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Organic Aloe Vera and the Yeast Candida Albicans Part I
- Candidiasis - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Thrush is a common type of Candida Infection found often in babies throat and tongue. It is sometimes present when taking antibiotics or cancer therapy. The common feeling of thrush is the feeling of hair on your tongue when of course there is none.
Can I control Candida Yeast Infections?
Before reading this Hub, please review my last article..."Organic Aloe Vera, the heart, diet and STRESS Part VII."
I just want to say a bit more on the subject of yeast, Candida Yeast and Organic Aloe Vera and some of the amazing benefit of this plant. As you will see, in all of my articles written about Organic Aloe Vera and the "best tasting aloe"...you will find that at the end of my article, I always close with the statement...know your supplier.
There's a good reason. The reason for that statement is for your benefit...for your own protection. As you know, there are many aloe companies out there selling aloe vera products …some good, some not so good and some with great products.
Sooo, for your protection always deal with a company that you know and trust. Find a company that's been around for a while and one that can back up their claims and promises with hard facts.
With that in mind, check out their research, scientific findings, studies, test and examine the clinical data and medical breakthroughs. Know your supplier.
Candida yeast infection can be reduced!
As an example, Candida Albicans, the fungus prevalent in such conditions as yeast infections, Vaginitis and now believed to be the cause of what is commonly referred to as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome... the test with Organic Aloe Vera show that the fungus Candida (yeast infection) was reduced by 97.5% in every case. In other words, with these findings, the Aloe Vera in question virtually eliminated the Candida. Stopped it dead in it's tracks. Now that's good news!!
There are 60 to 70 million cases of CFS undiagnosed.
In America today there are literally estimated over 60-70 million undiagnosed cases of this syndrome...with millions more being treated rather unsuccessfully for this so-called syndrome and the number one common denominator that shows up time after time, in every case, is the yeast …Candida Albicans...Hmmmm!
- Candida (genus) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Candida Albicans can be found in the intestinal track and it can live comfortably if you have a normal healthy immune system. When this unfriendly bacteria grows out of control, it can compromise your health and chronic illnesses can develop.
Organic Aloe Vera can be 100% effective in most cases.
Now here's something interesting and most important. If all the studies and scientific test prove, and they do, that Organic Aloe Vera used in these tests is almost 100% effective against Candida Albicans (yeast infection) as well as against any other pathogen against which it has been tested...doesn't it just make sense to give it a try?
With that said, my recommendation remains, drink plenty of clean, fresh, filtered water with two-four ounces of "the best tasting" Aloe Vera everyday.
Of course...know your supplier.