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Catching Your Second Wind: Benefits And Purpose

Updated on March 10, 2014
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Carolee is a passionate writer with a love for learning and teaching. She is a published author, poet, blogger, and content creator.


What is second wind?

"Second Wind" is a term usually used in sports but it is also used in everyday life. You know how a cat is said to have nine lives? Well maybe that cat has nine winds.

A second wind in sports or in my case, martial arts is when you have used up all your energy and you feel totally busted, like you cannot move another inch. Then you dig a little deeper, sometimes it's anger, frustration or plain old determination, but something gives you an extra push and you find that you have more energy, sometimes more than you did in the first wind. You feel rejuvenated and renewed in your second wind like you can move mountains. It's not just an attempt to finish but an adrenalin rush that makes you hard to beat at this point. That is the second wind.

Not everyone can push past the pain caused by exercising to find that extra push. Some people limit themselves to what they are feeling at the time, so they never experience that sense of accomplishment and awakening that the second wind gives. In most cases, the adrenalin push of the second wind alleviates the pain felt in the first wind, so it is in real life.

When you limit yourself.........

  • You never experience the end result
  • You never find out what would have been had you tried harder
  • Then that becomes your limit
  • Then you end up regretting that you didn't push past that limit

Limitations are created by us, what we put on ourselves. Limitations are borne out of mediocrity. I am not talking about things that will affect us negatively, I am talking about things that will affect us in a positive way. In other words there are things we need to place a limit on and these are such things as alcohol consumption and drugs, even pharmaceutical drugs; you know what I mean.

The things in which I refer are what will make or break your success and progress. If you have reach your limit and you feel like this is it. Find that place inside that wants it so bad. That thing inside you that made you want to do whatever it is in the first place. Find that second breath, that extra energy, that determination and mental charge you need to get up and brush yourself off. Start over or continue.

This is not uncommon in everyday life. Many people give up when they reach what they call their limit. They'll never really know how strong they really could be because it's always too painful or frustrating to move on.

Take for instance this here article you are reading. Since before Christmas 2012 I have been feeling rather deflated and weary, somewhat. Especially when it comes to posting my own work on this site. I have been working all along and I have energy to write for clients but I seemed to have lost my own energy for me. Then it occurred to me that I need to find that second wind.

I have done it many times. During trying times and especially when I was depressed. So I know I can do this and you need to believe you can do it too.

Are you feeling fed up with something you have been trying hard to make work? Feel like giving up? Well don't. There is always more energy there. You may need to change your tactics but you too can find that second wind and don't try this time, just do it.

My former boss and Master Instructor in self defense always say "trying leaves room for failure, just do it!" It took me years to understand that but I finally did, after several failures where attempts were just that; attempts.

When you attempt something, you approach it with caution, timidness and doubt. When you make up your mind fully to do something you just go ahead and do it no matter what. That's the difference between trying and doing.

When you find that second wind......

  • It gives you more energy than you had before
  • You forget the pain and frustration from the past
  • You are more determined than ever to succeed
  • You feel a new awakening like a new person
  • You feel a sense of accomplishment
  • You feel almost invincible...yeah!

Maybe not quite invincible, but you do feel like a success, even before the finish line. The second wind is an accomplishment in itself because it takes that extra mental strength to push past all the mental barriers in order to continue.

Mental barriers include:

  • Self doubt
  • Mental anguish
  • Physical pain
  • Mental and emotional pain
  • Grief
  • Low self esteem
  • Lack of confidence
  • Self hate

Everything that stands in the way of your success is a barrier. Pushing past them isn't easy but you must at least try. When you have tried enough then you need to finally make up your mind that you have had enough failure and that's the time you do it. Use your anger, frustration or just plain determination.

Just do it!


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