Living with Vertigo
Vertigo is a condition not a disease. Vertigo is a result of a problem with the inner ear system that deals with our balance. Vertigo can also be a signs of other serious conditions like Multiple sclerosis, and Meniere’s disease. Migraines can also be a trigger for vertigo, as well and even stress.
“It has been reported that Vertigo can be triggered by constant stress which continues over a long period of time. Constant high levels of stress can change the brain chemicals of Serotonin, Norepinephrine, and possibly Dopamine, causing vertigo symptoms such as: feeling like the room is spinning even when you're lying down, nystagmus, where your eyes have a rapid movement, difficulty focusing your eyes, difficulty concentrating, possible nausea, and anxiety. SSRI's that affect these brain chemicals, have been shown to relieve the vertigo symptoms of this particular type of vertigo.”
This finding really stunned me. I have always wanted to know the cause of Vertigo and the reason it still lingers in me. Stress very well could be my cause for Vertigo. I got diagnosed with Vertigo near the end of July (2009) When I heard I though isn’t that an old Alfred Hitchcock movie? Something old people get? Vertigo? Not me! It was frightening experience as well as it triggered a panic attack which lead me to think oh my god a heart attack. The hospital thought so too and I never been rushed in to quickly and hooked up to stuff so fast. It was only a vertigo episode and a felt a little foolish but I did indeed have to be hooked up to and IV and also given meditation to stop the nausea and dizziness. So Alfred you had Vertigo all wrong. I was to follow up with my doctor afterward in which I did. I got antibiotics in thinking that maybe I had some ear or viral infection that may of caused it. I completed the treatment but my Vertigo still lingered. Was this normal? To the Doctors once again and I asked can Vertigo linger and I was told yes it can and I got more pills to help with the dizziness. I am off the medication now but I still get bouts of dizziness. To lay down on flat surface is still difficult. The dizziness happens randomly or due to I moved too quickly. Stairs are really bad too for I get dizzy on them for some reason. My balance is definitely not what it used to be. I have given in that this is something I have to deal with and live with every day. It’s still in the back of my mind what if I get another horrible attack? I try not to let it hinder or rule me, but it never lets me forget it’s there and I have to be more careful. I often find it amusing at times because I will just go to bend over and pick something up and I nearly fall on my head. I should seek my doctor more on this, or maybe it is just something…a condition you have to live with.
- Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) -
Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo Comprehensive overview covers symptoms, causes, treatment of intense dizziness episodes.