How To Be Nice To Yourself
Does it seem like you are constantly the brunt of someone’s joke? Do you feel like nobody takes you seriously? Are you tired of feeling like you are nothing but a doormat to some people? Before you can expect anyone else to show you an ounce of respect, you have to learn how to be nice to yourself.
Are you nice to yourself?
Stand up for yourself.
If you are tired of people talking about you or taking advantage of you, then stand up for yourself. Don’t let somebody else tell you what to do, or how to do it. Be who you want to be. Then, and only then, will others start to recognize your awesomeness.
Put yourself first, for a change.
If you always do everything other people want you to do and are always putting yourself last, it’s time to change that now. Start putting yourself first. People will not know what to think when you first start doing this. In fact, you will probably meet a lot of resistance and be called selfish. But if you know you’ve done all you can for others and they still don’t appreciate it, take a step back, breathe, then put yourself first the next time.
Discover who you are.
If you have spent much of your life trying to please people, you most likely have learned by now that you can’t please everyone all the time. In the process of trying to do so, you most likely have become tired, sad, and angry because at the root of it all, you are miserable. What do you want? What are your ambitions? How do you want to spend your life? Figure out who you are. Forget about all the people you can’t please and discover who you are.
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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.
© 2009 Hope Wilbanks