The Good News and The Bad News
My butt has its own zip code...
A couple weeks ago I became determined to lose the weight that had sloooowly crept up on me in the last couple years. You know - the kind of weight that hugs your butt because you have sat in an office chair for too long while noshing on fast food because the boss has stressed you out. The kind of weight that goes 'oh for a snuggle?' once you cross 35. The kind of weight that gets men commenting on how healthy your butt looks while they create a nickname for it. The kind of weight where you feel more like Jello than J-Lo.
I decided to approach this as a bit of a challenge and, like any life changing journey, it has had its ups and downs. So here is the good news and the bad news so far:
Well the good news is that I have lost a total of 7 lbs since I started counting my calories..
...the bad news is I put back on 3 in the last 2 weeks while I was on holiday...aaagk!!
The good news is I am eating LOTS of salad....
...The bad news is I've been balancing it off with healthy loads of brownies and beef pies and chocolate ice cream.
The good news is I walked for a whole hour - briskly - tonight.
.....The bad news is I didn't walk worth a fart for the last 2 weeks.
The good news is I joined a weight loss clinic last week and have my first session this Thursday....
The bad news is one of the kids I teach at school was there with his mom and annouced that fact to anyone within earshot the next day!
The good news is that I appear so far to be the lightest person at the weight loss clinic...
The bad news is I am also one of the shortest - so it is all relative!
The goodnews is I am still drinking lots of water...
The bad news is I am still playing bathroom roulette! :-)
The good news is my bathroom scale IS accurate...
The bad news is my bathroom scale is ACCURATE :-(
The good news is I tried on my skinny jeans the other day and they went on...
The bad news was I couldn't zip them up. (yet!)
The good news is I have a great sense of humour about the whole thing..
The bad news is the 'fat' jokes are usually on me.
The good news is my fiance loves me for who I am...
The bad news is he says he now loves me 'twice' as much.
The good news is I know there are millions of people out there just like me..
The bad news is I only see the skinny sexy ones when I go out to party
The good news is I don't have cellulite
The bad news is I have cellu- HEAVY
The good news is I finally have something to write in a hub...
The bad news is you guys have to read it.
Well anyway..short and sweet. Just like me - but without the fat content (which hopefully will also be me soon!)
If anyone would like to take the challenge and get fit along with me check out this website here:
And now if you'll excuse me while I say Grace - I have some celery with my name on it!
*bows head*
"Dear Lord...if you can't make me thin..please make my friends fat! Amen! :-)"