22 Year Breast Cancer Survivor
Being diagnosed with cancer has to be one of the most devastating, debilitating, and depressing things you hear about from a healthcare professional. It does not mean however that you are going to die. When you are first diagnosed, at least for me that is, I can remember the fear I felt. Then I got mad and started asking questions such as, Why me, Why now. I am sure most people ask the same questions and feel that it is just not fair, and it isn’t fair at all. People always ask me how did you deal with it. My answer to this question is, think positive. This is not always easy to do but I truly believe that by doing so you will have a stronger chance to survive.
Thinking Positive When Diagnosed with Cancer
I just recently found a very interesting article about positive thinking and cancer and how thoughts and moods can affect the way in which the white cells defend or not defend. If you would like to read the article it can be found at New Approaches to Cancer (through positive self-help).
Cancer Support Groups
Support Makes All the Difference with Cancer
Having a cancer support group whether it is through family and friends or from a local community health group, center or church can be very helpful for those that are coping with cancer.
There are many online groups that one can join. MyLifeLine and The Pink Daisy Project are two of the many wonderful supportive sites.
My Motto
Hang in there, think positive, and FIGHT will all your might!
Live each day as if it were your last.
Hang in there, think positive and fight with all your might!
Will To Live
Never give up
Never give in
Fight for your life
You have to win
Don’t let this disease take you away
Stay here and live day after day
Some days it will be hard to think positive
But you have to if you are going to win
You will feel sick I will not lie
You may feel pain but it will subside
You must go on and live each day
Fight for your life in every way
This may be hard to do right now
Think of yourself as a survivor…I do
Get up each day and live your life
Don’t think of death put those thoughts away
I will beat cancer
I will live
I will not give in
It will not defeat me
Inspirational Hubs
- How to talk to your children about having breast cancer
Breast cancer is a devasting diagnosis. For mothers with young children and teens, telling them is an important part of the journey back to health. Liza Miles ia a breast cancer survivor whose children were both very young when she was diagnosed.
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© 2011 Susan Zutautas