SoulKu - Sending A Message Around The World
"Be the change you want to see." - Gandhi
It has been my goal for quite some time to live this quote by Gandhi. I have also tried to pay particular attention to and be aware of others who, in the course of daily living, have placed this ideal high on their list of priorities. This is a story about two such people...the originators and owners of SoulKu, a visionary enterprise intended to lift the spirit of each person their company touches. The concept is simple; leave a card for someone with an inspirational or healing message, then watch as it is passed around the world, touching people along the way. I cannot wait to share a bit of what I learned about them, their company and their vision for now! That's right, I said, "their vision for now," not tomorrow, not someday, they're doing it now ! Come along with me, meet me at the intersection of the Law of Attraction and Cafe Application! Oh, and enjoy the ride!
The Best Sandwich in Town
SoulKu, Big Love & Coffee Shop Harmony
It's no longer a secret (if it ever was) that coffee houses are more than a place where people meet to commiserate during their daily caffeine fix, they also act as incubators for creative meet ups, brainstorming and social responsibility as well.
I was introduced to the SoulKu concept at "Big Love" fest in Asheville, NC, when a man wearing a sandwich board offered my wife a free compliment. I too, received a healthy dose of "you look really good today in your shorts! Sandwich man (Elisa's husband) didn't know I look good in them every other day as well, yet his thoughtful words and enthusiastic demeanor started a conversation that would lead both my wife and me to investigate the origin of this "complimentary act" a little further. Our journey to be a part of a loving and peaceful community, we were sure, had led us to this moment. We know there are no coincidences. This meeting was just another element in the dream we had been experiencing together.
One well placed compliment would lead to a coffee shop interview and the revelation of how goodness manifests and perpetuates itself through humankind in the guise of SoulKu partners Elisa Van Arnum and Allison Blake . I had the good fortune and pleasure of meeting two young women who represent, in my humble opinion, what I hope is a growing segment of our society. They are wives, mothers, entrepreneurs and what I term as "socialpreneurs," activists intent on continuing the shift in how we view ourselves, those around us and the planet we live on. It's not just business as usual, it's good, smart and meaningful business with a significant twinge of "I care about you and this planet we live on!
Creative Ownership
In the beginning - Bio from SoulKu's Blog
Elisa and Allison, both stay-at-home moms, met through an Asheville book club and formed a tight bond matched only by their children's mutual adoration for each other. After the loss of her husband's job in 2009, Elisa found herself more and more drawn to the spiritual side of her nature, intent on finding peace within the emotional chaos that had become her life. She shared this with Allison and soon the two began having long talks about the nature of the universe, the law of attraction and other mind bending ideas. Somewhere along the line, the seed for a business idea began growing. At first, Elisa (whose background is in commercial and music video production) and Allison (whose background is in accounting and music appreciation) wanted to create a visioning video company. After taking a business course and running the numbers, they realized that launching a company like that would require much more capital than either one had. So they scaled back to look at the heart of what it was they were really trying to accomplish. Both Elisa and Allison began to meditate with the intent of creating a new business concept. They both came to realize that what they wanted most was to help to inspire, comfort and empower people and to build a community that supported those ideals. The true concept of SoulKu was born.
Inspiration's Origin
When a business has a presence in 41 countries (and growing. See the link to the SoulKu traveling map) you would have to ask "how did that happen?" Well, I think it's derived from the "secret" and the success of what these women, their families and friends have accomplished is a manifestation of their belief in themselves and their work. SoulKu is a concept that grew out of the law of attraction, which for anyone who is in touch with it's true premise is based, in large part, upon proliferating the law of gratitude.
According to Elisa and Allison the name of the company is derived from a combination of two words. The obvious one (soul) resulting from the spiritual connection found and fostered by their families certainly, but even more closely by their own parallel walks in life and their incredibly synchronized business relationship. (Ku) according the owners, means "infinite possibility," which is not coincidentally how they approach life and business. It is a perfect match...they have literally transformed the circumstances of life into a relationship as "Soul Sisters" reaching for the stars, collaboratively giving away their gifts! When you go to the website you will also notice that SoulKu is similar to Haiku in that where HaiKu is a three line verse, SoulKu extends to a five line verse. Similarly, this business is an extension of the spiritual qualities each woman possesses within.
As our interview progressed we discovered there was more to this meeting than a story. We discovered a mutual agreement about living, giving, and being. Below is an interview with Dr. Michael Beckwith in which he explains some of the foundational principles behind the law of attraction. SoulKu is a result of this philosophical application and I applaud it!
Making a Difference
Personal Experience
We so often hear the negatives of life, the portrayals of all the things that are wrong with humanity. Well, that's why I'm bringing SoulKu to your attention. I purchased a SoulKu pack from their booth at "Big Love" fest is Asheville, NC. I have begun the process of delivering my message about peace and prosperity around the globe through the cards, and so can you!
You can go to the SoulKu website at the top of this hub (under their logo) and see for yourself what the impact of one act of pure kindness can mean to another human being, whether you know them or not. Let's see what impact each of us can have, helping to produce a better place for all of us to live. You can be a critic or a skeptic or a participant. As I always say, "of course, the choice is yours!"
One last note about these amazing women, who by their own admission state "we are content we have a really nice dance with the business." I suspect that contentment and the success they are experiencing with SoulKu will be dwarfed by the oncoming addition of another product - "ThanKu," and the emerging connection to people around the globe. Imagine what a world this will be as businesses recognize the power of love and kindness and gratitude! All I can say, is "Oh My!"
What others are saying about SoulKu
- After 131 Years of 'Kodak Moments': Shutterflys and SoulKu Kits Takeoff - Forbes
As an M&A investment banker focused on the e-commerce sector, and creator of the Web-only Retail Index, a diverse group of constituents have asked me to comment on the environment for greeting cards, including electronic, photo, standard, persona