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8 Tips for Daily Exercise

Updated on November 29, 2014

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Get Motivated! Start Training! Get Started Now!
Get Motivated! Start Training! Get Started Now! | Source

Did You Give Up On Your New Years Resolution Already?

Are you already giving up on your new years resolutions? I hope not!

Did you start all gung-ho, headband, sweat pants and iPod every day and off you went to run on the track at lunch time?

Did you buy all kinds of fancy foods and exotic appliances to juice everything every day?

Are you tired, exhausted and discouraged by all the above?

Have you just given up?

Then this article is for you!

Nature Calls!

Go Outside! Meet Nature!
Go Outside! Meet Nature! | Source

Daily Movement: Easier Than You Think

The new year is still in its infancy and I already hear it out there. The new years resolutions of losing weight, daily gym workouts and eating healthier already unresolved? Why?

Take it from someone who has kept off sixty pounds since 2005, it is not easy and getting exercise on a regular basis can be daunting and discouraging if you don't always go back to it.

A resolution is a firm decision to do something or not to do something, so let's resolve right here, right now, to finish what we started and stay the course to exercise daily! Yes, you heard me right, daily!

The secret is incorporating it into your lifestyle. In this day and age of high tech tools, over commitments and excessive work schedules even having time to blink is a luxury, but the consequence results in the dreaded bulge, lack of energy and health issues.

On the other hand, I don't want you to feel like you have to workout like you are on the Biggest Loser, however, my advice is to enhance your daily movements with more conscious and targeted activity that will help further increase your exercising capabilities.

It is important to remember that our bodies are not meant to sit in front of the television for hours. Nor were they designed to sit at a desk for twelve! It is not natural and it is killing us.

We have to move it or lose it. And if you are like me, I want to make sure I grow older and not die young! So, let's get moving!

Get A Motivating Workout Play List

1. Commuting Workouts

Do you have a lengthy commute? If so, here's a great opportunity to get some physical activity.

Do you use public transportation?

  • Walk to your bus or train stop.
  • Take the steps at the train station and keep good form!
  • When riding the subway stand with your legs apart and "surf" the train. Bend your knees a little and work out the front of your legs (quadriceps); in other words, do light squatting from one stop to another.
  • When holding on to the train handle, hold on tight and let go, every ten seconds like squeezing a hand grip.
  • Check your posture and stand up straight.
  • Hold your abdominal muscles, in and out, for 10 to 20 seconds for a crunching sensation!
  • Exercise sitting down: Dr. Oz says when you sit down make sure you squeeze the muscles of your gluteus maximus in your seat and sit up straight.

If your commute is an hour or more you have just completed a nice body conditioning work out effectively and efficiently!


2. At Your Desk

Let's face it, our cubicles (offices for others) are where we spend more time than at home. Sad, but true. However, that does not mean that we can't use this space to get our workout in.

First, let me say, that sitting down for hours upon hours, in a crouching tiger position, is not healthy at all. I repeat, sitting for hours is not healthy or natural for our bodies.

Do you sit all day long?

  • Get rid of your chair and stand up. Yes, I do it and I feel good when I get up, stretch and let my body rest from the same curled up position it's been in for hours. Get up at least once every hour.
  • Use your desk to do bench dips: Work out the back of your arms by turning around and pushing yourself up and down without touching the ground.
  • Desk pushups! Work your chest, arms and back all in one move!
  • Get a stability ball and use it as your chair--great for the core and your back.

Breaking a sweat yet?


3. Lunch Time Workouts

As far as I know, we all (most of us) still get an hour lunch time and I believe we can still do what we want with that hour so why not get some workout time in that hour:

  • Join a walk group or better yet, do what I did, create one with a set of cooperative, like minded co-workers and keep each other motivated and accountable.
  • Yoga! Get some mats, a quiet room and stretch!
  • Find a local gym, get a weekly pass and workout for the week for free!
  • Venture out and find a local park to get some fresh air and workout time outdoors: Good for the body, mind and soul!

And, you still have plenty of time to eat!

Dance Your Way To Health!

4. Video Game Console Workouts

This for me is one of the most fun ways to get activity on a daily basis--my Xbox 360 kinect video sensor console.

First of all, all I need is me, myself and I! No remotes, no controller, just me ready to get going.

My favorite game and workout is Dance Central. I own one and two and I absolutely love it!

  • Dance Central 2: Has a fitness mode ranging from a 10 minute warm-up to a 49 minute cardio session.
  • The music makes it motivating: You have a variety of upbeat songs to choose from. Levels range from easy, medium and hard so there's plenty of challenge.
  • Fun tutorial sessions are also engaging and very well choreographed for the professional dancer in you!
  • Engage your kids or a buddy and challenge them: The dance battle category makes it truly competitive.
  • Freestyle mode: This is a great feature. At the end of the dancing session the kinect snaps random pictures of you dancing and then shows them on the screen in fast motion-hilarious!
  • You have fun the whole time while working out! You won't even notice you are working out because you will be too busy nailing the moves and scoring points!

The cost of the console, and the games, is an investment for you with no membership fees to worry about!

5. DVD Workouts

This workout option is inexpensive, full of variety and structure. If you are just starting out this is one of the best ways to start getting a little more structured and formal in getting daily activity.

A DVD gives you options as well as formality and modality with a variety of exercises.

I personally own an entire set of Jillian Micheals DVDs and recommend her 30 day shred dvds to start and then build up from there. They are highly effective and empowering. You can do them in the comfort of your own home and get a great workout every time.

Keep it moving while being there for your kids!
Keep it moving while being there for your kids! | Source

6. At Your Kids Events

Go for a jog while your kids practice.

Walk the dog at half time.

As the coach to assist during practice.

Run some drills with the team.

Get creative and use this time wisely.



7. Household Chores

As we all know there is always something to do at home so why not use that to your workout advantage?

  • Mopping, sweeping, and dusting can burn hundreds of calories an hour if you do it consistently and briskly.
  • Rake the leaves.
  • Shovel snow.
  • Household projects: Reorganize the garage, clean the gutters, or put on a fresh coat of paint in your man or woman cave!

Consistent, strenuous movement counts and burns calories. Get moving!

Make sure you research the facility and enjoy the environment!
Make sure you research the facility and enjoy the environment! | Source

8. Formal Workout Time

If you are ready for the big time then go get it. Hire a personal trainer, join a modern gym like Equinox, 24 hour fitness, YMCA or any other formal gym that you are comfortable with and can afford.

My suggestion, as I said above, go to the gym you are interested in and ask if they have a free guest pass or week trial pass and test it out first:

  • Take a guided tour of the facility.
  • Test the machines out.
  • Take a group class.
  • Get specific information about hours of operations, class schedules and any other pertinent information you may need to make an educated and cost effective decision.

Commit to resolve and make daily activity, movement and exercise part of your lifestyle by using my tips.

Make sure you go and enjoy it!

Happy moving! Have fun!


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