Understanding "Anxiety Disorder".
What it feels like to be anxious!
Anxiety is a response of your body towards a stressful situation.it could be anything that can make you feel anxious. Basically, it is your apprehension about something. For example, you have an exam tomorrow and the thought of failing may provoke anxiety.
You can understand anxiety by another example too. Suppose you have to demonstrate a presentation in front of a huge crowd and you couldn't sleep all night thinking about it. There are plenty of things that can make you feel anxious.
It is normal for a human mind to feel anxious in such situations
But when it becomes problematic? There is a difference. You know how? When anxiety starts interrupting your day to day life. You find it problematic to be functional in life for more than six months!
Types of Anxiety
For understanding anxiety, the first thing you need to understand is "anxiety" has various types. Let's discuss these types:
Phobias are irrational fears about any object. Phobias are object-specific fears which become the reason for you being anxious.
Social anxiety disorder:
Social anxiety disorder is a type of anxiety disorder that only triggers when you are in a social situation. Like going to a party or to attend a seminar etc.
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
Obsessive-compulsive disorder is related to obsessions and compulsions. Obsessions are repetitive thoughts about something and compulsions are actions that follow those obsessions. And a person remains in constant anxiety & a vicious cycle goes on!
Separation anxiety
Mostly, separation anxiety is seen in children. It is a fear that is related to being away from your loved one or home.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-traumatic stress disorder is also a type of anxiety disorder. It is related to any traumatic incident that happened in the past and a person still feels anxious as the flashbacks keep coming back!
Panic Disorder
Panic disorder is often related to fears that result in a person fainting. It consists of panic attacks when a triggering object or a situation comes!
Understanding your "Triggers".
It is important and necessary for you to keep an eye on your triggers in the first place. Why? Because you need to understand what made you feel anxious or what are the possible reasons that make you worry. Are they rational or irrational? After having a deep understanding of your triggers you can further analyze your anxiety.
Anxious Mind may Trick you!
Anxious mind tricks you in such a way that it makes you think about situations that you are already afraid of! There is a common problem that most of the people come across and that is "overthinking".
When you start to over-think something, it will leave you worrisome. Therefore, triggering anxiety!
Here is a scenario!
You can have a better understanding of anxiety by this example:
Suppose a person feels anxious whenever he is in a crowded place. And he has to attend a seminar that includes a lot of people. He is feeling nervous and stressed. He wants to avoid going but it is necessary for him to attend. So the feeling of "helplessness" prevails. And he is left with "feeling anxiety".
Physical Symptoms:
Physical symptoms may include:
Psychological Symptoms
Whereas there are also psychological symptoms that an anxious person may feel. It includes:
Feeling Dizzy
Worrisome etc.
Briefly, anxiety is a reaction to your fears that often result in a form of stress. If this feeling of worrisome, nervousness & anxiety prolongs for six months or more you must seek professional help for living a healthy life!
© 2020 Zura Rubab Khan