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Morgon Emory - A 15 Year Old's Battle Through Leukiema - The End Is In Sight!

Updated on April 7, 2012
Morgon Emory
Morgon Emory | Source

Wow, what a jorney this wonderful teenager has had to go through in his not so long life. Morgon has shown more courage and strength then anyone I have ever known. He has given all of his family and friends so much hope and has brought everyone closer together. Step by step, he gets one day closer to finally being back at home where he belongs!

This is my 4th hub about my cousin, Morgon Emory, who is now 16 years old. He is battling through Leukiema and the end, the discharge, the joyous trip back home, is in their sights.

If you'd like to read from the beginning here's the links to my previous Hubs so they are easier to get to:

Here's what Mo has been up to since my last Hub update:

  • February 21 - Mo's doing great in his healing process. Today is is 16th birthday! His dad and brothers were able to be there with Mo and his mom for a few days and it was much needed for them all. Mo's counts are doing good and there is finally talk about some day passes!
  • February 27 - Mo had some stomach pains but pain meds were a help. They lowered the number of times they did labs today. Went from two a day down to once a day. Once more step to getting discharged to the Ronald McDonald House.
  • March 2 - Jerri was able to get Mo out on a pass today. Took him to the Ronald McDonald House where he was able to get plenty of uninterrupted sleep that was much needed. Mo was chatting on the XBOX. The blues seem to have passed as Mo is in a much better mood these days.
  • March 9 - Day +43!!!! Still waiting for Mo's platelets to stay at a constant or rise to where they need to be. If they stay where they want them for 24 hours then discharge will follow shortly after! Come On Plateletes!!!!
  • March 11 - DISCHARGED TODAY!!!!! YAY! Mo is back living at the Ronald McDonald House with his mom. What a great achievement for him to finally be out of the hospital! He still has to go in daily for a while but then it will go down to three times a week and lower after that! Congrats Mo! Discharge! WooHoo!!!!!
  • March 19 - "Don't want any worries, so I figured I would let everyone know that things are nice and boring here." The words of Jerrie. I loved hearing those words from her. Nice and Boring are the way we want things to be. No busy labs, no tests, no sickness, just nice and boring.
  • March 25 - Morgon has another fairly busy week this week with all the appointments scheduled. Clinics on Monday and Tuesday and possible Thursday; PT on Wednesday and Friday and an Eye Dr appointment on Thursday. They try not to schedule too much on one day as it is still difficult for Mo to be out and about all day every day. He is getting out and walking outside when he can though.
  • March 29 - Mo had to have 2 units of platelets today. He's feeling kind of sick and stomach pains but the x-ray showed nothing so he started on some meds and is feeling better.

  • April 1 - Mo got to have movie theater popcorn today! YAY! Another fun accomplishment for him. Mo continues to do well :) This is what we all love to hear!
  • April 2 - Morgon has more pains in his stomach but nothing to serious that they need to take him back to the hospital. Will wait for clinics in the morning.
  • April 3 - Mo was admitted back into the hospital for pain management. Hopefully it's going to be a short stay and he'll be back at Ronald McDonald House very soon.
  • April 4 - Mo has gallstones so he will be getting his gallbladder out next week.
  • April 5 - Morgon's ERCP went well. What a relief!! They ended up putting stents in the ducts from the gallbladder as well as the pancreas. This opens things up to help drain stuff out, I guess, and is prep for gallbladder removal come Tuesday.
  • April 6 - Family is coming in to visit Mo and Jerrie for the Easter weekend. It's so great that they are able to be there from time to time even though it's such a long trip.

Mo's Mom, Jerrie, writes a blog about Mo's progress. I am very thankful that she has the energy to write everyday and let us all know how Mo is doing. The whole time Morgon has been in the hospital she has been by his side. Below is the link to Morgon's Blog on CaringBridge. Please check it out and sign the guestbook. Although you may not know Morgon all the thoughts and prayers help!

Morgon keeps fighting his battles to get better. The roller coaster ride he's on has got to be difficult. I think and pray about the Emory's all the time and can not wait until the day I can write about Mo finally being able to go home where he belongs. This Easter Morgon is around Day +70 and fingers crossed and prayers being said that at Day +100 from transplant he will be making plans to return back home.

We love you Mo!!! Can't wait to "Get Mo Better!"


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