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Types of Anxiety Disorders

Updated on December 31, 2024
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People's thoughts are unique. Opinions are heard of and people react in their own ways to such opinions. I share what I know best of.

Anxiety Disorders

Anxiety Disorders and their causes:

Personality traits in anxiety affect medical students with high-stress levels. Generalized Anxiety Disorder is high to an assessment at a local university in Croatia.

Their emotional stability is high; this represents their happiness and depression levels.

Medications to treat serious mental disorders are on a high level. Anxiety can become a medical disorder if you are unable to control your emotions.

People who suffer from such mental disorders often are afraid to be in a crowded place, and constantly worry about what would be if they had done something or had to go somewhere.

Don’t get me wrong, anxiety is not bad. It is normal, but anxiety becomes a disorder when you excessively behave nervously, or fearfully in a public place.

For example:

You have a test to write and on the day of your test you become nervous, you fear how your test will turn out and if you will cope with the questions and answers.

It is such events that increase anxiety in you.

You are unsettled when out of your comfort zone.

Anxiety interrupts your normal day-to-day routine.

A common mental disorder in most parts of the world. Most people do not receive treatment for anxiety.

How would you define Anxiety?

You have an increased heartbeat that increases your blood pressure thereafter feel tensed and worried

What are normal feelings in comparison to anxiety feelings?

Seek medical tension to know the differences and treatment would be provided according to that.

When would you need treatment for Anxiety?

You tend to worry daily about something going on in your life, but more than you should have.

Anxiety existed for centuries ever since the early days.

At that time people had anxiety attacks from hunting an animal. In this modern-day, people have anxiety attacks from finances, living conditions, work-related issues, and family matters.

Issues that demand your attention, such as health issues, relationship issues, and anything that requires your immediate attention.

What is anxiety and anxiety disorder?

  • To avoid danger, you need to apply the necessary precautions.
  • The fear of mingling or crossing the street is part of anxiety feelings.
  • In an anxiety disorder, you feel excessive nervousness, nausea, and increased high blood pressure which tells you of an original trigger to this disorder.
  • When your daily routine is disrupted by your anxiety attacks, it is an anxiety disorder.
  • You feel on edge and have a constant feeling of dismay.
  • There is that symptom of restlessness and nervousness.
  • Irritable and constantly worrying about an event.
  • Sweaty palms and dry mouth are part of anxiety symptoms.
  • These symptoms when excessive are a definite sign of Anxiety Disorder.
  • It is difficult to fall asleep all through the night.
  • You look at these symptoms as normal in your day-to-day life, those who are ware Generalized Anxiety Disorder will have high levels of this type of behaviour.

What is Generalized anxiety disorder?

You have an excessive worry and it becomes everlasting. A chronic disorder that holds you to this behaviour in every event. In such cases, you are not able to point out the cause of the anxiety experienced.

What is a Panic Disorder?

Panic disorder occurs in sudden moments with confusion, nausea, difficulty in breathing, hand tremors, like shaking of the hands, and dizziness, which happens within the frame time of ten minutes.

In some individuals, these panic symptoms last for hours. For some, anxiety cases, home treatment is an effective way to control anxiety attacks, the exercises are effective for anxiety disorders. You take time off from the stressful life you have at work.

Manage your days without commitments.

Relax to calm yourself mentally and physically in a new routine. Meditating and using breathing exercises help calm down the nerves. Take long baths in a candlelight area.

Avoid lit-up rooms and rest in a dark room for thirty minutes. Yoga relaxes muscles and allows for a positive feel in slow motion.

To live a healthy and happy lifestyle is positive and look at your life only in a positive way. To be rid of that anxiety feeling, create a different image in your mind.

Persistent symptoms that are uncontrollable will tell you of an anxiety disorder. Adults, children and teenagers are affected by an anxiety disorder.

An anxiety disorder affects many people, and most are affected by the age of twenty-one.

Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder are among five other types of anxieties that affect people daily.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Social Phobia also known as Social Anxiety Disorder

I discovered Situational anxiety that affects people in new events.

For example:

in specific events, individuals can feel uncomfortable when sitting at a gathering or a first-time attending a party.

Events that can cause you to feel Situational Anxiety:

  • Your first job interview.
  • A first date.
  • The first time travelling by aeroplane.
  • Your first speech in front of an audience.
  • First time in a new country.
  • Meeting new people for the first time.
  • A new job.

Anything you do for the first time will give you a situational anxiety experience.

To avoid these anxiety disorders expose yourself to what makes you feel that way and you will find that the more you attend these meetings or talk to people your fear of doing that vanishes.

Do more of what makes you feel uncomfortable and gradually you will see the difference in yourself. Often one is told by medical practitioners that such symptoms are dramatic.

Sometimes patients are told they are making up these symptoms. You know yourself better and if there is a different occurrence and you know it hasn’t happened to you in the past seek professional help from a practitioner.

Anxiety affects any person by the age of 21


Anxiety Disorders

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

© 2020 Devika Primić


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