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Dear Friend by Bernard Levine

Updated on June 7, 2015
Bernard Levine
Bernard Levine

I just had to write this to you….

I’ve just got to tell you something important….

I know things for you haven’t been easy…you’ve been through a lot….you’ve been deeply hurt….your pain is intense ….you’ve been wondering why your life has been through so much trouble….so much frustration…so many tests, trials and hardship.

You’ve been let down ….you’ve been disappointed time and time again….you’ve given up hope and just don’t care anymore….

I just want to tell you that in all this….God is here

God has seen every tear that you have cried….God has felt your pain and knows what you are going through…God really wants to help you ….He is there….but you have to first turn the key….you have to open the door wide.

When a heart is broken….when a life is in ruin….it’s not easy to pick up the pieces and start all over again….but you have to!....there’s no other way up! have to let go!’s a brand new season….it’s the start of a new day….I know you just can’t forget what has happened…… but you have to make a new life for yourself….you have to get out of the river and walk over to the mountain….there is help ….and there is hope.

The Hand of God

Things are now going to change for you….life is going to start getting better….you’re now on your way to a new beginning….tell me, what do you want out of life?....what are your deepest dreams that you want to see come true?.....what is very important to you?.....what do you value the most?

Life isn’t just a straight line….it’s got curves, bends, ups and downs….you’ve had a lot of down-time for too long now…’s now time for you to rise up….you know all the beauty that once was in your heart….it can still be found if you search deep within….you know what’s true and you know your feelings…the dreams and wishes you have that you want to see come true….but how is this all going to happen for you? do you make a lemon into a lemonade? do you find the way to a more richer fulfillment?


Please don’t look to man for the answers….you will be disappointed….please don’t try to find the solution all by yourself….our ways are so limited and we are very fragile and weak….but there is a God who is here with almighty power, and all the know-how in the world, together with all the ability, divine intervention and strength to change each and everything in your life all for the better.

If God could make water come out of a rock for Moses….then it’s easy for God to make a miracle in your life all in an instant. If God could create a man out of just dust….then surely God can bring about exciting wonderful changes in your life.

You are a child of God

What do you have to do to see your miracle take place? What should you do to start a new life?….to make things better?…. to bring blessings, gifts and wonders come your way? All you’ve got to do is ask God?....but maybe you already have done this and nothing has happened….why did your requests not come to pass?....did you ask God for greed or for need?

The wisdom of Solomon

Let’s look at King Solomon… what did he ask God for?.....he didn’t ask for things of this world like a mansion, palace or castle filled with lots of gold and treasure …..all Solomon asked God for was for wisdom …..but God looked at his heart and saw that his heart was pure….God gave him knowledge and wisdom together with understanding ….because Solomon didn’t look for self-gain and did not ask for worldly greed but Solomon asked for spiritual blessings and needs….God was so moved by Solomon’s request that God gave him wisdom plus on top of that, God enriched his life with treasure in such great abundance!

The Greatest Power in the World

When you come to God you are coming to a King….not just any King….but the King of the Universe, Creator of everything. Yes, God is your Father and you are His beloved child, but God is holy, upright and pure…God is so beautiful ….our minds just cannot conceive, think or imagine how magnificent, how glorious, how amazing and how brilliant is our God….there are no words which we know that can describe God’s loveliness, His awesomeness, His splendor!

Before you look at your needs and all the things that you want from God…..let’s look at what God wants from us.

What is God looking for? What pleases God?....God wants recognition…God wants acceptance….God wants our appreciation….God wants our love….God wants a relationship with us....God wants us to get to know Him….but How?

By reading and studying God’s Word we find out what God likes…. Tell God you love Him…let God know that there is nothing in your life more vital, more necessary or more important than Him!

Even the little things

Don’t take God for granted…thank God for even the little things….did you ever say thank you to God for water?....where would we be without water? …..thank God for the streams, rivers, waterfalls, the oceans, the springs and the rain ….how about saying thank you to God for sand?....that’s right, I’m being serious, without the soil, the earth….without the ground ….we won’t have food….there would not be vegetables or fruit ….nor flowers, nor trees and grass!

Don’t come to God every day with the same boring prayer!....get yourself a book and write down the things that you need to say ‘thank you’ to God for….you’ve got to move God’s heart….you’ve got to touch God by showing Him that you are grateful for even the tiny little things in your life.

Thank God for the gift of air….for the breath of life….thank God that He has given mankind the ability to think and create inventions to make our lives easier and more enjoyable…inventions like the fridge, the computer, electricity. God just doesn't want lip must truly believe and feel it in your heart for what you are thanking Him for.

Don’t be lazy and just say ‘thank you God for everything’…..No! You must be specific! must tell God which blessings, gifts or miracles you are grateful for.

Why is it so important to say thank you to God?

Imagine that you are a child and on Monday you come to your father and ask him for money for clothing….without hesitation, he gives this to you….then on Tuesday, you come again and ask for more money to go out and have a good time with your friends….and again he lovingly gives this to you….and a few days later, you ask your father again for something that you want….How does your father feel? ….every time you ask for something, but he never hears you say ‘thank you’….your father begins to feel that you are always demanding more and more without showing appreciation.

It’s the same with God…He is our Father and we are His children….God is not a shopping mall or a money bank….you can’t just come to Him and expect Him to give you what you want without ever thanking Him for all the many, exceptional and wonderful gifts and blessings He has already given you….Thank you God that I can walk, stand, sit….thank you God for sleep, for rest, for peace…Thank you God for the beautiful gift of colours….for the stars….for the seasons….for the gift of music…for all the different types and varieties of flowers….for herbs and vitamins….Thank you Father God for Jesus….

Every day, take time to thank God for different specific gifts and blessings in your life …..for things that you have never thanked Him for before.

Start a ‘I’m grateful for list'…. Look at all the amazing wonders of nature….marvel at the miracle of your brain….the precious gift of your eyes….your living skin.

Your life will have a deep inner fulfillment and take on a new meaning….you will realize that God is truly good and God wants to bless you more and more….and when you show God that you do not take Him for granted and all that He has already given you….all that He has already done….like all the times He has protected you….and for all the days He has loved you ….for His patience…for His forgiveness and grace….

When you show God that you are grateful even for the small things in your life….when your heart is filled with appreciation and praise, you will always be rewarded with mighty miracles.

You have the power of choice and the gift of prayer to change the circumstances and situations in your life….when God looks at your heart, will He see gratitude?


To have a deep hunger for God
and love Him as much as we can
To delight ourselvesin the study of His Word
To put Jesus first in our lives
and worship God with praise and joy
To humble ourselves before His throne
and give to God
the highest honor,respect and glory

Make God your treasure


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