Healing Touch: Hot Hands?
Where does the road lead us?
The Discovery
The power of the healing touch...it all began with the discovery of my hot hands. Let me tell you how it happened.
When life reveals to you certain things, sometimes it hits you like a bolt of lightning. Around two and a half years ago, Dayzeebee and I were in a prayer meeting. She turned to look at me and gave me a strange look. My eyes questioned back, “What?”
When we got the chance to talk, she asked if she could hold my hand. I frowned some more thinking, “Hold my hand? Is this girl going crazy on me?”
Sensing my hesitation, she reassured me. “Don’t worry. I’m just checking something.”
“What?!” I asked again, curious as to where this was leading.
Are you willing?
She refused to tell me anything except that she needed me to do something again the following day. “I’m not yet sure.” She grinned. “But I want to do an experiment. Are you willing to do it?”
Well, it was futile to make her talk so in the name of curiosity I succumbed to the so-called experiment. Tying a crystal to a string, she made me open my palm. She then positioned the crystal an inch above my palm while resting her elbow on a table to make sure it was stable. “Okay, now I want you to focus. Make the crystal move.”
I couldn’t help it. It was too much. This time I laughed out loud and long. I was becoming stubborn. I wasn’t going to do this experiment until she explained to me what this was all about. Sighing, she finally gave in.
I learned that Daisy had a gift. She could actually “sense” people, what they were feeling and even thinking. She mostly uses the gift during trainings when she needs to help people understand themselves.
I learned that we are all made up energy. And during that prayer meeting, she explained why she turned to look at me. “Your energy was so strong; I felt that I was being pushed. That’s why I asked you if I could hold your hand so I could feel the energy. I was right. You have hot hands!”
Hot hands?
"Hot hands? Geez..." I was baffled. “So what does this all mean?”
“Well, I believe you might have a healing gift. I don’t know but since yesterday, this thought wouldn’t leave my mind.”
“A healing gift?” I exclaimed with dismay. “Oh no! This means I’m not going to get married!”
It was Daisy’s turn to laugh long and loud. “This doesn’t have to do anything with getting married.”
“My mom will kill me!” I moaned some more. All sorts of thoughts came wildly into my mind and I was panicking inside. So I suddenly declared out loud. “I don’t want it. You can have it.”
Daisy laughed some more. “Stop being so silly! C’mon, why don’t you try this experiment? Focus and make the crystal move.”
I grudgingly went along with the experiment. A mixture of emotions coursed through me as I saw the crystal move! She then told me to make the crystal move in circles. And the crystal moved in a circular motion. Daisy was ecstatic. “I told you, you have a gift.” I found myself intrigued despite myself. She ordered me to make it stop. And yes, the crystal stopped moving.
Some Questions to Ponder
Have you ever been struck by realizations, discoveries, enlightenment in your life?
Have you ever been compelled to follow a certain path?
What lessons have you learned?
I left her house that day, mystified, bewildered, perhaps a little lost as I looked at my hot hands. Or was I? Maybe I had just lost part of my old self to find something new within me. Thus, my healing journey had begun. I had the healing touch.
There was no turning back.
By: Michelle Simtoco
But the story is far from over. Read on... :-)