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There's No Better Time to Change Than Now
We're Always Changing
Where Should We Look?
I believe there's a place in everyone heart where change begins. After all, from birth we begin to change little by little. We never stop changing. It's the same place where resonance, dissonance, congruity and incongruity reside. Along with so many other character qualities, the ability to change and adapt our way of being is crucial to healthy encounters with our families, friends, foes, peers, neighbors or with anyone else whom we may have the need or want to connect.
This brings me to an observation about our present day interactions with each other, or at least the interactions portrayed in the media. Though politics may be one of many vehicles where we can express the ability (or lack thereof) to change, it is not the only one. My concern is that the continued or prolonged exposure to or use of venomous and overtly toxic shaming will produce more physical, psychological and emotional trauma, while at the same time distracting us from appreciating what we may have in common.
I believe a shift is possible, but time is not on our side, especially if the trend of the current discourse continues. When I feel the need for a shift, I look within me first. If I do not decide to change, to examine myself at every level (personal, interpersonal, from a group perspective, institutionally and culturally) I believe, in the words of the philosophers,- I will always get what I have gotten! Take a look around...do you like what you see?
Are we all okay with how we are treating each other? I recognize I can say this another way, a way in which I take more responsibility for my own actions and that is: I am not okay with the political environment and I am not okay that I have allowed my personal power to be usurped by those who believe I will not stand up for what I believe in. Whoever you are...you are mistaken.
I will change, I am changing and I am voicing my desire to participate in a peaceful, constructive, positive, encouraging and humanitarian dialogue about the future of this planet and I will not sit idly by watching as our collective leadership volley's for position to destructively and egotistically rant against one another. It serves no purpose.
Can We Change?
The answer for me is yes! I cannot answer for you except to say say I am not special. I am unique and so are you. The Phoenician symbol for change is a dalet (δ), which gave rise to the Greek Upper case Delta (Δ) which is the symbol of change.
The reason I am using the small or lower case form (δ) is that it more appropriately signifies what I believe can make a difference in what we are experiencing today, said in the words of Confucius below.
It is possible!
Small changes can lead to huge results. I'm not sure a huge result is necessary, but I know I/we must begin to carry away the small stones of resentment, anger, dishonesty and mistrust because each one carries with it the seeds of hatred and violence which will destroy us.
So, as I invite myself to make the little changes that make a big difference, I also invite you to consider how a small change in your current perspective might instead plant the seeds of future harmony.
Why wait? There is no better time to change than now!
May peace always reside with you!!!
So, my question is twofold; 1) What are our true collective values? and 2) When will we decide to change the path we are on and create a constructive dialogue of those values that make us healthy, loving and whole?
A Few Quotes To Consider
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” ~Viktor E. Frankl
“To be awake is to be alive.” ~Henry David Thoreau
It’s the little details that are vital. Little things make big things happen.” ~John Wooden
“A small body of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” ~Mahatma Gandhi
© 2018 Rev Bruce S Noll HMN