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How to Cope with Sadness

Updated on November 30, 2024
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I share my experiences, my emotions and believe in myself. I am positive, confident and love life.

How to Cope with Sadness

Some people don't express true emotions or don't know how to express their true emotions.

The problem is how you cope with sadness.

  • I had sadness and got rid of that emotion and feel stronger and live up to my values.
  • Positive thinking can take you anywhere you want to be.
  • Sometimes positive thinking feels impossible.
  • Overriding the sad emotion is not possible for everyone.
  • People are faced with sadness on a long-term basis, or temporarily.

Where are you with sadness in your life?

  • Moods change all the time and you can't escape sadness.
  • I felt that way for a long time. Sadness held me back from living life normally.
  • One day I realized I got to make my life happy, and free of any obstacle that would take me down. I woke up with a nudge.
  • A day that changed my life forever.
  • I listen to music and smile daily.
  • Every day is not the same when coping with mood changes. I make sure to free my mind from sadness.
  • No one will do that for me or help me feel good.
  • I depend on myself to feel good daily.
  • Day-to-day routine changes one's personality.
  • I changed my personality by thinking positive thoughts.
  • I learned from my mother to be this way.
  • I remember my mother getting out of that bed on her worst days, and that is what motivated me over the years

When she had pain it didn't matter. My mother had pain in her legs from varicose veins and an ulcer sore and she still got up each day to feed the family and smiled through her pain.

I did not see my mother sad or depressed because she was neither. When I think of how she managed her difficult days I knew I had no reason to feel any different.

Life is what you make of it!

The moment you feel weak and say to yourself, ''I can't get up, or I can't do it,'' that is when all falls apart. You have to think positively to get up each day.

Society is riddled with all types of people.

There is no perfect life and coping with weaknesses is not going to make your life any stronger than it is right now.

Face up to reality and be strong for yourself. You can hide behind your mask and put on a good front.

Deep down you would know what is hurting you more than others. You don't have to make sadness part of your life. No one is asking you to live in denial.

Control your sadness. Get that sadness out of your system. Don't ignore what is making you sad. Cope with sadness, from short-term sadness, triggered sadness, and there is depression sadness.

Sadness is normal to anyone but if you hold on to sadness that becomes a problem in your life, and in the long term. Sadness does not have to last in your day-to-day routine. Cope with short-term sadness and create a happy moment.

What causes you short-term sadness?

  • Stressful moments.
  • Poor eating habits.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • No exercise.
  • Slouching in front of the television.
  • Playing video games.
  • Listening to unhappy music.
  • Moments spent with negative people.
  • Boredom.

Your sedentary lifestyle can cause you sadness in the blink of an eye. When you are triggered by sadness that is different from short-term sadness.

  • The loss of your loved one.
  • Any bad event concerning you can cause your sadness.
  • You show your sadness in these moments.
  • Don't keep it all in when triggered by sad events. The best is to get it all out in the open.
  • You will need time to get over triggered sadness.
  • Sadness becomes a problem when you are faced with depression.

The feeling of hopelessness, exhaustion, helplessness, and not being able to sleep when you need to, are signs of depressive moods.

You could cope with the signs of depression. The moods are complicated, and sadness is the primary issue here. You feel everything has come to an end and laughter slowly subsides.

I bounced back from my sad moments and had faith in myself. Experiences make you adventurous. The little moments are the happier moments.

I changed the way I think of life. I fought off negative energy, and happiness is from within. Sharing my feelings makes me happier. You are human to feel the way you do. Control is key to mood changes.

Look at the beauty of life, nature, and yourself. Emotions need to be attended to from all sides of life. When you feel sad see to that mood but avoid staying in the sad mood.

Nurture sadness until you are well. Heal within yourself before escaping the true emotion. Putting on a façade that is all is fine when it is not can hurt you later in the long term.

A great idea for when you are feeling sad, write about it.

Think of your good sense of humour. Go down memory lane and think of a good moment.

Always smile!

Share your goodness with others, or bake a pie. Be kind to others. I did not know of long-term sadness. I experienced triggered sadness and short-term sadness; depression and sadness did not occur to me.

I positively coped with sadness. My experience from one country to another brought out the differences in me.

The ordinary growing up with a happy childhood did not give me sadness. To be depressed and often sad was not what I knew of in my growing-up years.

I did not avoid sadness just the way I was raised, to be happy. Sadness was not buried inside of me I looked at life realistically, and not in an unhealthy way.

There were those moments when I felt disappointed and hurt but did not hold on to sad moments.

I let go easily. I had faced up to challenges and each time a different one. Through these experiences, I felt many emotions.

I knew my life would get better and it did for me I did not give up and walk away from my battles. I positively continued my days.

Holding on to the past is a sad lifestyle. Crying is helpful in sad moments. To feel good, connect with your body. Funnel out the sadness with meditation.

  • A new hobby can make you feel better about life.
  • Self-healing.
  • Avoid what will make you sad.
  • If you can't avoid sadness cope with sadness naturally.
  • Focus on the positive events.
  • Your body will take it all in gracefully if you let that be.
  • Loneliness if not by choice would make you feel sad.
  • Communication is a gift use it.
  • I know exactly how it felt to me not to be able to communicate in another language.
  • After learning a new language, I got rid of boredom and moved on with my life.
  • The importance to feel good about yourself remains with you.
  • Don't do what others do.
  • You need to deal with your emotions with directness.
  • It has been a long way for me, and I chose to avoid sadness.
  • Life is great when you look at it that way.
  • Family can be helpful in hard times.
  • Growing up with sadness could make you feel sad in your adulthood.
  • Everything you do in your life reflects your memories and your present events.
  • Deal with sadness in your way.

How would you cope with sadness?

People don't cope with sadness in the same ways.

Cope with Sadness


Dealing with Sadness

How would you cope with sadness?

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2015 Devika Primić


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