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How to Empower Yourself Against Your Own Anger? Wonderful Coping Tips for Anger Management!

Updated on January 31, 2020
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Dr. Khalid is a health researcher and science writer with a Ph.D. in clinical research.


How To Hit Your Anger With Powerful Anger Control Strategies?

Anger As The Root Cause of Violence

The great reformer Nelson Mandela defined the twentieth century as an era flooded with events of violence and mass destruction on an unprecedented scale. It witnessed the failure of peace seekers' efforts in establishing prosperity and health all across the globe. This century transformed prosperous societies of the world into hosts of vulnerability and diseases. Lifestyle modifications, acquired inhuman instincts, self-centered attitude, disfigured insight, and corrupt thought processes are few of the basic practices emanating mental conflicts resulting in serious mood disorders or stress-related conditions with the development of extreme emotions like anxiety, panic, fear, and anger in humans.

Anger aggravates acts of aggression and violence leading to criminal conduct and antisocial events of wars and crimes resulting in large-scale poverty and mass destruction. To an optimum extent, anger is a natural phenomenon or the state of physical or emotional reactivity subject to life’s variable circumstances. However, stretching of this emotional responsiveness beyond threshold may create imbalances in human psychological homeostasis leading to a state of mental instability and criminal orientation. Circumstances resulting from constant failures, lack of achievements, physical and spiritual humiliation or similar such sufferings may induce psychosomatic disorders in the victims, thereby making them prone to behavioral imbalances and emotional states of stubborn conduct and persistent anger.

Indeed, the outside world occupied with frustrating situations, lack of time, interpersonal conflicts, debts and a variety of other similar problems enraging the vicious circle of anger and violence. The persistent state of uncontrolled angry behavior results in spontaneous arguments, attacks, thefts, damages and ruthless acts of crimes and violence.

The Social Dilemma

In today’s competitive age, society predominated with stress, worries, lack of satisfaction, misconduct and other similar imbalances due to thinking errors proving to be the prime cause of intense fury and rage that develops spontaneously from mild irritation leading to the states of severe panic and neurosis.

Despite international efforts in developing awareness of the prevalent social imbalances and attempts to neutralize their adverse effects, such abnormal tendencies continue to spoil the youth resulting in the creation of a mentally ill, bankrupt and worthless society. Anger is a direct outcome of the societal flaws that emanate due to a lack of vision and resources to accomplish one’s ambitions in a limited timeframe. Poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and political conflicts are the core ingredients of poor economic growth that overburdens youths with frustrations and depression directly disintegrating their social well-being and making them prone to emotional conflicts giving rise to utter spiritual pain and uncontrolled anger. The incapacity of anger victims to face their circumstances induces them to hide their inefficiencies and respond violently even under normal situations. Individuals in the state of anger experience profound spiritual conflicts and neurological deficits influencing adversely on their social well being and psychological homeostasis.

Anger Manifestations

Fear, threats and negative thinking patterns are the primary causes and sources of anger. However, uncontrolled anger has varied manifestations including chest tightness, weakness of legs, muscular tension, rapid heart rate, feeling the heat, excessive sweating, restlessness, irritability, and tendency to attack or escape from the circumstances.

Anger adversely affects thoughtfulness, breathing mechanism, digestion and induces suicidal and homicidal tendencies in the affected individuals. It further causes disturbances in sleep patterns, swallowing difficulty, headaches, mouth dryness, resentment and unrealistic feelings leading to disappointments and acts of violence, injustice, and abuse.

Anger results in the events of domestic violence, humiliation, and antisocial conduct. Personality disorders like paranoid behavior, schizophrenia, and antisocial personality produce extreme anger among the affected individuals leading to events of sin and crime.

Facts About Anger

Anger not always expressed through aggression. Its controlled expression achieved through learned behavior, assertiveness, and self-confidence. Anger remains a maladaptive habit if practiced frequently through aggression. Unpleasant instances of life reinforce events of anger leading to violence and aggression. General events and situations including, crowded buses, noise pollution, misguidance, traffic congestion, wrong judgment, jealousy, lack of hygiene, stolen money or sensitive jokes may induce acts of consistent anger and violence.

Irrational and negative thinking leads to incorrect decision making that adversely alters human responsiveness under conditions of fear and failure. The etiological factors giving rise to anger are pain and fear. The pain not necessarily emanates from physical trauma but also arises from emotional or psychological circumstances like unfair conduct, communal prejudice, unfair treatment due to sexual orientation and loss of love or regard. The triggering factors of anger include environmental factors and surroundings. These physical factors sometimes create immense panic and their consistent exposure leads to the development of psychosomatic ailments in the affected individuals.

Personal health plays a very important role in maintaining the state of well being and internal homeostasis. Severe symptoms like headaches, vertigo, anxiety, panic, stress, and depression become the prime cause of intolerance leading to angry reactions. Attitude and expectations serve as fuels in maintaining the pace and consistency of anger in today’s society. The unrealistic thought processes and rigid expectations of an honest and fair society result in states of frustrations and rage when such expectations not accomplished in real-world circumstances.

Anger Management (How Should You Defeat Your Anger)?

Anger management develops with practice and insight to explore and mitigate angry feelings while strengthening self-control and acquiring a flexible and realistic attitude. The most efficient measure to overcome angry thoughts is instantly ignoring the stressful situation. Anger feeding thoughts result in increased heart rate, rapid breathing, flushing, embarrassment, headache, and tensed neck and stomach. It alters blood pressure and may induce cardiovascular emergencies in risk-prone individuals. The efficient management of anger based on exploring its root cause and antagonizing the unhealthy feelings of tension, fury, and rage under unfavorable circumstances. Interaction with an expert counselor or a neutral friend facilitates the resolution of angry reactions and balancing the rational frame of mind. Other recommended option is to recall the past similar events and their executed resolutions for stabilizing the psychological well being under conditions of pain and panic. Impulsive and sulking tendencies require active control in challenging circumstances to overcome anger reactions for sustaining the state of healthy social and emotional well being.

Physical exercises like running, dancing, brisk walking, aerobics, and meditation are some of the recommended ways of burning anger and developing a healthy state of mind and body. Adopting good thinking strategies helps in controlling the emotional brain, which proportionately antagonizes the feelings of fury and rage. Analyzing the available options and consequences helps in appropriately responding to the situations of stress and emergencies. Stress levels reduce with the application of massage, listening to music, and undergoing reading, writing, sketching or painting activities. These techniques help in controlling negative emotions that are the leading cause of intense rage and fury.

Nervine herbal tonics claimed to reduce anger, however; their efficacy and safety still require testing and validation through clinical trials. The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine emphasizes the importance of herbal tea composed of German chamomile or Matricaria recutita in rendering sedative effect in anger prone individuals. The components of this herb include containing flavonoids, coumarins, cyanogenic glycosides and choline with antioxidant and revitalizing properties beneficial in treating the waves of intense anger. Similarly, tincture from oats seed and herbal tea from the skullcap plant claimed to control the feelings of anxiety, panic, tension, and hysteria that are the root causes of provoking anger. St. John Wort (Hypericum perforatum) and Verbena Officinalis herbs believed to release anxiety and depression and induce sedative and calming effects for controlling anger.

Indeed, adopting the scientific lifestyle, availing herbal remedies and attending counseling sessions facilitate to enhance and sharpen abilities mental strength for controlling anger feelings under stressful circumstances. A blend of optimistic thoughts, balanced diet, lifestyle modifications, and regular exercise are some of the robust tools for attaining the state of consistent social and mental homeostasis for effective anger management.


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