. At least a good multivitamin and some extra Vitamin D.
- Eat to live rather than live to eat.
I will elaborate on each of the points above in my upcoming posts. Stay tuned!