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5 Ways to Prevent a Hangover

Updated on June 19, 2013

Facts vs Myth

Half-truths and quirky remedies abound about what to drink, how much to drink and what to do the morning after. Here are 4 common myths, debunked.

Myth 1

"I've been drinking for years since I was young, I can handle it"


It is tempting to think so, but according to Kenneth R.Warren , those who start drinking before the age of 15 are 4 times more likely become alcohol dependent at some point in life, than those who started at 21.

they are more likely to have a more severe and recurring case f alcoholism.

Myth 2

"White wine is the best option for light drinkers."


White wine or red wine, a pint of beer, a shot whiskey or any other distilled spirits all contain equivalent amounts of alcohol and are no different to a breathalyser. Each contains six-tenth of one ounce of alcohol.

Myth 3

"You won't gets drunk if you drink hard liquor before beer - liquor before beer never fear, beer before liquor never sicker."


There is no evidence that drinking alcohol in a specified order will determine how quickly you get intoxicated, or how bad your hangover will be. it is the amount of alcohol consumes and how quickly you consume it, that will determine its effect.

Myth 4

"Hangovers can be cured by drinking coffee; more alcohol; taking a cold shower"


None of the above works. A hangover is caused by dehydration and a deficiency of important minerals, causing symptoms like headache, light headedness and thirst. The caffeine in coffee will only make dehydration worse, while more alcohol will only prolong your hangover (obviously), and a cold shower will only make you feel more alert temporarily without reducing the severity or duration of a hangover.

For the Long Haul

Weight Gain

Generally, alcohol has a high calorie count, and carries little, or no nutritional value,

Liver Damage

Long term, regular consumption of alcohol affects liver function. Experts have found that women face a greater risk of liver problems than men after shorter periods of heavy drinking.

Mental Health

Alcohol affects your memory, slows down brain processes and depletes serotonin levels in the brain, which can lead to depression. It may also worsen existing problems because it reduces inhibitions and increases impulsiveness, which contributes to poor judgement and an increased likelihood of self-harm and attempted suicide.

Digestive Trouble

Alcohol irritates the stomach lining, leading to increased acid production, which can cause gastritis or even ulcers. It also suppresses digestive enzymes, making it more difficult for your body to digest food and absorb nutrients.


For men, alcohol contributes to erectile dysfunction. Liver damage leads to increased estrogen hormone levels, thereby suppressing and damaging sperm count. Women, on the other hand, risk developing irregular periods and ovulation, leading to early meonopause.

How To Avoid Hangovers??

Having too many drinks can result in silly behavior & waking up to discover some embarrassing pictures have surfaced on Facebook news feed. Futhermore, on a more serious level, alcohol is a significant contributing factor in accidents, injuries and death because it impairs reaction tome, coordination, concentration, vision and hearing after only a few drinks. What is more, studies have shown that its effects can linger even after all the alcohol has left the body.

  1. Eat before or at the drinking session to slow down the rate at which alcohol enters your bloodstream, Having non-alcoholic drinks in between alcoholic beverages also helps to mitigate its effects.
  2. Avoid or limit cocktails as the alcoholic mix can prove to be more intoxicating. It is also easy to lose track of how much you have had for it is mostly sweet and feels like easy drinking.
  3. Know your limits. Stop when you have had enough. Be firm with people who try to pressure you to drink more - insist on your stand until they get the point. Have a trusted friend to back you up.
  4. If you plan to drink, always have a designated, non-drinking driver.
  5. Download the alcohol tracker application to help you keep count. (

Women are more likely to suffer harm as a result of being intoxicated.

While alcohol consumption was once exclusively a male pastime, increased social & economic independence among women is narrowing the gap in alcohol consumption & leading to new challenges that are unique among women, It is sad that alcohol has a greater impact on women due to their generally smaller stature. Women are also more likely to suffer harm as a result of being intoxicated. Here are the reason:

  1. Impact on social and professional reputation - they are often judged more harshly for any unseemly behavior.
  2. Physical or sexual assault - women face a greater risk. In addition to being a victim, studies show that alcohol influences crimes committed by women is also on the rise.
  3. Biological differences - women tend to have higher levels of blood alcohol concentration than men after consuming the same amount of alcohol.
  4. Women are responsible for Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) in children. This condition is caused by those who consume alcohol on a regular basis throughout their pregnancy. The birth defects manifest as physical malformations, growth deficiency, mental retardation and central nervous system dysfunction.


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