Is Schizophrenia a Medical Condition or Demonic Possesion?
Testimony of a Schizophrenic
Can demonic influence cause an illness?
Throughout my years of working in inner healing and deliverance ministry, I have encountered more than a few cases of people who suffered from depression, bipolar disorder and other types of mental illnesses. Many of these people were set free after going through one or more deliverance sessions. In the bible, we find several examples of people that had demon inflicted physical and mental infirmities (read Mark 5:1-5 and Matthew 9:33). When Jesus prayed over these people and commanded the evil spirits to leave, they were healed immediately. This is not to say that ALL illnesses are caused by evil spirits, but in my experience in the deliverance ministry, I can assure you that many mental diseases are caused by demonic influences.
In the case of schizophrenia, I have known at least three people close to me that were very normal and vibrant children and teenagers up until their late teens and early twenties, when the first symptoms of schizophrenia suddenly started setting in. Although modern medicine has classified schizophrenia as being caused by a chemical imbalance in the brain, my personal observations from the cases I have dealt with lead me to believe that there may be other causes. All the symptoms that these three people I know experienced as schizophrenics where the same symptoms I have seen for many years with some of the people suffering from demonic possession whom I have ministered deliverance to. Some of these symptoms include:
- hearing voices in their head
- feeling of paranoia
- split personalities
- abnormal sexual conduct
- deep depression or bipolar conduct
- violent behavior
- incoherent ramblings or rants
- delusional thoughts and hallucinations
- inappropriate behavior (laughing hysterically for no good reason)
Aren't most mental illnesses hereditary?
Just because a mental illness is hereditary, doesn't mean that demons are not the culprit. When an illness is classified as being "hereditary", this just means that it has been transferred from past generations, such as breast cancer. The bible calls this "generational curses". Generational curses are brought upon by the sins of our ancestors. Hence, I do believe that demonic influence can and may be behind many hereditary illnesses. I once had a case of a young girl who suffered frequent epileptic attacks. She had been diagnosed by doctors since she was a child as an "epileptic", and was being treated with medication for a long time. After a deliverance session, this young girl was set free and never again experienced further epileptic attacks. It just so happened that there was a history of epilepsy in her family (generational curse). You see, demons work through the central nervous system and can distort the functionality of the body and mind. I know this is probably hard for most people to believe, but nonetheless, I have known many people who have been set free of epileptic attacks, bipolar disorders and many other types of mental illnesses, through inner healing and deliverance.
I do want to clarify that I am not a psychologist or any type of medical practitioner, and I will never try to persuade anyone with mental problems or any other serious illness to stop seeking professional or medical treatment. My opinions are based on my experience as an inner healing and deliverance minister and my personal observations of the deliverance cases that I have dealt with, plus the knowledge that I have acquired from the biblical scriptures.