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Top 10 Herbal Remedies For Dandruff Treatment

Updated on December 5, 2012

Beautiful Hair Sans Dandruff

Why Herbal Home Remedies?

As an Indian homemaker for the past 25 years, I have had immense satisfaction in using herbal home remedies for various illnesses or symptoms of common ailments, for members of my household. These remedies always take precedence over visiting a medical practitioner, simply because, the ingredients used are mostly available in all Indian households and is common practice to prepare and administer according to ageold handmedowns from our mothers and grandmothers. These always work wonders with children, and the elderly at home as well as all the in-between ages. Trusted for generations, these easily available ingredients are known to all Indian households. Simple, yet effective cure or prevention is the hallmark of these treatments. If they are not on your kitchen shelf, they are definitely in your backyard garden. Ingredients from nature such as fruits, vegetables, plants, herbs, flowers, stems, leaves, nuts, seeds are all part of herbal treatments. These maybe applied on your body or they maybe ingested either on their own or as a mixture in correct proportions, in many forms-dry powder, juice, or a paste. The when and how is to be followed to a T for it to be totally effective as a cure. The biggest advantage is that they are inexpensive or free, simple to follow with absolutely no side effects. And the plus point, you do it yourself!

This hub is dedicated to the common problem of fighting dandruff. Yes, the dry, flaky shiny scales that are an embarrassment to say the least! These keep falling off your head when you comb your hair and onto your clothes,eyebrows and shoulders. Itching and scratching can complicate matters and it can cause infection. The causes of dandruff can be many and include emotional stress, exhaustion, use of harsh shampoos, eating junk food , and not drinking enough water in addition to harsh weather conditions.

Top 10 Herbal Remedies For Dandruff Treatment

Dandruff is a common ailment for many, and the treatments given below can be followed by anyone for excellent results. And, these treatments are not necessarily restricted to treating dandruff. They can be used by anyone on a daily basis for normal upkeep of your hair, whatever be the length. Those who sport beards and long hair, particularly the Punjabis, both men and women, as according to their religious custom they are never to cut hair, regularly cleanse their beards and scalp with curd and gram flour. These treatments are often part of the daily ritual of bathing every morning. Those who use these methods never complain of dandruff, rather they have thick, glossy hair that is easily manageable to sport any style and look. Most have long tresses worn in a variety of styles that are in vogue. It is definitely healthier to use the following treatments as opposed to the use of shampoos that are chemical based and make your hair dependent on a variety of hair care products available in the market. These ingredients act both as shampoo and conditioner, keeping your crown of glory for most of your life healthy, with little or no greying and absolutely no balding.

Worth trying? DEFINITELY!

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.1 :

Soak 2 tbsp of Fenugreek seeds(methi) overnight in water and ground to a paste in the morning. This paste is then aplied to the whole scalp and left for an hour before washing off thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) solution or shikakai.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.2 :

A teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse while washing your hair leaves the hair shining, removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.3 :

A paste made of two tbsp of green gram powder mixed with half a cup of curd is used to wash one's hair twice a week.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.4 :

Beets,particularly white variety, must be boiled in water with their tops and roots and this water massaged into the scalp with fingertips every night and washed off in the morning for at least a week.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.5 :

The juice of a snakegourd can be applied to the scalp before washing off as a preventive and treatment measure.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.6 :

Curd that has been in the open for 3 days can be applied and massaged into the hair and scalp for half an hour.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.7 :

Lime juice mixed with a few drops of gooseberry (amla) juice can also be used to massage into one's scalp each night before retiring to bed.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.8 :

Cider vinegar mixed with an equal quantity of water can be dabbed onto the scalp with a wad of cotton wool and left in between shampoos. Alternately cider vinegar or beer can be used as a final rinse after shampooing your hair for that extra clean and glossy look!

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.9 :

Pick a handful of hibiscus leaves from the garden and grind to a paste to apply directly to your scalp. Leave it on for 20 minutes to half an hour and wash off for the best conditioning agent for your hair.

Herbal Treatment For Dandruff No.10 :

Henna(mehendi) leaves or henna powder mixed with tea decoction, curd, lime, egg and left overnight is applied to the hair and scalp to coat thoroughly and then washed off rinsing thoroughly for the perfect all-in-one shampoo , conditioner and colouring agent.

Take your pick from the above and you will not be disappointed. These simple treatments can be done at your convenience anywhere. Dandruff will be a thing of the past and those looking for clean and healthy hair will most certainly be benefited.


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