How to Seek the Sunshine
You are my sunshine...
Sunshine. We can never get enough of it. Not only does sunshine provide free light during the daytime hours, it also helps lessen our electric bill which makes us giddy with joy!
Sunshine provides Vitamin D, which helps strengthen our bones. Too much sunshine can cause sunburns so always use caution while sunning in the sun. Sunshine helps alleviate depression by increasing our serotonin levels. Those are just some of the special benefits of sunshine.
Recently I came across a group on Facebook called The Sunshine Page. This group has over 35,000 fans. The site is like a breath of fresh air.
Throughout the day members spread cheer and happiness. Whether you are having a good or bad day, you know you can go there to receive a pick me up or to pick someone up (not literally pick them up, but hey you never know).
I'm not sure who started the group, how the group came about or who's in charge ... maybe they'll share that information with us in the comment section. If not, that's fine too.
What I do know about the group is sufficient enough for me...the members bring sunshine into Sunshine's life and I'm thankful for that. Obviously I was drawn to the site because my nickname is Sunshine. My hubby gave me the nickname 15 years ago (when he was my boss...Uh Oh!). On occasion I do ask him if I'm still a "ray of sunshine" and he says "heck yeah!" Each time I give him a quizzical glance, because trust me when I say there are days that I just don't feel like a flippin' ray of sunshine! Love is obviously STILL blind, but I won't complain.
Life has it's ups and owns, highs and lows and in betweens....instead of sulking about it spread good cheer! Did you ever notice how much better you feel when you make someone else smile? It's true ... "Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves" which is one of my favorite quotes by James Barrie. Make sunshine a part of your life, you won't regret it.
Here's a challenge for you ... for the next 7 days spread the sunshine no matter what mood you are in. Yep, even if you are in a gloom and doom mood. If you should choose to accept this challenge you'll be known as a Sunshine Seeker. Wear the name proudly.
A few ideas to seek the sunshine:
- Say hello to your neighbor even if you are at war because their dog does his business in your yard.
- Give a stranger a compliment even if they look like they might mug you (just be sure you have a getaway plan).
- Smile at the grouchiest person in the grocery store even if they have 100 coupons and still use a checkbook!
- The driver who's still sitting at the green light because they are texting, don't get all road raged on them smile and nod at them (then say a prayer for other drivers in their path).
Something else I've learned along the path of life is, "if you have nothing nice to say then say nothing at all." Yes, it's that simple, say nothing at all.
You'll notice a difference immediately in this new found seeking behavior. Keep us posted! If you need additional, more realistic pointers see The Sunshine Page.
Godspeed Sunshine Seekers!
Ode To The Sunshine Seekers!
Sunshine can not be found
Under a tree
Nor in the dark but it can be found
Somewhere close to your
Heart when you take a few moments to bask in the rays and appreciate your
Inner self it's then that you realize
Nothing can ever replace the
Ever glowing beams of Sunshine that we cherish so much.
You Are My Sunshine
Bring on the Sunshine!
- 50 Ways To Bring On The Sunshine Smile
Included in this hub are 50 ways that you could help bring on a sunshine smile to a family member, friend or stranger. - Don't Allow Anyone To Steal Your Sunshine!
Fact: Chances are no matter how much you try to avoid drama and conflict it will find you. How you deal with it is your choice.
Do you make it a daily practice to shine on...?
© 2011 Linda Bilyeu