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Positive Affirmations Now

Updated on March 12, 2023
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Magdelene lives in Southern Alberta, has been involved in many new adventures lately. Vlogging, Blogging and trying to get back to writing.

Get Positive Affirmations Working For You

What is a positive affirmation and why use them? To answer that question simply is to say that positive affirmations are inspiring sentences repeated many times so that you can make an impression upon your subconscious and trigger your mind into taking action.

You need to stop the negative thoughts that run rampant in your conscious mind and repeat the positive affirmations that are short and easy for you to remember. Your affirmations can work fast but more oft than not they require some time to take hold. Do you find yourself sometimes repeating a thought over and over in your mind? We do tend to use them unconsciously when we tell ourselves that we are lazy, that we can or can’t possibly perform the task at hand, when we say we are going to win or when we say that we are going to be unsuccessful. These are examples of affirmations and I must say some of the ones listed above are negative ones; we need to incorporate the positive affirmations and do away with the negative thoughts.

Positive affirmations are simple; you state what you realistically want to be true in your life. What are the ones that you can think of? Are you a nervous person and looking for a way to calm yourself down in pressure situations? An affirmation like, ‘I am cool and collected in every situation’, may be the one to help you out. Calm yourself down and concentrate on your affirmation, clear your mind of the negative thoughts.

Do you find your thoughts running in negative mode at times when you are under a bit of stress? A positive affirmation for that one would be, ‘My thoughts are under my control’ and ‘I will succeed, I have the ability’ are the positive thoughts that you want to incorporate at these times. Be careful not to put words into your affirmations that bring about fears, use only positive words. As an example ‘I am not afraid’, the word afraid may make you concentrate on that word alone, so change it to ‘I feel safe’.

What should your Affirmations be about?

Your affirmations should be about any positive change you want to bring into your life. Your affirmations do not have to be about direct things happening in your life right now, your affirmations can be about how you would like your life to be.

Go for the ones that help to mold your future as in; ‘I am a successful and prosperous person’ and even ‘I am a business marvel to behold’; these are positive and help us to rid ourselves of negative thoughts.

I think it is fairly safe to say most of us have negative thoughts that we attempt to do battle with on a daily basis, some of those thoughts are more severe than others. Perhaps you are in a job where you feel underappreciated and taken advantage of; there are positive affirmations for this situation as well. ‘I am a talented individual; this is a stepping stone to bigger and better’.

In order for these positive affirmations to take hold we have to believe in what we are saying to ourselves. Saying ‘I will win the lottery’ isn’t going to make it so, we don’t want to go through the rest of our days on this planet with an affirmation that is not attainable for the vast majority of us. A positive train of thought would be, ‘I am successful at earning and saving money’, ‘I am on my way to becoming the next business mogul’.

When developing your positive affirmations you need to act with great intent and focused awareness, demand your good right at this moment, make all your acts an act of love and remember ‘I am prevailing, I am well-intentioned, I am amiable and I am unrestricted’. Integrate trust into your life, believe in yourself and your capabilities, do not let negative thoughts hold you back, your mind is under your control.

Choose the positive affirmations that you want working for you, say them in the morning when you first wake up, say them when you feel negative thoughts throughout the day and say them in the evening before you go to sleep. Perform your actions for the utmost good of all concerned and live your life’s mission with only the best intent in your heart.

Engage yourself in some positive self talk so that you can move onward and upward. Your positive affirmations should be put together as you normally would say things, don't try things that are not in your normal way of speaking, put in your own positive words. 'Happiness, health and resourcefulness are gifts I am born with, as I give out love and light, more rushes in'.

I personally need to have a positive affirmation as to losing weight such as some of the following: I am a lean machine, I am a healthy eater, I can do anything I set my mind to and most of all I enjoy working out. You see I used to feel great when I went to the gym 3 or 4 times a week and now I must get back to it, to the remembrance and of feeling great about my body - This I can and will achieve.

Create Affirmations on some of the Topics Below

Losing weight
Quitting smoking
Relieving stress
Drawing in Solutions
Calming your state of mind
Stopping negative thoughts
Stopping Depression
Stopping angry thoughts
Bringing Peace of Mind
Removing Fear
Opening your mind
Permissive Affirmations

This content reflects the personal opinions of the author. It is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and should not be substituted for impartial fact or advice in legal, political, or personal matters.


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