Healing Touch Part 2: Wonder Woman?
If you have arrived here before reading part 1. May I invite you to read the hub Healing Touch: Hot Hands?
Thanks! Be blessed.
What happens when you have the healing touch? Why did it make me feel like wonder woman?
When life reveals something new about our being, I notice that a shift of perspective suddenly occurs.
I looked at my pair of hands. “Who would have thought I have hot hands!” I muttered, as I inspected my fingers, fingernails and the lines on my palms. They looked pretty ordinary to me. "Who would have thought that it has the power to heal?
I looked at my face in the mirror. “You’re happy!” I accused the face smiling back at me. I tried distorting my face in the mirror but the twinkle in the eyes remained.
Of course, I was happy. It seemed like a huge window had been opened and for a moment, the road up ahead was quite clear. I mused, “I wonder where that road will take me?”
Around two and a half years ago (a few days after dayzeebee and I had our little experiment) the music ministry was gathered for practice. I found out that Macon, one of my sisters in community, was having a headache. Concerned, I asked what happened. She said her eye had been hit by a bolt while fixing the door knob in their office. I looked closely and saw that the eye was red. She wanted to visit the doctor but it was a Sunday and clinics were closed.
“Can I put my hand over your eye?” She nodded. So I gently placed my hand over the afflicted eye and held it there for a few minutes, whispering to God a silent prayer. After awhile, I removed my hand saying, “I hope you get to visit the doctor tomorrow.”
“Thanks sis,” She said. “My headache is feeling a bit better.”
"Hey, now that's something!" I thought excitedly. I was really glad to be of help.
The next day, the first thing I asked when I saw her was that, “Were you able to go to the doctor?”
She eagerly announced to me. “No, I didn’t!”
“How come?” I worriedly asked.
“You will never guess what happened! This morning when I woke up I was all set to go to the doctor when I discovered my eye wasn’t RED anymore! My family was even surprised. They said bruises usually take a few days or almost a week before it gets healed. Sis, you must have a healing gift!”
Super Powers?
I was amazed and delighted as I laughed out loud. My thoughts were running here and there. “Was it really true? Do I really have a healing gift?” I looked at Macon’s eye again. Indeed the redness was gone. When I rushed to Daisy and told her about it, all she said was, “Now do you believe me?”
“It felt so good being able to help.” I admitted honestly. I could feel the adrenalin rushing through my body. “You know it's as if I have suddenly been bestowed with super powers and I could actually have the chance to help many people.”
“Yaaahhh!” I kicked my right leg forward and swung my arm to cover my face. “Would you still recognize me if I put on a wonder woman suit?” I showed her some more kicks and arm movements to match. Daisy was laughing hysterically. “You are such a silly girl! But I’m happy that you are starting to be open about it.”
I knew I was just trying to lighten up a situation that was so serious to me. My heart was joyful but my mind was very doubtful. Plus I could hear the voices in my head ranting and raving and detailing all the what if's and the why's and the how to's and so on and so forth.
But the eagerness of my spirit drew certain situations and events to me. I could feel God whispering to me softly. "My dear precious daughter. Do you still need more proof in order to believe me? Okay, proof coming up!" I grinned back at God, curious as always.
Dayzeebee called my attention to one of our brothers in community. I learned that he had injured his back as he transferred some heavy equipment. He was not able to sleep the past night because of the pain. As I laid my hands on his back, I could feel the bones protruding from his lower spine and was amazed that he could still stand. "O-oh! This is something serious! What am I going to do now?" I thought, motioning to Daisy to feel the bones too. “Oh goodness!" She gasped. "Bro, you have to go to the hospital and have an x-ray."
I knew this brother couldn't afford it, more so if it required expensive treatment. Compassion filled me and I mouthed to Daisy. "It's okay. I'll try."
"Are you sure?" She mouthed back. I nodded and closed my eyes and prayed to God to return the bones to its proper position. For a scaredy cat who didn't know anything, I just felt so calm as I continued to lay my hands on his back.
Four days later, I saw him again during our gathering. He was fixing the equipment on stage. Believe it or not, when I felt his back, the bones were back in its place. No more sharp bones protruding. Daisy felt his back too. We both looked at each other and simultaneously shouted and jumped for joy.
- Loving Abundance
The world is fun and loving through the eyes of a child. Visit our website and bask in the fullness of love and life. - 101 Things to be Grateful For
Allow gratitude to flow into your heart and life. - Small Miracles: Extraordinary Coincidences from Everyday Life
A wonderful book about miracles in everyday life.
That brother shared that the pain had slowly subsided as the days passed after that healing session. In fact, he was even able to join the Singles gathering and did some swimming in the beach.
My heart was so full that day. I had seen the power of the healing touch. I guess my life is never going to be the same again.
By: Michelle Simtoco
Thank you for reading part 2. But the story is not over yet. :-) Please read Healing Touch Part 3: Overcoming Fear
Take care...