How to Control Facial Hair Naturally
This is When Womens Facial Hair is Out of Control
Women have what doctors call estrogen. Most women know that they have estrogen but do not know they have testosterone.
According to Dr. Abraham Kryger with the Monterey Preventive Medical Clinic says when a woman reaches the age 40. The level of testosterone can be compared to a 20-year-old man.
When testosterone levels increase so does the facial hair. However, there is some benefits to increased testosterone such as increase amount of muscle mass and libido
How to Manage Hormones
Most women blame birth control for their facial hair. Doctors will not prescribe birth control if you smoke at the age 35.
If you are women that did not smoke, you could take birth control longer.
In any case, after women stop using birth control. Many women start to notice unwanted hair on the nipples, naval and face.
These hairs are quite embarrassing to say the least.
This is because your hormones are in balanced.
You can remedy this problem by taking natural supplements.
Dr. Abraham Kryger with the Monterey Preventive Medical Clinic recommends these Supplements.
Diindolylmethane is a supplement made from cauliflower and broccoli. If you like, cauliflower and broccoli, it is best to eat because the benefits increase more when you eat fresh cauliflower and broccoli.
If you do not like cauliflower or broccoli, take the supplement. Take 120 mg of DIM
Calcium D Glutamate takes twice a day 200 mg
Drink spearmint herbal tea. Studies show that women who drank two cups of spearmint tea for five days. Their testosterone dropped significantly.
Black cohosh: Use 20 to 40 milligrams twice a day.
Saw Palmetto 160 milligrams. See Photo
Chaste Tree 20 to 40 milligrams. See Photo
It is import for women to keep testosterone levels as close to normal as possible. Why you say? Because high levels of the male hormone, testosterone is known to cause cancer in the ovaries and in the breast.
Women with high male hormone levels should make a change in diet.
You must eat an estrogen rich diet. Eat plenty of soy products, cherries, apples, and grain with alfafa. Eat lots of rice and wheat
Reduce consumption of carbs. (Carbohydrate)
Get yourself in an exercise routine. Avoid exercises that promote muscle. Yoga is recommended best for women.
The natural approach is far better than hormone replacement therapy (HRT) The therapy has many side effects Such as cancer of the breast, night sweats along with heart arrhythmia and sleepless nights