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Is There Power in Our Dreams?

Updated on May 27, 2013

Problem Solving Dreams

People have solved problems by paying attention to their dreams. Inventors have found ideas to create new gadgets in their dreams. Crimes and mysteries have been solved because someone saw the visions in the subconscious state of the mind which we call dreams. Not everyone can use these abilities to problem solve as easily as others can, but the existence of the physic power is very much there in all of us. If you ever heard anyone say, ‘Let me sleep on it.” It is true. The solution may come to them while they sleep. We must never under estimate the power of our dreams to deliver answers.

A dream dictionary includes various meanings to each symbol. For instance, if you dream of a house, the meaning would depend on the over-all condition of the house. If this house is cluttered high with junk, your emotional house could need a good clearing of unnecessary thoughts. If this house is completely empty it could relate to an empty nest or a feeling of loneliness. Each person will have their own special meaning.


That's What I Think

I once had a reoccurring dream I had for a stretch of several years about being on the second floor of a huge house in the dark with only a glimpse of light to guide me along a long banister to the stairway. I was alone there, yet I felt the present of someone watching me. I never reached the stairway to go back to the first floor before waking up. I was having problems with working at a job for over twenty years that I really did not feel I belonged at. I stayed because I thought I had to. I needed the income. I hated factory work, but I knew I was not qualified for much else at this stage in my life. These dreams stopped after I was laid off from this job I felt uncomfortable about. I found another job which was not factory work and it was less stressful. I believe this dream was telling me not to look back and to focus on a less stressful occupation. I think it was me watching myself in this dream. In my waking life I was watching myself drown in a sea of self pity. Dreams are informative when we try to find their purpose.

Reoccurring dreams are not always simple to figure out. Children with these kinds of dreams usually are frightened by them. They may even call them nightmares. Most nightmares are far worse than that. It much depends on the scary feelings associated with them. Reoccurring dreams which scared me as a child would also bother me now. I had several dreams which I’m frightened in the dream itself so bad I cannot speak, scream or even move. Terror overwhelmed me. They were certainly nightmares. I have far out grown them. I never understood the meanings behind them. My best interpretation is the years I spent listening to fat jokes and being the star character of them produced demons out to get me. I slowly stopped having these dreams because I developed a low self esteem which lived with me most of my life. Wrong or not that’s what I think.

We are all Dreamers

Dreams belong solely to the dreamer and they alone know the real meanings. A bad day summons up such emotions in us sometimes we need a quick and sure release from whatever got us in a pucker in the first place. We top this off with a bad snack choice and Superman himself could not keep the villains away from you. Certain medications will also produce crazy weird dreams, especially, mind altering drugs like Chantix, the anti-smoking medication. It does what it is designed to do, but watch out for some very strange dreams and that’s if it does not cause you to have sleepless nights. I tried it and even though I stopped midway the recommended treatment time because of sleepless nights. I can proudly say I am still a non-smoker after eight and a half months.

Even animals have dreams. I’m sure most everyone has seen a dog chase things in their sleep. Their legs get to moving, they yip, then yip some more or even break into a loud bark. It is somewhat funny to watch them. I’m sure their dreams are for release just as some are for us. It makes me wonder what a hibernating bear must dream about. Mother bear wake up with their newborns beside them and surely they had some recollection of labor if only in their dreams. Every dream has some kind of purpose.

We are all dreamers. Daydreams take over where night dreams leave off. Our purpose in life is unique just as our dreams are. There’s a story to be told behind each and every dreamer. I’m no expert in the field of dreams. I’m only a dreamer. A dreamer discovering the meanings behind a dream one book, one theory and one dream at a time. It makes you think and there is more mystery being discovered about dreaming every day. Einstein is not alone in finding the purpose to dreams and the next great inventor may already have his idea wrote in a dream journal.

Inspiring Thoughts About Dreams by Alan Watts


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