101 Good Reasons to Smile
101 Good Reasons to Smile
Studies show that smiling makes you more attractive, sincere, sociable, and competent. Say you are already attractive--becoming more attractive, is even better, don't you think? And it doesn't cost you a penny. Such a waste of money being spent on cosmetics and botox to make you look good, when all you need to wear is a smile on your face. So, smile.
1. Smiling makes you more attractive.
2. Smiling makes you look more sincere.
3. Smiling makes you look more competent.
4. Smiling doesn't cost you a penny. It's free!
5. Smiling can save you money.
Smiling lifts the face and makes you look younger. The muscles you use to smile lift the face, making a person appear younger. No more saggy jawline! Great reason to smile, don't you think?
6. Smiling makes you look younger.
7. Smiling gets rid of saggy jawline instantly.
Smiling is good for your health.
Smiling changes your moods for the better, relieves stress, boosts your immune system, lowers our blood pressure, and releases endorphins and serotonin... together these make you feel good, so smiling is a natural drug.
What are endorphins? Endorphins are natural pain killers. Studies show that when body secretes endorphins, lots of good things happen. In addition to decreased feelings of pain, secretion of endorphins leads to feelings of euphoria, modulation of appetite, release of sex hormones, and enhancement of the immune response.
What is serotonin? Serotonin can be considered a "happy" hormone, as it greatly influences an overall sense of well-being. It also helps to regulate moods, temper anxiety, and relieve depression. It is also credited with being a natural sleep aid. It even plays an important role in regulating such things as aggression, appetite, and sexuality.
8. Smiling makes you feel happy. As a result...
9. When you're happy, your spouse/partner is happy.
10. When you're happy, your kids are happy.
11. When you're happy, you feel good about yourself.
12. When feel good about yourself, you work better.
13. When you work better, your boss is happy.
14. When your boss is happy, there's a good chance to get promoted or get a raise.
15. When you get promoted or get a raise, you save money for vacation, kids college, etc.
16. When you save money, you get a safety net when the goings get tough.
See, all the above because you smile, and smiling makes you happy.
17. Smiling helps regulate your appetite. As a result...
18. Smiling can help you lose weight.
19. When you lose weight, you can go shopping for new clothes.
20. When you're wearing new clothes, you look good.
21. When you look good, you feel good.
22. When you feel good, you don't binge on fattening snacks.
Isn't that awesome? All because you smile, and smiling helps modulate your appetite.
23. Smiling releases sex hormones. As a result...
24. Smiling is good for your sex life.
25. Smiling cures "Not tonight, I have a headache" malady.
26. Smiling gets your partner/spouse lucky.
27. When your partner/spouse gets lucky, you get lots of exercise.
28. When you get lots of exercise, you sleep better.
29. When you get a good night sleep, you feel great in the morning.
30. Smiling makes you glow the morning after.
Holy smokes! Smiling is incredible, isn't it?
31. Smiling helps boost the immune system. As a result...
32. Smiling helps prevent colds and flu.
33. If you don't get colds and flu, you don't use your sick days.
34. If you don't use your sick days, you might be able to convert them to vacation days.
35. If you get more vacation days, you get more free time.
36. If you get more free time, you can go play golf or go to the spa.
Isn't that amazing? I, myself, will spend the extra free time, doing chores.. or not.
37. Smiling helps regulate moodiness.
38. Smiling tempers anxiety.
39. Smiling relieves depression.
40. Smiling is natural sleep aid.
Psychologist Professor Diener has found in his research on Subjective Well-Being, happy people live 9 years longer than depressed people. So,
41. Smiling helps you live longer. As a result...
42. When you live longer, you have more time to finish your bucket list.
43. When you live longer, you have more time to spend with your loved ones.
44. When you live longer, you get to see your grandchildren grow.
Have you noticed that when you smile at someone, that someone, more often than not, smiles back at you? That's because smiling is contagious. Well, I'd rather catch a smile than catch a cold, wouldn't you? When someone is smiling they lighten up the room, change the moods of others, and make things happier.
45. Smiling is contagious. As a result...
46. Smiling makes people smile back.
47. When people smile back, they become happy too.
48. When they become happy, they will keep on smiling.
49. When they keep on smiling, they make other people happy.
50. Happy people attract more friends.
51. If you have more friends, more parties and get-together.
52. More parties and get-together mean more beer and more margaritas.
All these just because you smile. Smiling is so cool.
It takes 43 facial muscles to create a frown, and only 17 to generate a smile. Plus frowning gives you wrinkles. So,
53. It is easier to smile than to frown.
54. Smiling prevents wrinkles.
So there you go. Smiling makes you more attractive - that's a big plus. Smiling makes you look younger - OMG, that's a HUGE plus. And to top it off, smiling is good for your health. You need more reasons? Here are some more reasons to smile.
55. Your adorable children. Not so adorable anymore? What about your grandkids? Definitely adorable.
56. Your beloved pets
57. Beautiful flowers
58. Trees
59. Air to breathe
60. Clean water to drink
61. New love
62. Old love
63. Puppies
64. Kittens
65. Love letters
67. Listening to your favorite music
69. Turkey dinner
70. Dr. Seuss
71. Ice-cream
72. KFC
73. The smell of bacon
75. First cup of coffee in the morning
76. First love
77. First kiss
78. Sweet revenge
79. Apple pie a la mode
80. New car
81. Lost two pounds!
82. Dancing in the rain
83. Brangelina breaking up
84. Double chocolate fudge sundae
85. Satin sheets
86. Sunny day
87. Christmas
87. White sand beach
88. Newborn babies
89. Fried green tomatoes
90. Flight on time
Here are some sayings and quotes that will make you smile:
91. It's always darkest before the dawn. So if you're going to steal your neighbor's newspaper, that's the time to do it. - Author Unknown
92. He's turned his life around. He used to be depressed and miserable. Now he's miserable and depressed. - Harry Kalas, on Garry Maddox, 1981
93. A scout troop consists of twelve little kids dressed like schmucks following a big schmuck dressed like a kid. - Jack Benny
94. Dogs are the leaders of the planet. If you see two life forms, one of them’s making a poop, the other one’s carrying it for him, who would you assume is in charge. - Jerry Seinfeld
95. The New England Journal of Medicine reports that 9 out of 10 doctors agree that 1 out of 10 doctors is an idiot. - Jay Leno
96. Families are like fudge... mostly sweet with a few nuts. - Author Unknown
97. They keep saying the right person will come along, I think mine got hit by a truck.- Author Unknown
98. The man who can smile when things go wrong has thought of someone else he can blame it on. - Robert Bloch
99. Friends
“We'll be Friends Forever, won't we, Pooh?' asked Piglet.
Even longer,' Pooh answered.”
- A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
100. Winnie the Pooh
“How do you spell 'love'?" - Piglet
"You don't spell it...you feel it." - Pooh”
- A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh
A few months ago, I noticed an article on my homepage "Fleckenstein: Inflation, stagflation and you" in Money & Quotes. I thought "What da heck is stagflation?" So I clicked on the article, and I fell in love with the smiling picture of Bill Fleckenstein.
I am not a regular reader of the Money section of my homepage. I had no idea who Bill Fleckenstein was. As it turns out, Bill Fleckenstein is a regular contributor in Contrarian Chronicles, author of the book "Greenspan Bubbles", and the president of Fleckenstein Capital, which manages a hedge fund based in Seattle.
As I was curious if Bill's picture was recent, I also googled his pictures. Well, it turned out it was, but I also found a non-smiling picture of Bill. What a difference! Bill is not so HOT in the non-smiling picture. Still good looking mind, but not so HOT anymore. Needless to say, I prefer the smiling picture of Bill.
101. Falling in love
Isn't smiling the most amazing thing you can do? Smiling is easy to do. It makes you happy, more attractive, and younger looking. And, it's free.
So, are you smiling? Yes? Then, life is good, my friend.
How often do you smile?
Watch this... it'll make you smile
Now, let me leave you with Charlie Chaplin and Nat King Cole singing "Smile"
Did you know? by Rosie2010
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